15+ Free Sponsorship Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
Sponsorship Letter: There are some projects or educational courses that demand special funding options and sponsorship that can only be given by a professional or expert. They can be someone’s dream or program designed for the benefit of society, which means that they hold importance and thus needs adequate funding.
But, then comes the big question that from where and how to get the right to fund you? This is something that many people fail to achieve because of incomplete and inadequate knowledge. However, not many people know the best way of getting funding/sponsorship is to write a formal and well-researched letter.
Understanding a letter for sponsorship is important in order to write an effective one. There are many types of letters of sponsorship, but writing the one according to your needs and requirement is important. Knowing about the different ways of writing a letter and having samples and formats with you will help you in forming an impressive letter.
Sponsorship Letter Format
(Name of sender)
(Name of the receiver)
Dear ABC,
I, —— (mention name), would like to introduce myself, working ——- (mention your position), at —- (organization/institution name) has been associated with —— (mention the reason of sponsorship) from past —– (mention years). With the upcoming and new —- (mention the reason) is hugely dependent on getting the right sponsorship and at the earliest.
This year is special for us because we have researched well upon getting sponsors, and we are more than glad to mention that you are one of the sponsors we are looking forward to have this year. The program has not only to face value for both the organizations, but also has a social responsibility and positive public response associated with it.
Through writing this email, we would like to welcome you to the team and also attaching a proposal for you to review and share your views on it. In case you have any doubts related to the program or sponsorship process, please feel free to contact us anytime. We will be following up with you for the next steps through mail or a meeting in person, as it suits you the best.
We would like to thank you for taking out the time to being in touch with us and associated with us.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Name)
Position Title
Contact Details
Asking for sponsorship is not an easy task, especially when you are asking for it for the first time. You should clearly know about the dos’ and don’ts that are needed to be used in the letter. Points like the sender’s address, date, inside address, salutation, and many more are important aspects of writing the letter. There are many more things that you should know before writing this letter.
How to Write a Sponsorship Letter
- The first and foremost paragraph of the letter means to catch the attention of the receiver towards the subject of the letter. This means that you need to make the receiver understand the importance of the subject and why they should fund the initiative you are working on. You also need to tell them your reason for working on that initiative.
- The second paragraph of the letter emphasis the benefits that both parties would get once they come together to work on this project. The receiver should be completely well-informed and satisfied with the points mentioned in your letter once they agree with you. In this paragraph, you can also state the background of your work, projects and what both the parties will gain out of the project. This will make them understand the important list of reasons in knowing your need for contacting them and how it will make the partnership ideal. You also need to list out the reasons for the final details of the project and explain the process of working with the sponsors.
- The final paragraph is basically the conclusion where you end the letter and let your prospect sponsor know about the call you want to take with them and the way forward. You can also leave your contact details and let the sponsor reach out to you as and when they would require. You can also leave a follow-up time or date, so they can take their decision till that time. You can close off the letter with a professional salutation such as “Kind regards” or “Yours sincerely”.
Below are some tips to write a letter.
- Once you are clear with the idea and the objective, you can root out for the list of sponsors that you would want to sponsor this program. The list should be well-researched and before you write the letter, you should be well aware of who you are contacting, and the credibility of the team they have. Following this step is essential because you simply reduce the risk of getting into a false trap.
- While explaining your project it is important to have a little personal touch added to the tone you are writing. This will enable the potential sponsor to connect with you and look at the proposal from your point of view. This will help both parties to reach a common point.
- Though it is clear through this letter that it is your need to have the project sponsored, you do not have to be pushy in asking for sponsorship and keep the tone of the personal yet firm. A friendly way of writing and explaining your project will be the best way to reach out to them.
Sample Sponsorship Letter Example
Sample 1: Letter of Sponsorship for Student
Keefe Sellers
347-7666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Subject: (____________)
Dear Keefe Sellers
I, Joan Romero am writing this letter as a representative of ------ (school name) located at ------- (address) has ----- (years) of serving in the education industry.
Being in the industry for so many years, now we are looking forward to ----- (add the reason for funding). While looking out for sponsors, we got to know about you and it will be our pleasure to have you as a sponsor in the upcoming financial year.
To complete the process of sponsorship we are organizing a fundraising event on ---- (DD/MM/YYYY) at a---- location. You and your team are cordially invited to be a part of this event.
We would also like to tell you that by having a sponsor like you, we would want the children at school to have the best of the facilities available with them in every part.
We would be looking forward to your presence at the vent and for a positive and long association with you.
Yours sincerely,
Joan Romero
666-4366 Lacinia Avenue
Idaho Falls Ohio 19253
(248) 675-4007
Sample 2: Nonprofit Sponsorship Letter
Organization/Institution Letterhead
Keefe Sellers
347-7666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Subject: (____________)
Dear Keefe Sellers
The letter is to connect with you on behalf of ----- (organization/institution) can achieve its annual goal with a roundup of donation/funding. Serving people at large will only be possible with the help of donation.
The nature of our organization works closely with an organization like yours’. So, we are looking to associate with you as a donor towards the cause we are working for and help those in the need. It will help both of us in being a part of society at large.
We hope that you will support us in our endeavor and would like to thank you in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
Melvin Porter
P.O. Box 132 1599 Curabitur Rd.
Bandera South Dakota 45149
(959) 119-8364
Contact Details
Sample 3: Pageant Sponsorship Letter
Hedy Greene
Ap #696-3279 Viverra. Avenue
Latrobe DE 38100
(608) 265-2215
Subject: (____________)
Dear Hedy Greene,
I Aaron Hawkins associated with ------ (name of the organization) is glad to connect with you and inform you about the beauty pageant being held this year. Unlike other pageants and contests, ours is not a typical beauty show where you just have models dolled up. The pageant will have the models to be aware of all the current affairs and in-depth knowledge of political, social and economic updates. There is competition at every level and the contestants are also known to be associated with a social issue.
We are an independent organization and are not partnered with any other body. So, we are looking for sponsors who can take this pageant to another level and make the dream of a model reality.
We are looking for a positive response from your team and hoping for a great show this year.
Yours Sincerely,
Aaron Hawkins
5587 Nunc. Avenue
Erie Rhode Island 24975
(660) 663-4518
Sample 4: Team Sponsorship Letter
Ina Moran
P.O. Box 929 4189 Nunc Road
Lebanon KY 69409
(389) 737-2852
Subject: (____________)
Dear Ina Moran,
This letter is to inform you about our ------ (team name) that has been known in the field ------ (mention the field) for so many ----- (mention years).
We find you the right fit for sponsoring our team as you have a keen interest in the community we are associated with and you can expand your market as well. The team we have consists of ---- (number of players), and we are competing against ----- (team name). Associating with our team will also enable you to be in the eyes of the public and gain followers.
Following is our proposal for the sponsor of this year:
The logo of the company on the team outfit.
Invite to be a part of the game.
Thank you email among our internal family.
Updates and mention on our social media channels.
Thank you card and picture with our team.
Being a known name in the market, we hope that you would love to explore this new opportunity. We would like to thank you for supporting us.
Thank you,
Your Signature
Lawrence Moreno
935-9940 Tortor. Street
Santa Rosa MN 98804
(684) 579-1879
Sample 5: Sponsorship Letter for Donations
Nyssa Vazquez
511-5762 At Rd.
Chelsea MI 67708
(947) 278-5929
Subject: (___________)
Dear Nyssa Vazquez,
I Hiroko Potter associated with ------- (organization/institution) is looking forward to having sponsors who can make the ------- (project/course) a success. The amount you will donate will help me/us in completing the dream we have as a community together. Also, coming together will help both the parties in achieving the goal of social upliftment.
In case you have any doubt about the project/process of sponsorship please feel free to contact us anytime. Looking forward to a positive response and I would like to thank you for your support and cooperation.
Yours Sincerely,
Hiroko Potter
P.O. Box 887 2508 Dolor. Av.
Muskegon KY 12482
(314) 244-6306
Sample 6: Immigration Sponsorship Letter
Forrest Ray
191-103 Integer Rd.
Corona New Mexico 08219
(404) 960-3807
Subject: (___________)
Dear Forrest Ray,
This letter is to inform you about the reference letter of immigration for my close friend (Name of referred person) who has applied to visit (name of the country).
Through this letter, I (Your name) am referring to you (mention name of the referee) and have known him for ----- (mention number of years) and was associated with him/her while ----- (working/living) at ----- (name of the place). I found him/her to be completely hard-working & honest in his/her projects and meet and greet everyone with complete good faith and respect.
So, I would request you to please consider his/her application and let’s take this process further.
Yours Sincerely,
Kyla Olsen
Ap #651-8679 Sodales Av.
Tamuning PA 10855
(654) 393-5734
Contact information
Sample 7: Fundraising Sponsorship Letter
Calista Wise
7292 Dictum Av.
San Antonio MI 47096
(492) 709-6392
Subject: (___________)
Dear Calista Wise,
This letter is written to inform you about the ----- (name of the organization) has been working in the ------- (industry name) and serving the industry for the last ------ (number of years). The letter is written to inform you about the ----- (reason of asking for funds). While doing some research we came across your organization and the work you have been associated with. Coming together will help us both in creating a great social presence and helping the society at large as well.
Your support toward the cause and problem we are facing will be appreciated and supported in every way. In case you are facing any problem or issue, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you for your time and we are looking forward in having a long association with you.
Thank you,
Yours Sincerely,
Theodore Lowe
Ap #867-859 Sit Rd.
Azusa New York 39531
(793) 151-6230
Sample 8: Solicitation Letter for Sponsorship
Celeste Slater
606-3727 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(786) 713-8616
Subject: (___________)
Dear Celeste Slater,
I Iris Watson, would like to introduce myself as a representative of ----- (organization name), and like all the years, this year also we are coming up with ---- (reason of sponsorship).
We have been organizing this (reason of sponsorship) from ----- (number of years). The project is associated with the overall social enhancement and will help the public at large. While looking over your past records, we found out that you have similar interests and have been supporting causes like these in the past as well.
The benefits of sponsorship are:
- You will be mentioned as the main sponsor in all the promotional briefings.
- (Mention several other reasons like these to get the confidence of the sponsor).
In case of any doubt or query, please feel free to contact us anytime.
We would like to thank you and appreciate your support for the cause.
Yours sincerely,
Iris Watson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
(372) 587-2335
Sample 9: Cheer leading Sponsorship Letter
Sender’s name
Contact details
Receiver’s name
Contact Details
Dear -----,
Subject -----------------
This letter is to introduce you about our ----- (team name) which is associated with our institution -----(university name) and is also one of the best teams in the ----(mention the area).
With immense proud, we would like to tell you that like all the past years, this year also we are participating in the -------- (champion name) and would like you to be as the cheerleader of the team. We have heard a lot about your past performances and it would be our pleasure to have you as the cheerleader.
We are looking forward to hear from you soon on our proposal.
Yours Truly,
Your Name
Sample 10: Church Sponsorship Letter
Name of the Sender
Contact Details
Name of the Reciever
Contact Details
Dear -----,
Subject -----------------
----- (mention the area) is one of the most respected and decent area of the town. The families residing here are not only well-respected, but also have complete faith and believe in God. I (Mention your name) being associated with the committee of this area would like to bring to your notice that we would like to construct and have a church in the area.
We have heard about you and your esteemed organization that have been associated with sponsoring and funding churches and institutions. So, we would request you to help in establishing a church in our area as well and would like to have you as a sponsor.
In case of any further details, please feel free to contact us. We would be looking forward to associate with you for this pious deed.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Name
Sample 11: Sponsorship Agreement Letter
DATE: 12-12-2015
BETWEEN: Tamara Howe (Sponsor)
Keegan Blair (Sponsee)
I would like to inform you on behalf of the organization that this letter is a formal notice stating the terms of the agreement between both the parties to complete the process of sponsorship.
We are associating with you to ----- (project name) and have been coming on the following terms and condition of the sponsorship.
1.(Mention all the terms of the agreement)
__________________________ __________________________
The sponsor The sponsee
__________________________ __________________________
Title Title
__________________________ __________________________
Please feel free to contact us for any further details and enquiry.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Name
Sample 12: Wedding Sponsorship Letter
Tamara Howe
3415 Lobortis. Avenue
Rocky Mount WA 48580
Keegan Blair
Ap #761-2515 Egestas. Rd.
Manitowoc TN 07528
(577) 333-6244
Subject: (______________)
Dear Keegan Blair,
With great happiness and pleasure, I would like to bring to your notice about my wedding on ----- (Date) at (----). I would like to invite you as a sponsor at my wedding. With your cooperation and support, I would be able to make this day as a great event and memorable moment for me and all my friends and family.
I would also like to inform you that many esteemed personalities will be a part of this wedding and hence, I want to make it as a grand celebration and one that can be remembered for years.
So, I am looking forward to hear a positive response from your end soon.
Tamara Howe
Sample 13: Fishing Sponsorship Letter
Keaton Underwood
Ap #636-8082 Arcu Avenue
Thiensville Maryland 19587
(564) 908-6970
Nasim Strong
Ap #630-3889 Nulla. Street
Watervliet Oklahoma 70863
(437) 994-5270
Subject: (______________)
Dear Nasim Strong,
I Keaton Underwood, would like to introduce myself (tell about yourself) and have been living at ---- (mention location). Around so many years I have been associated with fishing and have been dealing in organizing events and competitions.
This year also I am looking forward to (mention the reason) and I am looking for sponsors who can help me make this event a great success. So, I would like you to be a sponsor with us and help us in making this event a great success.
We have come to know about your keen interest in fishing and would like to extend it through this event and gain you social exposure as well.
In case you have any doubt, please feel free to contact us anytime. We are looking forward to having a great association with you.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Keaton Underwood
Sample 14: Dance Sponsorship Letter
Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174
Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317
(689) 721-5145
Subject: (______________)
Dear Ivor Delgado,
Through this letter, I (mention your name) would like to introduce myself as a professional dancer who has learning dance from ----(mention years) at ---- (mention institute). Now, I would like to establish myself ---- (mention the reason). To fulfill my dream, I am looking for a sponsor who not only has a keen interest in dancing but would also help me in getting established.
With your esteemed organization, I would have this great opportunity to be known as a ---- (mention your dream).
I would be looking forward to hearing a positive response from your end.
Yours Sincerely
(Your Signature)
Pascale Patton
Sponsorship Letter Template
Sponsorship Letter in PDF Format
Sponsorship Letter in Word [Doc.] Format
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.