Proposal & Contract Acceptance Letter – Format Sample & Examples

Between companies or organizations, most instances of deals and contracts are confirmed through formal communication channels. Writing a formal Contract acceptance letter is an important art and it is important to keep certain points in mind while writing it. A proposal acceptance letter is communication between companies, and so it is important to keep a number of factors in mind while writing it.

How to Write a Contract Acceptance Letter

As a formal correspondence, the letter needs to be polite, professional, and brief. It should contain the necessary details and express them succinctly and clearly. The following points are important for an effective acceptance letter:

  • Explicit confirmation of acceptance of the contract
  • Details of the project as discussed
  • Further communication/details as necessary
  • Invitation for further discussion/meetings
  • The positive expression for future dealings and work

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Contract Acceptance Letter Format

Dear ———- [Name]

This paragraph introduces the topic of discussion and formally states the acceptance of the contract.
In the body, mention details of the contract as discussed, and invite discussion on any topics that need clarification. Keep it brief and concise, and talk about future prospects of the contract as applicable.
This paragraph sums up the letter and expresses positive views about the future of the contract. Depending on the situation, you may also express gratitude or other such requirements.


Contractor Proposal Acceptance Letter Sample

Given below are a number of examples of the contract acceptance letter. It is preferable to use the company’s letterhead and to know whom to address the letter to. Also knowing the designation of the recipient and addressing specifics is important.

This Sample contains the basic details of writing a proposal or contract acceptance letter. It goes through all the basic points of the letter, and keep a formal and professional tone throughout. It also ends with a display of interest and positive communication.

Contract Acceptance Letter Example

Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
(716) 977-5775

Date: 22-07-2000

Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872

Subject: Acceptance Letter

Dear Qamar Rivera,

I am writing from the offices of (company) to inform you of our acceptance of the proposal for the new building development project. This project was last discussed between our organizations on (date) and we had reached an agreement to confirm our stance before (deadline).
We are hopeful that our companies have a common goal and can collaborate together successfully to develop this project to its fullest capacity. We also rely significantly on the excellent service that you have assured us for the duration of the project.
We are very interested in commencing the project as soon as possible and look forward to finalizing all the details. Please let us know a good time and date to meet at over the next week.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (email/number).

We look forward to working with you!

(Your Signature)
Hiram Mullins

This letter states the acceptance of the contract right off the bat. It praises the recipient’s company for its reputation, and explicitly confirms the acceptance of the terms and conditions. It signs off with the relevant contact information.

Vendor Proposal Acceptance Letter

Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
(716) 977-5775

Date: 22-07-2000

Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Qamar Rivera,

I am happy to inform you that we have accepted the proposal your (name) company had presented us with, earlier this month. We believe your company has an excellent reputation as a vendor when it comes to producing high-quality products at the best price. Additionally, we accept the terms and conditions that have been put forth by the company and wish to put this contract into effect immediately. Please find a copy of the signed contract attached.
We look forward to a long and prosperous journey together and look forward to hearing from you soon. If you wish to contact me about any more information, please feel free to reach out on this number (xxx-xxx-xxxx).

Through our relationship, we hope to make this community a better place.

Hiram Mullins

This letter is different because it is a formal declaration of love between two people. It begins with referring to the previous letter, finalizing details, and expressing love and happiness for the marriage. Other details are also talked about, such as venue and time. The language and tonality of this letter will be markedly different from other letters.

Marriage Proposal Acceptance Letter

Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
(948) 600-8503

Date: 22-07-2000

Merritt Watson
P.O. Box 686 7014 Amet Street
Corona Oklahoma 55246

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Merritt Watson,

I was overjoyed to receive your letter of intent regarding marriage. I am extremely privileged to have you as a partner and wholeheartedly accept your proposal. My love and happiness at this moment are inexpressible.
My happiness was amplified once I read that you had agreed to (location) for having our wedding. It has always been a dream of mine to get married there and I am extremely privileged to share that moment with you. I propose a time of (time) for our wedding, which should give us plenty of time to prepare and invite all necessary.
I cannot wait to meet you as soon as possible and finalize all details. The prospect of spending the rest of my life with you by my side gives me immense joy, and I hope to take this first step together as happily as possible.

Yours Forever,
Nehru Holmes

This letter is sent by an individual as a response to a job offer from a company. A job contract acceptance letter is important to further communication with the company, as well as explore discrepancies and other issues that may arise. Receiving a job proposal acceptance letter from a prospective employee also makes a good impression in front of the company and aids prospects.

Employment Contract Acceptance Letter

Driscoll Leach
P.O. Box 120 2410 Odio Avenue
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
(726) 710-9826

Date: 22-07-2000

Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Lacy Eaton,

I was extremely pleased to receive your offer letter for the (position) in your company. I would be privileged and honored to work in your company and hereby state my acceptance of the offer.
I accept the terms and conditions of employment as stated in the letter. I also agree to attend the meeting at (time) in order to finalize the details of my employment. I sincerely hope to have a long-lasting commitment to the company and I will do my utmost to contribute positively to the company.

As requested, please find (documents). Please contact me in case of any discrepancies or any further requirements. I await our next correspondence.

Driscoll Leach

This states acceptance of the proposal and talks highly of the recipient’s company and its services. It also talks about commencing the project as soon as possible and a call to meet for finalizing details.

Franchise Acceptance Letter

Katelyn Cooper
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
(414) 876-0865

Date: 22-07-2000

Lee Preston
981 Eget Rd.
Clemson GA 04645

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Lee Preston,

I am writing on behalf of (company name) about the franchise proposal you had sent us earlier. We are happy to let you know that we accept the proposal with (company name) to set up at (location).
We would also like to know more about your operation and request you to send us a catalog/book about all your products. We would also like to set up a meeting to finalize the details. All financial responsibilities will be finalized during the meeting, during which a point on the agenda will also be to finalize the tenure of the first operation of your company on our location.
We look forward to a great working relationship. Please respond to this e-mail in case of any queries. I look forward to working with you soon.

Katelyn Cooper

This establishes the identity and authority of the writer from the beginning and acts as an introductory letter to the recipient. It also explicitly calls for a meeting to know more about the company and to finalize all details.

Construction Contract Acceptance Letter

Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
(545) 604-9386

Date: 22-07-2000

Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Calista Merritt,

On behalf of (company name), I am writing to let you know that we will be accepting (company name) proposal for the new building development project. We have numerous proposals over the last year, and we felt that your company's goals, vision aligned closely with ours. We do not doubt the excellent service that you will provide us with for the duration of the project.
We are very interested in commencing the project as soon as possible and look forward to finalizing all the details. Please let us know a good time and date to meet at over the next week.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (email/number).

We look forward to working with you!

Craig Williams

This makes reference to a previous correspondence and thus recalls those details discussed over the phone. It is a formal acceptance of a request for a conference.

Conference Proposal Acceptance Letter

Zephania Sanders
3714 Nascetur St.
Hawthorne Louisiana 10626
(539) 567-3573

Date: 22-07-2000

Seth Farley
6216 Denman Avenue
Seattle Utah 81202

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Seth Farley,

This is to inform you of the finalization of the date and time for the conference for (purpose). As discussed over the phone, the date and time will be (date and time), with (number) participants.
The people involved in the conference will be (people), with the agenda of (agenda). Upon your confirmation of the details, invitations will be sent to those concerned.
Please let us know of any issues or discrepancies as soon as possible. We look forward to this conference.

Zephaniah Sanders
(Your Signature)

This letter begins with accepting the contract, and then goes on to say that the company fulfils a specific niche. It also shows a willingness to move forward with the project as soon as possible.

Acceptance Letter For Contract

Judith Floyd
361-7936 Feugiat St.
Williston Nevada 58521
(774) 914-2510

Date: 22-07-2000

Willow Hunt
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Willow Hunt,

We are pleased to let you know that (company name) will accept your contract with all the terms and conditions included. When we first contacted your company through our references, we were happy to find that your company is exactly what we are looking for when it comes to external support. Moreover, we were pleased to learn about your reputation in the industry and among your customers.
I have attached the signed terms and conditions sheet, and we would like to utilize your services as soon as possible. Kindly let me know when you can begin sourcing your products to us at the latest. For any queries or information, please call me at (xxx-xxx-xxxx).
We believe our association with your company is the right choice and we look forward to working with you.

Judith Floyd

This is an acceptance of a maintenance proposal that begins with informing the company of their trust in their abilities and providing the relevant information to being the contract. It also provides a contact number at the end in case of queries.

Contract Acceptance Letter For Maintenance

Daniel Bernard
P.O. Box 567 1561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN 08609
(750) 558-3965

Date: 22-07-2000

Chaney Bennett
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408

Subject: (**********************)

Dear Chaney Bennett,

We would like to inform you about that we have accepted your maintenance proposal for our brand new building located on (address). After careful consideration, we believe that your organization will be the perfect fit for the company.
Your understanding of the industry and the innovations is like no other, and we trust your ability to undertake the assigned task and complete it with the most dedication. We would like to tell you more about our company, and what we do so you have a better understanding before you join us. Please find a welcome packet attached which will provide you with all the information you require.
If you any more questions, please feel free to call me at (contact number). We look forward to hearing from you.

Daniel Bernard

Proposal and Contract Acceptance Letter Template in PDF and Word (doc.) Format:

Vendor Proposal Acceptance Letter


Marriage Proposal Acceptance Letter


Employment Contract Acceptance Letter


Contract Acceptance Letter



A contract acceptance letter is an important part of any company’s dealings. All ventures and deals begin with a formally and politely worded acceptance letter. It is vital to begin on the right foot with any ventures, and these tips will help you take the first step in that direction. Points like brevity, professionalism, politeness, conveying important information, opening discussion, and other details are all important and go a long way towards a successful business venture and a successful company.

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