Farewell Letter to Colleagues/Coworker- Format, Sample & Example
We missed you here. Glad to see you back with us. Are you looking for some guidance to write a farewell letter? Are you leaving your job, but want to write a nice goodbye letter to your colleagues? Well, you have just landed at the very right place. Because of many samples, tips and guidance we have waiting for you. Have a look.
Well, there are two chief motives to send a farewell letter or email to your colleagues or coworkers.
- Its decent manners: A group of people with whom you have worked for numerous months or years, this is quite obvious that you make connections and form close bonds too. As you move ahead in your career or personal life, these people who are your colleagues and bosses can really be an important part of your network and connection that can be helpful references for some purposes and may present you with new chances in the future.
A nicely written farewell email or letter presents you an opportunity to thank these fellow people who have been your colleagues and administrators for the time you stayed there and to share contacts so that you keep the touch intact. - It will help you in sharing information about your moving plan: The time you leave your job, your coworkers who regularly work have been with you in handling numerous responsibilities and projects might not be sure about who some important information and who they shall reach out instead. Also, if you were accountable for handling a system, process or some set of information, a ta-ta email or letter can help them out after your departure.
Here are provided some tips for you that will help while writing a farewell email:
- Make it look positive. The purpose of writing a farewell letter is to express gratitude towards the people you’ve been working and to put concerns to stay connected in the future too. Keep the letter well-lit and positive, avoiding negative feelings, be it for the company or a person.
- Choose the right time to send it (we suggest to send on your last working day). Be certain to send the mail a day or two before your departure to make sure that your colleagues or coworkers are left with enough time to reply and respond. Some people might question you about the sudden switch plan, or others might want to say goodbye in person or wanted to plan a party for you.
- You shall share alternate contact information.
- Keep it concise and nice.
It does not need to be a long one. Writing a short letter will also work but just remember to keep important information that people would like to know of.
A few more tips: Keep it small, be proficient, avoid any grammatical mistakes, be well-mannered and appreciative.
Farewell Letter to Colleagues Sample With Example
Emotional Farewell Letter to Colleague
Iris Watson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
(372) 587-2335
Cecilia Chapman
711-2880 Nulla St.
Mankato Mississippi 96522
(257) 563-7401
Subject: (******************)
Dear Cecilia Chapman,
Dear mates/ Dear fellow mates,
The purpose of writing this mail is actually to inform you all that I’m leaving my job from here. This is actually because my father is not really well back at home in Boston, USA and me being the responsible member of the family needs to be there with him. And that is why I am also moving away. I have now submitted my resignation from my position. Also, tomorrow is going to be my last employed day here. I just had to write it to you guys.
Life is going to change and I can sense it. But we shall accept them and think wisely, that is our real job. I must say that I really wish that I would find a similar atmosphere at my upcoming workplace too. This has been an exciting and challenging journey here. I’m thanking you all for all the memories. You guys are just so nice teammates too. Also, I’d like to apologize for my mistake that hurt you in some way.
I’m bidding goodbye with wishes to you all. Good luck. Take care.
Your Sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Iris Watson
Sample Heartfelt Farewell Letter to Colleague
Tamara Howe
3415 Lobortis. Avenue
Rocky Mount WA 48580
(655) 840-6139
Keegan Blair
Ap #761-2515 Egestas. Rd.
Manitowoc TN 07528
(577) 333-6244
Subject: (******************)
Dear Keegan Blair,
As you already know pretty much about me and my life, this has been a very tough time for me and my family. And now, finally, I have decided to leave my job here. I will be moving out and will find another one.
I had to write it to you because you have been my strongest asset while being here. I am so fortunate to meet a person like you and developed a lifelong friendship. I really had an amazing and fun time while being here. But because of circumstance, I am moving. We shall be in touch forever!
You are such a gentle person I know. Take care.
Also, tomorrow is going to be my last working day here. We should party!
Love & Regards.
(Your Signature)
Tamara Howe
Touching Farewell Letter to Colleague
Dear All,
I know you must be surprised by having a mail from me while at work. Well, as you already know that I have resigned and today is my last working day here at so & so.
Actually, this mail is more like a letter that I am writing to you to pay my respect and love for you. You are such a gentleman I know and your brilliance is just beyond my understanding. I still wonder how you solve all the problem people come to you with. You are a gem, you know. I hope that you will come to Europe and meet me. I really wish that you were also coming with me.
I am going to miss you, bro. The fun, deep conversations and memorable trips are going to be my support system now.
Let’s catch up sooner!
All the best wishes for you buddy. Take care
Love & regards.
(Your Signature)
Keaton Underwood
Sample Farewell Letters To Colleague
Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174
Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317
(689) 721-5145
Subject: (******************)
Dear Ivor Delgado,
Well, many of you would know the reason because of which I am writing this mail/ letter. As I have resigned last month, the coming week is going to be my last one. I have a lot planned up with people around me and also to hand over my job to the newly assigned person at my profile.
Why I am writing is actually because I am planning a dinner with you guys, just as a thank you to you all for being such nice mates. Life has been easier here because of you and time just flew away. Let’s meet up and plan a date for the dinner, may be this weekend.
Also, thank you all. I love you guys!
(Your Signature)
Pascale Patton
Farewell Email/letter To Coworker
From: abc@gmail.com
To: xyz@gmail.com
Subject: (*****************)
Dear associates and coworkers,
This mail is to inform you all that I’m going to take your leave and saying ciao. Those who don’t know yet, my spouse has been relocated to New York, the USA due to his internship at (write firm name) and that is why I am also moving away. Since I have already submitted my resignation from my profile last month, tomorrow will be the day here. I wanted to inform you all about it.
Definitely, the departures are very difficult. I loved my job here along with happy-faced people around me from the last 9 years. The experience, fun, and outings we all had along will stay with me forever.
I thank you all for being part of my unforgettable journey here. Also, I extend my heartfelt apology for mistakes that hurt you. They were never intended.
I wish you all a very happy and healthy life ahead.
Thanks and regards,
Sample Farewell Letter To Coworker
All Colleagues and Friends
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317
(689) 721-5145
Subject: (******************)
Dear All Friends and Colleagues,
It’s time to say goodbye. I am leaving this Sunday to the USA and joining ABC Company there. Well, you all already know. I am sending this letter to you guys because I have planned a small gathering at my place for you all just as a gesture to thank you all for whatever you have done me.
I will appreciate if you all can be a part of this gathering. I shall be very happy to see you all there.
I’m definitely going to miss you guys.
Love & Regards,
(Your Signature)
Pascale Patton
Funny Farewell Letter to Colleague
Jordan Calderon
430-985 Eleifend St.
Duluth Washington 92611
(427) 930-5255
Zorita Anderson
1964 Facilisis Avenue
Bell Gardens Texas 87065
(126) 940-2753
Subject: (******************)
Dear Zorita Anderson,
I know that you know that I will write something to you before leaving. Of course! Well, do not start getting any sentimental again. This is not to make you upset but to tell you that let’s catch up and plan a trip together.
People come and go in life but best people like us being best colleagues meet only once and stay together till last trip. Therefore, there is no need to be upset. We are going to meet at least twice every year.
By the way, you will be missed, buddy. I am going to miss our secret talk for the manager we have been working and about the plans we ruined. You are the best nut. Take care!
Lots of best wishes and happiness coming your way, grab them all.
Love & regards,
Jordan Calderon
We hope that you find these samples/ examples useful and of some help to you. We wish you lots of success and happiness in life. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you. Hope to see you again. Take Care. Till then, be happy!
Farewell Letter Template to Colleagues in PDF & Word
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.