15+ Free Permission Letter Template – Sample & Example
Permission letter is usually either written by school authorities to inform parents or authorized guardians about a particular event or written by parents to an authorized person of the school so that they could secure their permission well in advance. They are written to be brief, crisp and to-the-point especially when you are seeking permission for traveling purposes or outdoor events.
These letters are a way of informing them prior to a particular plan so that they do not face any inconvenience due to our plans or activity. The letters for permission need to be formal in tone and unnecessary details and explanations need to be avoided at all costs.
Permission Letter Sample with Example
Writing a letter for permission is not tough if you follow a couple of rules and guidelines. Since it is a formal letter, you will have to mention the address of both sender and receiver. However, if you are writing to someone you know very well or to someone who is from your own company, then mentioning the sender’s address is not mandatory.
Here are some tips that you can follow while writing a letter:
- Ensure that the language is formal
- Avoid silly spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
- Mention the reason or subject or the letter clearly before the main body of the letter
- Provide your mobile number and other contact details
This is a letter of permission that is used by parents or authorized guardians to give permission for their child who wishes to travel with the friend. In this letter, the parents have to specify the name of their child along with other details such as travel destination, the reason for travel, name, and details of the friend, etc.
If the child is traveling internationally, then the parents also need to provide the passport details. The child must have a copy of this letter while traveling as well.
Permission Letter for a Child to Travel with a Friend
Hyatt Kramer
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
(659) 551-3389
Howard Hayden
P.O. Box 847 8019 Facilisis Street
Joliet SC 73490
Subject: Permission for travel
Dear Howard Hayden,
I'm writing this letter to notify you that my son Ryan Richards has my permission to travel with his friend Gerry Patricks. They will be traveling from Washington D.C to Chicago on 28th May 2019 to visit a science museum in Chicago.
I would like to tell you that he has been part of various such trips in the past as well and will not breach any disciplinary rules during this trip.
If you have any confusion or queries regarding this please feel free to contact me on the mentioned number or e-mail id I have provided in this letter. I have also provided alternative numbers in case of a medical emergency.
Please take this as my approval and grant permission to him for this trip.
Yours sincerely,
Hyatt Kramer
Parental consent letter for permission also known as parental consent letter is a letter written by an authorized person for seeking permission from parents to involve or include their child in any activity or event. This letter must include complete details of the event and the writer or authorized person should take complete responsibility of the child during the event or activity.
Let us see a sample letter when a class teacher seeks permission from a parent to allow their child to participate in a charity event organized by the school.
Parental Consent Letter of Permission Sample
Dahlia Lee
1293 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 76865
(882) 399-5084
Jeanette Sharpe
Ap #364-2006 Ipsum Avenue
Wilmington Ohio 91750
Subject: Permission to participate in a charity event
Dear Jeanette Sharpe,
Our school is organizing a charity event in which the students of Class IX and X will visit an orphanage on 27th May 2019. We are going to provide them with books and other study materials and all the expenses (including traveling) will be arranged by the school management and trustees.
We will also be arranging a small competition where the aforementioned classes will participate in a cookery competition and all the dishes will be served to the orphan kids as lunch.
Please be informed that all the teachers and other staff members will be present during this entire program and will take complete responsibility and care of the students. I hereby request you to grant us permission to include your child in this program as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Dahlia Lee
This letter is issued from parents or a legal guardian to an authorized person or teacher to allow grandparents of the child to take him/her to a doctor for treatment of any disease or injury. All the details need to be specified in this case especially when it comes to medical reports. The writer of this letter can also specify if the permission is for a specific period or till the next notice issued by the legal guardian (parent) to revoke this permission.
Letter of Permission for Grandparents to Take a Child to a Doctor
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
(725) 342-0650
Kim Fletcher
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
Subject: Letter For Permission
Dear Principal/Authorized person,
I, Rigel Koch, am the parent of Emily Richards who is studying in Class VIII of your school. She is undergoing treatment for sinus since her early childhood and requires regular medical attention and treatment for the same. I'm writing this letter to authorize her grandparents (mention name and address) to take her for treatment purposes until the end of this year.
We are unable to attend her medical needs due to our work commitments. Therefore, we are granting this responsibility to her grandparents and we expect complete co-operation from your end as well.
We have attached her medical details with this letter and you can contact us on the contact numbers provided in the letter in case of any medical emergency.
Yours sincerely,
Rigel Koch
Medical letter of permission is issued by parents to an authority, teacher or any other responsible person or group. This letter grants them permission to attend the child’s medical needs and provide him/her with treatment if necessary. Here’s a sample of the medical permission letter
Medical Letter of Permission Sample
Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
(716) 977-5775
Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
Subject: Permission for Medical
Dear Nehru Holmes,
I have filled the medical form that you had asked my child (Child name and details) to fill before attending the summer camp organized by your school this year. However, I feel the need to write this letter to give some additional details about my child to you.
(Child Name) is allergic to dust and heat. Therefore, I would request you to monitor him/her at all times especially in the case of outdoor activities and sports. I have attached all the medical reports and history of my child for your perusal.
I also grant you the medical permission to provide medical aid or treatment whenever it is required. Also, you can contact on the numbers provided by me in this letter.
Yours sincerely,
(Your SIgnature)
Hiram Mullins
This letter is written by parents to allow a child (minor) to travel with a person or relative who is not an authorized guardian. This letter must also explain the place of travel, the reason for travel and passport details for international trips. Here’s a sample of this letter
Permission to Travel Letter Example
Merritt Watson
P.O. Box 686 7014 Amet Street
Corona Oklahoma 55246
(622) 594-1662
Driscoll Leach
P.O. Box 120 2410 Odio Avenue
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
Subject: Permission for Travel
Dear Driscoll Leach,
I am Merritt Watson (relation of the parent with the child) of (name of the child). I have written this letter to convey my permission to him/her to travel with (name of the person) on (date). (Explain the details and purpose of travel here).
I have attached the passport details, medical reports and other details for your perusal. You can contact me on the contact numbers provided in this letter in an emergency or if you have any other queries regarding this trip.
Yours sincerely,
(Your SIgnature)
Merritt Watson
Permission for Copyright is written to ask for a permission of the owner of an audio, video, text or any other material to use or reproduce a part of his content for a specific purpose or project. A person can use this material only when he/she gets permission for the same or else a copyright infringement case can be filed from the owner of that material.
You must take several things into consideration while writing this letter like you must show respect towards the owner of the content and write in a polite tone. Also, you must mention the details of the material for which you require the copyright.
Copyright Permission Letter Sample
Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679
(932) 726-8645
Katelyn Cooper
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
Subject: Seeking copyright permission
Dear Katelyn Cooper,
I have read your book titled ‘Tools every digital marketer requires in 2019’ and consider it to be a true masterpiece.
I own a blog named ‘Easy money making techniques using Marketing’. I would like to use a brief section of your book (pages 16 and 17) where you have discussed businesses that can be driven online with digital marketing in one of my thesis. I will cite the source of information correctly and due credit will be given to the author as well.
I feel hopeful that you would allow me to use this content in my thesis.
Thanks Again!
Lacy Eaton
This letter is issued from parents to school or any authorized person to allow their child to participate in any event or trip. This might also include permission from parents for an elocution competition, fancy dress or dance competition and much more. Here’s a sample of these types of letters:
Permission Letter From Parents Sample
Lee Preston
981 Eget Rd.
Clemson GA 04645
(221) 156-5026
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
Dear Craig Williams,
I, Lee Preston, am the father of Evan Presley who is studying in Class V of your reputed school. I have heard that you have considered my child for an interschool dance competition that will be held in the school premises on 29th May 2019.
I'm very pleased to hear this and grant my permission for the same. I'm hopeful that the event will turn out to be a grand spectacle and I'm looking forward to seeing my son perform before a huge audience.
Thanks for this opportunity!
Yours sincerely,
Lee Preston
This letter authorizes the grandparents of a child to take a child on a trip or tour. Here’s a sample of this letter:
Permission Letter for the Child to Travel with Grandparents
Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520
(693) 337-2849
Zephaniah Sanders
3714 Nascetur St.
Hawthorne Louisiana 10626
Dear Zephaniah Sanders,
I, Calista Merritt, am the mother of Steve Simpson who is studying in class IV of St. Mary's school. I'm granting permission to the grandparents of Steve, Mr. Grey Simpson, and Ms. Lary Simpson to take him on a Europe trip from 9th May 2019 to 7th June 2019.
I have attached the birth certificate, passport and other details of Steve in this letter. This should be considered to my permission for this trip and you can call one on any of my contact numbers for any queries or other details.
Calista Merritt
This letter is considered to be a letter of permission for an individual to act on the behalf of his parents, children, friends or relatives for any particular work or requirement. The individual has to show a copy of this letter to the authorized person to get the work done.
Here’s a sample of this letter:
Letter giving permission to Act on My behalf
Seth Farley
6216 Denman Avenue
Seattle Utah 81202
(888) 106-8550
Judith Floyd
361-7936 Feugiat St.
Williston Nevada 58521
Subject: Permission to act on my behalf
Dear Judith Floyd,
I, Seth Farley, assign the permission to my brother Ron Brighton to handle my account 1345789 from 12th May 2018 to 30th May 2018. I have attached my identity proof that confirms my relation with Ron Brighton and also a bank statement reflecting my account details for the last three months.
I hope that you will assist me in this matter.
Yours Sincerely,
Seth Farley
It is usually written by a school to a legal guardian or parent of a child asking his/her permission for a field trip. This letter ensures the parents that the trip is completely safe for the child and therefore has to be written in a responsible way.
Here’s a sample of this letter:
Field Trip Permission Letter Sample
Willow Hunt
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522
(492) 467-3131
Daniel Bernard
P.O. Box 567 1561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN
Subject: Request to grant permission for a field trip
Dear Daniel Bernard,
Our school has organized an educational field trip for the students of Class V and VI on the 18th of June 2018. This trip will be to the Climate department of the city where the students will get to see how different weather parameters and climate changes are recorded with the help of instruments.
We hereby request you to grant permission to take your child for the same. It will be completely safe and all the safety measurements will be ensured by our staff members.
(Your SIgnature)
Willow Hunt
We generally do require a couple of references on our CVs when we apply for a job. This letter is to seek permission from those people who think of you as a deserving candidate and approve your character as well.
Here’s a sample of this letter:
Sample Letter Requesting Permission to use a Reference
Chaney Bennett
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
(187) 582-9707
Anne Beasley
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794
Dear Anne Beasley,
I hope you are doing fine. I would like to inform you that I have relocated to New York this month and have been searching for a new job.
I request you to grant me permission for using you as a reference. I would notify you when expecting a call and ensure that your name and designation will be not used for any wrongdoings.
I hope that you grant this permission and also expect a few suggestions and references from your end as well.
Thanks & Regards,
(Your Signature)
Chaney Bennett
Request for permission is a business letter that can be used for applying for a leave, transfer, or any other official purposes. It has to follow a formal tone and the language should be polite.
Here’s a sample of such letters:
Sample Letter of Request for Permission
Griffith Daniels
6818 Eget St.
Tacoma AL 92508
(425) 288-2332
Madeline Gregory
977-4841 Ut Ave
Walla Walla Michigan 82776
Subject: Leave permission
Dear Madeline Gregory,
I'm working as a PHP developer in your reputed organization from the last seventeen months. My cousin brother is seriously ill and has been admitted to the Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital for the last couple of days.
I request you to grant me leave on 9th April 2019 as he will be operated for his tumor on this same day. Being a responsible member of the family and an elder brother, I would like to be with him on that particular day.
I hope that you consider my situation and grant a leave.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Griffith Daniels
A parental consent permission includes the consent of a parent for any trip, tour or event which includes his/her child. It might also include the trips where the child intends to travel alone.
Here’s an example of this letter:
Parental Consent Permission Letter
Xyla Cash
969-1762 Tincidunt Rd.
Boise CT 35282
(121) 347-0086
David Mathews
1011 Malesuada Road
Moscow Kentucky 77382
Subject: Permission to travel alone
Dear David Mathews,
I, Xyla Cash, am the father of Raj Cash who is a student of Class X. He is willing to travel to Boise alone to meet his grandparents for summer vacations. He is a responsible boy and has traveled alone on a couple of occasions previously as well.
I assure you of his character and disciple and that he will not be a cause of concern to anyone during this trip. You should consider this as my permission to him for traveling on his own to Boise on 15th March 2019.
(Your SIgnature)
Xyla Cash
This letter is also written for obtaining parental consent for medical treatment and grants permission to a school, institution or any other organization to issue medical treatment in case of requirement or emergency.
Letter to Give Permission for Medical Treatment
NJ sports center,
19th February 2019
Mehul Choube,
Subject: Medical treatment permission
Dear Sir,
We have organized a friendly cricket match that will include different schools in Orissa. The matches will be held on 5th, 6th and 7th of March 2019 and we have selected your son Master Rehan Choubey in the playing eleven of our own team.
We would like to inform you that your son has improved his game considerably since he joined our sports academy last month and therefore we have decided to play him in the scheduled matches. All the safety requirements will be taken care of and therefore we also seek your permission for medical treatment whenever required during or after a match.
We hope that you understand this and you can contact us anytime to discuss this matter.
Yours Sincerely,
Rakesh Roy (Chairman ND sports academy)
This type of letter is usually written to seek permission to hunt in a private property. You might also need to request a formal meeting for the same depending upon whether you know that individual in person or not.
Permission to Hunt Letter Sample
Rachel Ramon,
Carribean Range,
West Indies
2nd March 2019
Viv Roston,
Carribean Range,
West Indies
Subject: Request for hunting permission
Dear Viv Roston,
I hope that you are aware of my reputation as a hunter. I have been an avid hunter since my college days and I wish to use your land for hunting on 8th March 2019. I ensure that I will take care of all the rules that are necessary for hunting in a private property.
I also want you to notify me of a comfortable date and time where we can discuss this in person.
I hope for a positive response from your end. Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Rachel Ramon,
Permission Letter for Tour Sample
Rachel Ramon,
Carribean Range,
West Indies
2nd March 2019
Viv Roston,
Carribean Range,
West Indies
Dear Viv Roston,
Our school has organized a study tour for the students of Class VII and Class VIII. The tour will be held at the windmills located in the nearby Chamundi hills.
We will take complete care of the safety and requirements of the students during this tour. Therefore, we request you to grant permission to take your child for the study tour.
Rachel Ramon,
This letter is generally used by schools to seek the permission of the parents to take a child for an event. Here’s a sample,
Sample Permission Letter for Event
Bertha Riggs
P.O. Box 206 6639 In St.
Easthampton TN 31626
(791) 239-9057
Imani Talley
P.O. Box 262 4978 Sit St.
Yigo Massachusetts 50654
Dear Imani Talley,
Our school is participating in a social event organized by ‘Jeevan Mantra’, an NGO that works for the development of rural parts of India. This event called ‘Raksha Pani’ will be focussed towards methods of rainwater harvesting and will include small plays acted out by students.
Your child has been selected to be a part of this project and we assure complete safety of the students who come along with us for both participating and cheering. For any further queries, you can reach out to us on the contact numbers provided in the letter.
We are hoping for a positive response from your end!
(Your Signature)
Bertha Riggs
This letter is used to seek permission from parents in order to take out students for tours and trips. Here’s a sample:
You can use this letter while applying for leave on behalf of a child.
Permission Letter Sample for Leave
Hedley Ingram
737-2580 At Street
Independence Texas 87535
(993) 554-0563
Raymond Levy
Ap #643-7006 Risus St.
Beaumont New Mexico 73585
Subject: Permission for a leave
Dear Raymond Levy,
I, Hedley Ingram, am the mother of Naveena Godse who is studying in Class VII of your reputed school. Her grandmother who lived in Pune expired last night and therefore we have to take her to the funeral today.
This sad demise was unexpected for every one of us and therefore we couldn't notify you in advance. I hope you understand this situation and grant leave from 12th May 2018 to 14th May 2018 to Naveena.
Yours sincerely,
Hedley Ingram
This letter is a must if a friend or a group wants to take a minor child out of the country with them. It is better to follow a template in such a case as many clauses have to be included which you can forget while writing a typical formal letter.
Taking a Child Out of Country Permission Letter
Sonya Jordan
Ap #443-336 Ullamcorper. Street
Visalia VA 54886
(850) 676-5117
Castor Richardson
P.O. Box 902 3472 Ullamcorper Street
Lynchburg DC 29738
Dear Castor Richardson
I, Sonya Jordan, father of Ms. Rose Mary Jordan have permitted her to travel with her musical band ‘Groovy Beats’ to Paris from 12th May 2018 to 18th May 2018. She is just 12 years old but there are several adults in the group like Ms. Kristy Chairs and Mr. Roger Warner who will take care of her requirements and safety.
This should be considered as permission from my end wherever it may be required.
Your Sincerely,
(Your SIgnature)
Sonya Jordan
Many-a-times it happens that an employee cannot work in his/her office premises due to health or any other issue. In such cases, an employee can request his/her employer to grant their request to work from home.
Letter Requesting Permission to Work from Home
Chester Bennett
3476 Aliquet. Ave
Minot AZ 95302
(837) 196-3274
Wallace Ross
313 Pellentesque Ave
Villa Park Hawaii 43526
Subject: Permission to work from home
Dear Wallace Ross,
I, Chester Bennett have been working as a product engineer with your company since the last 2 years. My wife Ms. Patie Thomas is critically ill from the last few days and doctors have prescribed her complete rest along with the medications.
Therefore, I request you to grant me permission to work from home this week from 3rd March 2019 to 7th March 2019. I will resume my office duties from Monday. I have also attached her medical reports for your perusal.
Awaiting your positive response!
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Chester Bennett
This letter can be written to obtain music rights or to use a part of the music in a project or song.
Sample Letter for Music Copyright Permission
Malcolm Long
9291 Proin Road
Lake Charles Maine 11292
(176) 805-4108
Harrison Mcguire
574-8633 Arcu Street
San Fernando ID 77373
Subject: Request for the copyright of music
Dear Harrison Mcguire,
I have always been an admirer of your music and it has also inspired me to compose a number of songs. I wish to use your introductory music piece of the song ‘Smiling Night’ of your album ‘Tried’.
We will give you due credit for this and I would also like to know about a comfortable date and timing on which we can discuss the details and take it forward.
Hoping for a positive response from your end!
(Your SIgnature)
Malcolm Long
This letter is to be written to your landlord if you wish to seek his/her permission to keep a pet.
Sample Landlord Pet Permission Letter
Edward Nieves
928-3313 Vel Av.
Idaho Falls Rhode Island 37232
(802) 668-8240
Margaret Joseph
P.O. Box 508 3919 Gravida St.
Tamuning Washington 55797
Subject: Permission to keep a pet
Dear Margaret Joseph,
I have been fond of dogs since my childhood and also have a couple of majestic pets in the house of my parents. I was thinking of bringing one of them, a cute Palmolein dog named Chirpy here in my room.
I assure you that the dog is jovial and does not cause a scene. Also, I would take complete care of its personal hygiene and would keep his resting space clean at all times. Therefore, I wish you would grant me permission for the same.
Yours sincerely,
Edward Nieves
This letter can be used to grant permission to use a logo for a particular event or project.
Letter Granting Permission to Use a Logo
Nevada Ware
P.O. Box 597 4156 Tincidunt Ave
Green Bay Indiana 19759
(985) 834-8285
Christian Emerson
P.O. Box 886 4118 Arch St.
Rolling Hills Georgia 92358
Subject – Permission to use a logo
Dear Christian Emerson,
IBM is happy to convey that we are allowing you to use our logo for your sponsorship program. The terms and conditions have been enclosed in this letter in your perusal. We hope that you adhere to them at all times.
We are looking forward to a fruitful association with you.
Accepted & Agreed
Your Sincerely
Nevada Ware
This letter is required whenever a child is traveling with only one parent especially when it comes to international trips and tours.
Permission Letter of for a Child to Travel with one Parent
Whomsoever it may concern,
I, Roger Rodicks, am the father of Shane Roddick's who is currently studying in New Year Chrisleys School located in New York. I’m granting permission to this child to travel with his mother Ema Roddick's from 2nd February 2019 to 9th February 2019 to New Zealand.
I have attached the documents such as birth certificate, passport, address proof, etc. of both Shane and his mother along with this letter. Please contact me on the provided contact numbers for any further inquiry or in case of an emergency.
Yours sincerely,
Permission Letter Template in PDF and Word (doc.) Format
Permission Letter Template in PDF Format
Permission Letter Template in Word [Doc.] Format
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.