$$ Request Letter Template for Approval – [Format, Sample]^*❤️
Are you looking for some approval and searching for the sample of Approval Request Letters? In life, be it personal or professional, we many times come in situations where we need to ask for approval from our elders and seniors. Getting approval is like having times of celebration. We have been asking for approvals from parents and our elders but when it comes to professional life, there is a formal way to ask for approval. You need to follow that way and this starts with writing an approval request to the one you are looking for approval from. It is not very difficult to write. It’s just a game of putting nice words and proposing a nice request and your job is done!
Sample Approval Request Letter Examples
Here, in this article, we have provided a number of approval requests that might help/ assist you in writing a nice approval request and in convincing your senior. We hope that you will find them useful and a worthy read. Please follow and continue reading:
Sample Request Letter for Approval of Project
Elmo Lopez
Ap #481-7473 Cum Rd.
Yorba Linda South Carolina 28423
(295) 983-3476
Aaron Trujillo
Ap #146-3132 Cras Rd.
Kingsport NH 56618
(983) 632-8597
Dear Aaron Trujillo,
I’m looking for your approval for the proposed project on ‘XYZ [write about your project in brief/ title of a project]’. For your convenience, I have also attached a copy of an overview of the proposed project here within this mail. Sir/ Ma’am, I request you to please give an acknowledgment to this project and provide me with the required approval as I am really very willing to execute it as soon as possible.
I shall be very obliged to you for your support. Also, any of your suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you so much for your consideration. I hope to hear from you, sir/ Ma’am.
Elmo Lopez
Executive [Write your profile/ designation]
Request Approval Letter for Project
Liberty Walton
343-6527 Purus. Avenue
Logan NV 12657
(581) 379-7573
Hu Park
1429 Netus Rd.
Reedsport NY 48247
(874) 886-4174
Dear Hu Park,
As I have discussed with you earlier about the proposal for the execution of upcoming new project based on ‘Rural development and empowerment’ from 5th Dec 2018, I am writing this to ask for your approval so that I could start the process and build a necessary team for its execution.
I have attached a copy of the process which we are going to follow, in a step-by-step manner, for your convenience. Please find this attached file and check this. Any of your suggestions will be very important to us. Kindly consider.
Sir/ Ma’am, please provide me with an official approval so that I could transfer the permission for the sanction of required funds needed for this project. I shall be very grateful to you.
Thanking you.
Liberty Walton
[Write your designation]
Sample Request Letter for Approval of Budget
The Manager,
XYZ Firm
Cleo Best
282-8351 Tincidunt Ave
Sedalia Utah 53700
(252) 204-1434
Dear Cleo Best,
This is to inform you that I have prepared the sheet of the budget that is required for all the expenses in the coming three months. A soft copy is attached here within this mail. Kindly find it and have a look. If any changes are needed, please let me know so that I could make those changes. If no changes are required, then I request you to please provide me the approval so that I could transfer it for the sanction of the required budget.
Thanking you.
Ina Burt
Ap #130-1685 Ut Street
Tyler KS 73510
(410) 483-0352
Request Letter for Approval of Payment
The Managing Director [Or write the Name],
Lyle Sutton
Ap #250-9843 Elementum St.
South Gate Missouri 68999
(736) 522-8584
Respected Sir,
This is to request you to grant me the approval of payment towards ABC services for their supplies and services that we received for the last 3 months. I have attached a copy of all the details indicating a lump sum amount of $ ***** that is needed to process.
Kindly check and grant me the approval of payment so that I could share and direct it with the finance department to make the required payment.
Thank you so much.
Palmer Gay
557-2026 Purus St.
Watertown TN 07367
(963) 356-9268
Sample Letter of Request for Approval to Purchase
Wilma Pace
Ap #676-6532 Odio Rd.
Darlington CO 06963
(926) 709-3295
The Director,
XYZ Biotechs Pvt. Ltd.
New York City, USA
Subject: (*******************)
Respected Sir,
I am writing this to look for your approval to make a purchase for ‘Wave Bioreactor’ for the department of the culture maintenance facility at XYZ Biotechs. As we don’t have any wave bioreactor already, some of our upcoming projects are kept on hold due to lack of facility to maintain them.
This purchase is very essential and will definitely be of use in the future as well because of its multipurpose solving ability. Some of the proposed models and brands are been listed in the attached file along with the cost to the company. Any of them can solve our purpose, it’s just we have listed on the basis of our preferences (reasons are also listed).
I request you to have a look at the attached file and grant us with the approval to make this purchase. We shall be very grateful to you.
Thanking you.
With Regards,
Wilma Pace
[Manager at DCMF]
Request Letter for Approval of Expenses
Wilma Pace
Ap #676-6532 Odio Rd.
Darlington CO 06963
(926) 709-3295
The Director,
XYZ Biotechs Pvt. Ltd.
New York City, USA
Subject: (*******************)
Respected Sir,
As suggested, I have prepared an excel list of all the expenses done by XYZ department during the month of June and July. The file is attached in the mail along with the original receipts and scanned bills, for your convenience.
Kindly have a look and I request you to get it approved too.
Thanking you.
With regards,
Wilma Pace
Associate at ABC Ltd.
Request Letter for Approval of Proposal
Wilma Pace
Ap #676-6532 Odio Rd.
Darlington CO 06963
(926) 709-3295
The Director,
XYZ Biotechs Pvt. Ltd.
New York City, USA
Subject: (*******************)
Dear Sir,
As per our discussion in the meeting, I am sending you a copy of a brief overview of the proposed proposal stating an abstract and brief methodology. Kindly find the attached file and have a look. Any of the suggestions are welcome and will be appreciated.
I request you to also grant me permission with an approval to execute this proposal as soon as possible. I shall be very grateful to you for your support and understanding.
Thanking you.
Your Sincerely,
Wilma Pace
[Write your designation]
Request Letter for Approval of Leave
Vielka Nielsen
Ap #517-7326 Elementum Rd.
Fort Smith North Dakota 79637
(836) 292-5324
The Manager,
XYZ Biotechs Pvt. Ltd.
1195 Lobortis Rd.
New Orleans New Hampshire 71983
(763) 409-5446
Subject: (*******************)
Dear Sir,
This is to request you to approve required leaves from work from 20th June to 25th June 2019 as I need to go home to attend a family marriage celebration of my brother.
As per schedule, I have almost completed much of my work and already submitted to you. I assure you that the work which is left will be done by 19th before I leave for home.
Kindly please grant me required leaves; I shall be very grateful to you.
Thanking you.
With regards,
Vielka Nielsen
[Write your designation]
Request Letter Templates For Approval in PDF and Word Format
Request Letter Templates For Approval in PDF Format
Request Letter Templates For Approval in Word (.Docs) Format
We hope that you found these articles of some help and you get an idea to write one of your own. We are glad to be of some help to you. Thank you for having us to help you out. Hope to see you back later. Till then, be happy and take care!
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.
I want to admit my sister in LKG Class in X school so write an application giving information about the educational and professional qualifications of both the parents with address and telephone numbers.