Membership Cancellation Letter Template– Format Sample & Example
A membership cancellation letter is written with the sole intention of informing an institution, a service provider, or a vendor that the sender of the letter is not happy with the services, subscription or membership and would like to withdraw his or her name.
Membership Cancellation Letter Format
This letter should be written in a professional, polite, and diplomatic tone with no visible hints of frustration or anger. Here is a simple format for writing this letter –
{Name of the recipient}
{Contact Details}
Subject – Membership cancellation
Dear {Name of the Recipient},
First paragraph – It should read your name, subscription or membership number, your address, and postal code and that you want to cancel your membership. It should also state the reason behind why you want to cancel the membership. Make it brief, not elaborate.
In the next paragraph, you should ask the authority for confirmation of cancellation. In case, there is any cancellation fee or refund, make sure to include the same in the letter.
Best Wishes,
{Your name}
How To Write a Cancellation Letter for Membership?
{Name of the Recipient}
Dear Ms/Mr {Name of the Recipient},
I would like to request you to cancel my membership with you kindly. I am bound to cancel due to an unavoidable circumstance, and I might not be available to participate in any activity organized by the club in the future.
Membership to your club has been a nice experience so far in terms of relaxation and meeting new people. Besides, the facilities provided by you are also impeccable.
I hope you’ll continue to serve more and more people and make their life happy and prosperous.
Thanking you,
Your Name
Membership Cancellation Letter Sample with Example
Gym Membership Cancellation Letter Examples
Davis Patrick
546 Sociosqu Rd.
Bethlehem Utah 4533
(939) 343-4534
Joan Romero
45345 Lacinia Avenue
Idaho Falls Ohio 19253
Subject: (-------------------)
Dear Joan Romero,
My name is Davis Patrick, and please consider this letter as official notice for the cancellation of my membership with your gym. My membership number is XXX-0000-11111-0000.
According to the contract terms, the last date of my membership with you is on {the date}. And, as I am moving to another state, it won't be possible for me to continue with the same. So, I would like to request you to cancel my membership with you kindly. As far as the payment is concerned, it has been made in full. So, I don't think there won't be an issue with it.
It was an outstanding experience at the gym.
Looking forward to getting your confirmation receipt.
With Best Wishes,
Your Faithfully,
Davis Patrick
Club Membership Cancellation Letter
Keefe Sellers
666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Melvin Porter
599 Curabitur Rd.
Bandera South Dakota 54344
Subject: (-------------------)
Dear Ms/Mr {Name of the Recipient},
This is to inform you that, unfortunately, I would have to cancel my membership with your club. My membership account number with the club is – XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
I have no complaints regarding your club and the facilities. It is just because of the nature of my job. I have been transferred to a new location. And, therefore continuing the membership is not possible anymore. It was a nice experience with the club. I wish you luck and hope that you'll continue giving your best and enriching people's lives for the many years to come.
I would like you to please confirm the receipt of the letter and the cancellation. I have enclosed the cancellation fee with this letter.
I wish you all the best for all your future endeavors.
Thanking you,
Keefe Sellers
Church Membership Removal Letter
Hedy Greene
Ap. 279 Viverra. Avenue
Latrobe DE 5645
(608) 23465-5645
Aaron Hawkins
45555 Nunc. Avenue
Erie Rhode Island 24975
Subject: Membership removal letter
Dear Aaron Hawkins,
With due respect, I want to inform you that after you receive this letter, please remove my name from the list of members and consider me no longer the Part of the {Name of the Church}. Moreover, forthwith please remove my name from all the associated records too.
It was a nice experience to be able to associate with the Church for so long. I was blessed to have the opportunity to be part of the church.
Sincerely yours,
Hedy Greene
Membership Cancellation Letter Template in PDF & Word [Doc.]
Cancellation Letter Template for Membership in PDF Format
Cancellation Letter Template for Membership in Word [Doc.] Format
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Letter Team
The team behind understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.