11+ Free Farewell Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
A farewell letter is written when someone is leaving his current working place for whatever reason he/she might have. Maybe he is retiring from his current job or, switching for a better opportunity or going for higher studies. This is a nice idea of writing a heartfelt brief letter to people in the workplace so that they can be aware of the reason for his absence further in the organization.
Sometimes it happens like people already tell their colleagues or bosses about his discontinuation in the company, but to ensure that everyone in the surrounding who may want to keep in touch is well informed about their colleague’s whereabouts. A letter or an email will be a very good medium to take care of a matter like this. Also as the person who is leaving the company will no more be available in his general contact details like his company authorized email id or the desk phone he had been using, the letter will be a form of a record of his future contact information.
Whom to Write the Farewell Letter
It depends on each individual that whom he or she may consider as the recipient of the letter or the good by e-mail. Normally if the person is working in a moderately small organization where colleagues are known to each other or they share cordial relationships within the office, he may include everyone from the office. If the organization is something bigger and ex-colleagues, he or she can choose his coworkers and managers with whom he was currently working or has worked in the past. He may include employees whom he may have considered his mentor or friends from his workplace. Bosses and ex-bosses also can be included.
Format of Letter of Farewell
The basic format of this letter should be simple and close to the writer’s heart. It should be filled with positivity and honesty. If the letter is meant to be addressed to the boss or senior people in the management, a certain formality should be maintained when writing the letter. Moreover, one needs to be thankful for the opportunities one has been proven by the company and he should express his gratitude towards his employers. Specifically, a mentor or a manager be mentioned if he or she has left a good reason in the employee’s success story. An example of an event that is close to the writer’s experience also can be shared. That way, he can add more personalized essence to his letter.
It’s always nice and advisable that the letter should end in a happy and cordial note.
A sample letter will contain the below keywords or rather key-details:
The letter may have a format like below:
“Hi (employee name or team name)
1st paragraph: This segment will start as “I will take this opportunity to let you know..” and let the colleagues know about the employee’s leaving his current job.
2nd paragraph: In this space employee should express his overall experience in the company and relationship with his colleagues.
3rd paragraph: This should be considered as the final part of the letter. Generally, a formal but heartfelt thank you note is included along with the contact details. So that his coworkers have the knowledge to reach him when he is out of the organization.
How to write a Farewell Letter
The segments that are must have in this letter :
- This letter should always start with a positive note. It should be mentioned how comfortable and employee-friendly the employee had felt in his workplace and he had been fortunate to get to work with awesome people. A goodbye note should never workplace bitterness.
- Be Thankful: There should be a special mention about the mentors and managers, who have helped the employee to grow in the workplace. Also, mention some colleagues who have been supportive of the employee.
- Let them know about the future venture: Although most of the employees who leave their workplace don’t feel very comfortable to share the details of their future venture, there should be some mention about it. If it is a higher study, some details of the subject or the degree should be highlighted. If it is some new company or a new role, even though the company name is not mentioned, but some details about the role will be of no harm.
- Contact Details: This is very important. As the employee will not be available once he is out of his current workplace, it is always advised that the letter should hold the employee’s future contact information. Do that, if needed, his ex-colleagues can contact him without much hassle.
Farewell Letter Sample with Example
Here is an example of a letter that can be referred to when writing down a touching letter.
This letter to friends can be informal and rather it should be heartfelt and touchy. The letter will contain the experiences of precious moments spent with friends and how they will be missed once the writer is away. It will be an emotional message conveyed as a gesture of bond.
Below is an example of this letter that can be considered :
Sample Farewell Letter to Friends
Hi Matt
Before I leave this office I thought of writing something to you, as I am not very good in expressing my feeling when we are face to face.
We are working together for two years in the same team and the relationship has walked a long way from mere colleagues to friends. You have been really supportive all these days and never thought of developing any rivalry, which is very common in the corporate orate industry. There were times when you have shared extra load just to help me, and for that, I can’t thank you enough. You have been a great companion at office parties and a very understanding mate when I was low due to my personal issues.
You are one of the reasons I enjoyed working with the team. Without you, it would have been very difficult.
Thank you for everything and for every extra step, you took for me. I will never be enough grateful.
I am sure we will keep in touch. And the distance will not be an issue to reach you. Please contact me on flames.freel@gmail.com until I get my new contact number in the new city.
Contact Number
When writing a letter to colleagues, it should be kept in mind that it will be formal in a nice way. It will neither be a formal business mail nor as casual as a mail to a friend. Below letter can be lettered as a colleague letter of Farewell.
Sample Farewell Letter to Colleagues
Hi IPB Team,
I am writing this letter as a goodbye note to all of you as you might are aware that today is my last working day in this project. I have spent a good amount of time here and like everything changes with time, my role in this project has come to an end. I express my gratitude to all my teammates and my manager, Mr Frank Jacob , for standing and helping me all through. IPB had been one of the critical projects I have been part of in the past, but it went pretty well because of all of you.
I had a great time here and I would like to warmly thank all of you for your cooperation and support. Although I will no longer be available in this branch office, I will try to keep in touch will all of you. Please contact me on Matthew.Pang@gmail .com and always feel free to reach me. My new address and contact number is given below.
Matthew Pang
Contact Number
This letter to the boss should be formal and reflect respect in all the way. It should leave the impression that the employee is grateful and thankful to his boss. Below letter is an example of letter to boss or manager:
Farewell Letter to Boss
Hello Matt,
I take this opportunity to personally let you know that today is my last working day. Although we already had talked and agreed on it, I thought of writing you an email to express my thoughts.
First of all, I would like to thank you for all the patience you showed during my knowledge transition and addressed each query in detail. So you were not just a boss, but for me, you had been a great mentor. These two years in this project was full of ups and downs and we have handled many tough times together. In between all the critical issues, my learning has increased a lot and turned me into a more confident person.
I would give you all the credit for that.
You have been one of my favorite managers I have worked with in the past.
As I will not be available in my current contact number and email id, please keep in touch through jagveer.sumra@gmail.com.
Thank you for all the help.
Jagveer Sumra
An employee can write a letter to his immediate customer or client who he has been working with. This actually enhances the relationship between the company and the client. It is a good gesture when someone is leaving the company and will be easier for the client as well to reach out to the person who will be replacing the current employee. The mail will be brief and formal.
Sample Farewell Letter to Clients/Customers
Hi Mark,
As communicated earlier, today is my last working day in RBC Digital. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for having me here. You have always been an understanding and cooperating client who has encouraged me in my work. I am extremely thankful for these days we worked together and really appreciate you for your attitude.
As I won’t be available at the service from tomorrow, Jake Mcgraw will be assisting you in the applications. For any further escalation or information, you may contact the manager Matt Davis. In case you need any further details or you feel any gap in transition, you are always welcome to reach me on my personal contact number and email id Satyam.Gupta@gmail.com.
Hope we will get the opportunity to work together in the future.
Satyam Gupta
Senior Software Engineer
RBC Digital
It can happen often that the manager or the boss is resigning or taking retirement from his current workplace and writing a letter to his employee. This should be a formal letter and descriptive as well, as the manager is leaving his responsibility to his employees, for the time being. There should be appreciation and encouragement also, and of course, he should be thankful for his employee’s services and support.
Sample Farewell Letter to Employee
Hi CACIB Team,
As you all are aware that after serving for eight years in this company, tthe time has come to be relieved from my responsibility. Today is the last day for me as the manager of this project. On the verge of my retirement, I would like to thank all of you for making a very successful team altogether. You guys have been doing a great job in delivering each product of time and our client has been extremely happy will our team. I have been to a number of teams and lead some of them too, among them I take pride to tell you that you guys were the best team I have worked with. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavors and I am sure you all will do well.
Thanks to all for your services and support.
Please feel free to mail me on my personal email id: saThanksy@gmail.com.
Sam Ferry
When a teacher is leaving the school he had been teaching in, that is a very emotional moment. No other relationship can match a relationship between a teacher and the students. So this kind of letter is always precious for both of them.
Sample Farewell Letter to Students from Teacher
Dear All of my beloved students,
As I am serving you people as a teacher for the last time today, this is a very emotional moment for me. With you all, I couldn’t realize when the time had come to say goodbye to all you.
You people will always remain special in my heart and I give you all my blessings. I wish you luck for everything in life and I am sure you guys will get success wherever you go in life.
Thank you for accepting me as your teacher as I always knew I was not flawless and still, you people encouraged me all through to improve and continue. If in future you need any kind of help, I am always there to guide you. You only need to dial my contact number.
May you all be happy and prosperous in life.
Thank you.
Thomas Duf
As a teacher, a student also can write a letter to his or her favorite teacher on his/her farewell. Below is an example of a letter from a student to a teacher.
Sample Farewell Letter to Teacher
Dear Sir,
This fills my heart with a variety of feelings to write my letter to you. You have been my favorite teacher right from the beginning when you came to our school and started teaching us English Literature. You always considered us more as your companion and taught us with the small experiences in life. Unlike other teachers who generally believe in the textbook for tutoring. thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there and helping me in all my queries. Your guidance will be always remembered all my life.
Although I will be enrolling to a new school, I will try to keep in touch. I wish you a happy and healthy life.
Thank you.
Alok Vyas
Class IX
A letter of farewell to the company one is going to leave should be always formal but informative. There should be a proper transition if the employee is leaving a particular role
Sample Farewell Letter to the Company
To whom this may concern
Please consider this letter as a goodbye letter as today is my last working day. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with this company. I got to learn so many things and the learning has helped me in my career growth tremendously.
I am thankful to all my managers for their continuous support and my teammates who had always been my side in every difficulty.
I had a great time with this company. And now that I am bidding adieu, I ask everyone to keep in touch.
My email id is Zara.Clarke@gmail.com
Wish you all the best.
Thank you.
A letter to boss who is leaving the project or a company, it is common that employees write a letter on his farewell to show gratitude. The letter will be simple, thankful and respectful.
Below is an example that can be referred as:
Sample Farewell Letter to Boss who is Leaving
Hello Mr. Dass,
This is quite a sad and emotional moment for all of us that you will be no longer leading us as a project leader. Besides we are happy for your prosperity in your career , we will be missing your guidance in each step. You have been a great mentor and a great career, who took the team’s responsibility always no matter what.
We will be always grateful and thankful to you. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
Thank you.
A letter to the employer will be quite similar to the letter to a company. This also will be descriptive and informative
Sample Farewell Letter to the Employer
Hi Arvind,
This is to state that today I am serving my last day in this company. It was a great pleasure working with you and I will always cherish every moment I had in this office. This was the first office of my career, hence this is quite close to my heart. I thank to you for the opportunity and considered me worthy of the role. Hope I could do proper justice to the responsibility you gave me, if there was any mistake from my side, I express my apologies.
It was great working with you and will hope to get to work together in the future.
I wish all the very best to the company.
Prasasti Bajaj
Sometimes the manager of the project or the company expresses his or her gratitude to the employee who is leaving the company. The letter should be positive and well-wishing. This is advised to avoid any kind of bitterness
Sample Farewell Letter to Employee Who is Leaving
Hi Sophia,
Congratulations on your new endeavor and as a team we are very delighted and happy for you. But besides the fact that you are going to reach the new horizon, we will be missing you from the core of heart.
You have been a great team member in our project and always been a super supportive employee who took her responsibilities very seriously and also helped her coworkers solving their issues. I am sure you will be successful in every step of your life.
I wish you all the luck and success in life.
Sid Dass
Farewell Letter To Friend Template in PDF and Word (Doc.) Format
Farewell Letter Template in PDF Format
Farewell Letter Template in Word [Doc.] Format
Sample Letter of Farewell For Various Purpose
Letter of Farewell for several purposes with their sample & Examples is covered up in the separate article. You can Go through whichever is required at your end:
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.