13+ Free Offer Letter – Sample & Example
A person or an entity is sent an offer letter from a person or an entity when the latter is in agreement with the proposals or the terms and conditions of the former one. Basically, this letter portrays the willingness of an individual to do a certain thing which the other person has proposed through a medium. The letter need not be always sent on a positive set-up. An offer letter can also be sent to decline a previous offer such as a Decline Offer Letter.
When we talk about an offer letter, we refer to a Job Offer Letter in the most general sense. It’s a letter which is sent by an organisation to an individual who had applied for a position in your company.
Job Offer Letter is the most common amongst the offer letter that is sent around. They are simple and short and trimmed down to the minute details which renders an individual’s acceptance by an organisation and how will be acting in that particular organisation.
Before sending him/her an email you must have definitely given that individual the information over the phone. Coming to the email, write a perfect Subject Line which tells your future employee what you want to say. It need not be too much on the promotional side but can be something interesting to grab your future employee’s attention.
For example,
Offer from [Your Company’s Name] for the position of [Position’s Name]
A simple subject line like this should be opted for when sending such an email. The body content of this email should contain the following things
- The letter should contain details of the job in a brief manner.
- List down the contingencies, if any, applicable.
- An At-will statement should be mentioned in properly.
- Talk of the compensation and the benefits that are to be paid to the employee.
- Mention the deadline for the accepting or declining the Offer Letter.
- Give your contact details.
Samples of Offer Letter Examples
Here are some other examples of these Letters which you can go through to have an idea on how to go about it.
Sample 1: Real Estate Offer Letter
Tom Cruise
Alaska, USA
Willow Hunt
(The Grand Real State Properties)
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522
(492) 467-3131
Subject: [Details Regarding a particular property which the letter is about]
Dear Sir,
This letter serves the purpose of an Offer Letter for the above-mentioned property which I would like to acquire. We came across your proposal in the local classifieds and after going through the details, I want to state that I am very much interested.
Acting on this, I would like to know when would we sit down to finalize the terms and set forth on acquiring the property. We would also like to negotiate on some fronts and if all these come to a common acceptance the I will be very delighted to move on with it.
I will be expecting a reply from your side.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
(Your Original Signature)
Tom Cruise
Sample 2: Decline Offer Letter
Daniel Bernard
P.O. Box 567 1561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN 08609
(750) 558-3965
Chaney Bennett
ZYX Company Pvt. Ltd.
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
Subject: Regarding the Job Offer given to me for the post of Finance Executive.
Dear Sir,
I was delighted to receive an offer letter from your organization for the prestigious position of Finance Executive. I am sending this letter to tell you that I won’t be able to accept the offer that you made to me. It was a difficult decision for me but I have accepted the same position in another company as that company is situated in my home town where I really want to be with my ailing mother.
Thank you for offering me an opportunity to work for your organization. I will let you know in future if in any position I am available for your organization.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
(Your Original Signature)
Daniel Bernard
Sample 3: Job Offer Letter Sample
[Your Organisation’s Details]
[The Individual’s Details]
Subject: [Brief details about the position that you are offering him/her.]
Dear [Person’s Name],
We are very pleased to send you this offer letter for the position of Marketing Executive on a full-time basis at our company. Your work will commence from the 2nd week of June and you will be reporting directly to your Manager at our works in Jamshedpur. Before that, you have to tell us to book a 2-day slot with us for the required tests and document screening. We have offered you this job keeping in mind your skills and experience which we believe will help our organisation.
In this role, you have to plan, develop and implement the effective marketing strategies for the campaigns of the organisation. You have to delve into the Marketing Requirements of the organisation by looking into the Marketing Mix of the company. Prepare collaterals such as Brochures, Websites, Emails, etc. for the campaigns.
You will be paid an Annual Salary of Rs. 7.8 Lakhs which will be paid on a monthly-basis through direct deposit on the start of the next month. Your employment in our company will be on an at-will basis. As an employee of our company, you will also be eligible for our benefit programs.
Please confirm your acceptance of this job offer by signing and returning us this letter within 3 days of the receipt of this letter.
We are looking forward to including us in our team.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Details]
Sample 4: Job Offer Acceptance Letter with Conditions
Anne Beasley
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794
(145) 987-4962
Griffith Daniels
6818 Eget St.
Tacoma AL 92508
(425) 288-2332
Subject: Job Offer Acceptance for the post of Content Manager.
Dear Sir,
As per your offer letter, I am very pleased to accept your job offer for the position of Content Manager. Thank you for giving me this prestigious opportunity to work for your organization. I am excited and very eager to take up this position in your organization and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the organization.
The only requirement is that I should be placed in your office in Bangalore as I would like to settle down in the city because my parents will be living there. I accept the salary along with the other benefits that you will be providing.
I am looking forward to starting my work in Bangalore.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Sender's Signature)
Anne Beasley
Sample 5: Settlement Offer Letter
Madeline Gregory
977-4841 Ut Ave
Walla Walla Michigan 82776
(304) 506-6314
Xyla Cash
969-1762 Tincidunt Rd.
Boise CT 35282
Subject: Regarding the settlement of loan taken.
Dear Xyla Cash,
With reference to your settlement letter, I would like to propose an offer for settlement of the loan taken by me by payment of monthly installments for 6 months at the interest rate of 6.5%.
I would like to hear from you regarding my settlement offer and start with the process.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Madeline Gregory
Sample 6: Home Offer Letter
David Mathews
1011 Malesuada Road
Moscow Kentucky 77382
(357) 616-5411
Hedley Ingram
737-2580 At Street
Independence Texas 87535
Subject: Offer for buying your home.
Dear Hedley Ingram,
I came across your advertisement in the TV & local newspaper. It’s been a childhood dream for me to live in that locality as it is one of the best in the city.
The price that you have quoted is pretty reasonable but I would like some room for negotiation. I hope you consider my offer and we can work on a deal.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
David Mathews
Sample 7: Offer Letter for Apartment
Raymond Levy
Ap #643-7006 Risus St.
Beaumont New Mexico 73585
(715) 912-6931
Malcolm Long
9291 Proin Road
Lake Charles Maine 11292
(176) 805-4108
Subject: Offer for buying your apartment.
Dear Malcolm Long,
This letter is in reference to your advertisement in the local newspaper. The 3 Bedroom Flat in the locality is quite appealing and I would love to reside in that locality because of it being a little far from the city. This makes it free from the hustle and bustle and brings a factor of calmness to it.
The price that you have quoted is pretty reasonable but I would like some room for negotiation. I hope you consider my offer and we can work out on a deal.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature Here)
Raymond Levy
Sample 8: Sample Offer Letter to Purchase Property
Harrison Mcguire
574-8633 Arcu Street
San Fernando ID 77373
(861) 546-5032
Sonya Jordan
AP 43-336 Ullamcorper. Street
Visalia VA 54886
Subject: Offer for buying your apartment.
Dear Sonya Jordan,
In view of your recent advertisement in the local newspaper, I am sending you this letter to buy the 1-acre of land that you have proposed to sell. The land is situated in the perfect locality as I needed pertaining to my business expansion plans.
The price that you have proposed is a bit high and I guess we can sit in for negotiation over the price and the different legal formalities.
I am eagerly looking forward to your reply keeping in view my offer and hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature Here)
Harrison Mcguire
Sample 9: Legal Settlement Offer Letter Samples
Castor Richardson
P.O. Box 902 3472 Ullamcorper Street
Lynchburg DC 29738
(268) 442-2428
Chester Bennett
3476 Aliquet. Ave
Minot AZ 95302
Subject: Offer for a legal settlement of the issue.
Dear Sir,
This letter is in response to the letter that you sent me in view of the debt settlement letter sent to me. As I have told you earlier, I am again taking my stand that I don’t acknowledge the debt as it has not been verified under the proper rules and regulations.
This does not make me eligible to pay your debts. If you continue to force upon me without verifying the proper debt amount, then I will be forced to take a legal route under the various laws that follow.
Kindly look into this matter and let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Castor Richardson
Sample 10: Salary Counter Offer Letter
Wallace Ross
313 Pellentesque Ave
Villa Park Hawaii 43526
(832) 109-0213
Bertha Riggs
P.O. Box 206 6639 In St.
Easthampton TN 31626
Subject: Letter regarding increment in Salary.
Dear Sir,
I have been working in this organization for the past 4 years as a Marketing Executive for which I am very thankful to you for giving me this opportunity to work for your organization. The growth that I have seen in my skills and experience are tremendous. I would like to continue at the same rate to take this organization to greater heights.
I want to share this matter regarding my salary which is currently at 6.5 lakhs per annum. Looking at my current performance and results, I would like to propose a slight increment in my salary. This is in regard to my skills and the current growth in the economy.
I hope you look into this matter so that we negotiate the matter.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Wallace Ross
Sample 11: Intern Offer Letter
Imani Talley
BCA Company Pvt. Ltd
P.O. Box 262 4978 Sit St.
Yigo Massachusetts 50654
(477) 768-9247
Edward Nieves
928-3313 Vel Av.
Idaho Falls Rhode Island 37232
Subject: Offer letter for Internship.
Dear Edward Nieves,
With regards to your application for the interning at our company in our Sales Department, we proudly want to tell you that, you have been chosen for this role. We reviewed the application form and went through your skills and discovered that you have the potential to make it big, thus, we would like to nurture you for this role.
We would like to come to our office and complete the other formalities and fill up the attached form and submit it by next week.
Kindly acknowledge the internship offer as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
(Company Stamp)
Imani Talley
Sample 12: Executive Job Offer Letter
Margaret Joseph
P.O. Box 508 3919 Gravida St.
Tamuning Washington 55797
(662) 661-1446
Nevada Ware
P.O. Box 597 4156 Tincidunt Ave
Green Bay Indiana 19759
Subject: [Brief details about the position that you are offering him/her.]
Dear Nevada Ware,
We are very pleased to send you this offer letter for the position of Finance Executive at our company. It is a strategic position in any organization, thus, you will be positioned at a valuable position in our company and help the company grow and reach maximum growth level.
The position has been offered to you looking at your skills and experience. We would like you to contribute in the greatest manner possible. Your role and duties along with your salary and compensation have been listed in the official document attached to this letter.
Please confirm your acceptance of this job offer by signing and returning us this letter within 3 days of the receipt of this letter.
We are looking forward to including us in our team.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Margaret Joseph
Sample 13: Job Offer Rejection Letter
Christian Emerson
P.O. Box 886 4118 Arch St.
Rolling Hills Georgia 92358
(490) 936-4694
Rebecca Chambers
P.O. Box 813 5982 Sit Ave
Liberal Vermont 51324
Subject: Regarding the Job Offer for the role of Sales Executive.
Dear Rebecca Chambers,
As per your offer letter, regarding the post of Sales Executive, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I would be an honor for me to work for your organization. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to accept the offer as I will be leaving for Australia for my further studies.
It would have been an enriching experience but other commitments are not allowing it to take it. I hope you accept my rejection letter.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Christian Emerson
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.