Appreciation Letter Template to Employee – Sample & Example
An Appreciation Letter to Employee by his boss acts as a morale booster for the employee and helps him to put in more zeal and passion in the way he/she does his work. It helps in the long-run development and growth of the employee which will eventually bolster the organization’s chances to grow and meet their expectations. Workspace communication is mostly limited to work-related topics and reaches out to a very limited space when it comes to personal topics.
The highest it can get to is a letter of appreciation to parties concerned for their good work or their support. Appreciation letters from anyone within your workspace help you to gain more confidence and thereby producing more results by putting in more effort.
Employees are the crux of any organization. An Employee Appreciation Letter will be treated no less than an appraisal letter by them and will only work in the organization’s interest. This is also treated as an award for them. Thus, the bosses should act in such a way to keep their employees motivated.
Appreciation Letter to an Employee Format
Appreciation letters to Employees should be written in such a format which should be precise enough to state what things they have done which is making them worthy of such a letter. The core of the letter should contain the advantages they have brought to the organisation with the things that they did.
Lawrence Moreno
935-9940 Tortor. Street
Santa Rosa MN 98804
(684) 579-1879
Date: 01-01-2017
Ina Moran
P.O. Box 929 4189 Nunc Road
Lebanon KY 69409
Subject: A token of appreciation for the work done. [Sample Subject line.]
Dear Ina Moran,
[The body should contain the thank you note which you are sending to your employee. This section should also contain how the employee’s deed brought the transformation that the organisation needed. It should be kept precise and should be to the point.
Lastly, encourage them to continue their good work. The body should be best stretched to 2-3 paragraphs and the tone should be maintained well.]
Thank You.
Yours sincerely,
Lawrence Moreno
The letter should convey how important they are to the organisation and should encourage them to continue with the good work that they did. Employee shall never forget such letters so it should be well-crafted so that he/she shall remember it for the time period he/she is with the company and will keep them as a good memory with the company.
Appreciation Letter to Employee Sample with Example
This letter highlights any good job which he/she has done for the organization. Let’s take a look at a sample of such a letter.
Appreciation Letter to an Employee for Good Performance
Nyssa Vazquez
511-5762 At Rd.
Chelsea MI 67708
(947) 278-5929
Date: 01-01-2017
Hiroko Potter
P.O. Box 887 2508 Dolor. Av.
Muskegon KY 12482
Subject: Thanking you for the excellent arrangement of last week’s conference.
Dear Hiroko Potter,
I want to thank you for the excellent level of enthusiasm that you showed up for last week’s industrial conclave. We received the notice of in the eleventh-hour and hosting a district level marketing conclave at such a short notice is a humongous task. It was really commendable to see how the entire team under you joined in to organize the event.
The way you presented the company’s idea was also worth hearing. Our company’s views and objectives were presented in the best way possible. I again want to thank you for the grand event and extend a heartfelt thank you from the entire Board of Directors.
Thank You.
Nyssa Vazquez
(Your Signature Here)
This letter conveys an appreciation to an employee for achieving a landmark for the company. Let’s take a look at a sample of such a letter.
Appreciation Letter to an Employee for an Outstanding Performance
Forrest Ray
191-103 Integer Rd.
Corona New Mexico 08219
(404) 960-3807
Date: 01-01-2017
Kyla Olsen
Ap #651-8679 Sodales Av.
Tamuning PA 10855
Subject: Thanking you for the excellent performance and taking our organization to new heights.
Dear Kyla Olsen,
Never before has our company achieved such sales figures for its hardware products. The increase in sales by a mammoth 57% only tells about your dedication that you have out in producing such results. This number has taken us to the top amongst our competitors in this segment in the last quarter. The figures also give us a chance to experiment with our new line of products and confidently take the risk of checking out our customer’s response when it comes to these.
The sales figure has also given a huge rise to the revenue figures of the organization, thus, the plans of expansion of the technical department will be undertaken which will give a new boost in applying our online strategies and further bolster our growth.
The Board of Directors has been very elated by seeing such figures. I would again like to thank you and wish you luck for further keeping up this good work.
Thank You.
Forrest Ray
This letter will be sent to an employee who is leaving your organisation. This letter shall determine their importance to the organisation and the advantage they brought to the organisation. Let’s take a look at a sample of such a letter.
Appreciation Letter to an Employee who is Leaving
Calista Wise
7292 Dictum Av.
San Antonio MI 47096
(492) 709-6392
Date: 01-01-2017
Theodore Lowe
Ap #867-859 Sit Rd.
Azusa New York 39531
Subject: A token of Appreciation for Working for us.
Dear Theodore Lowe,
The past 3 years that you worked for us has been very fruitful for our organization. Your marketing strategies brought forth the visions that we are looking at and helped our organization in a major way to climb up the ladders in the very segments that the company’s products are operating in.
We know you are leaving because your mother is in Kolkata and she really needs you now because of her ailing health. We totally understand your situation and would like to wish you luck for your future endeavors ahead and we hope that you bring in the same kind of enthusiasm and passion that you have shown while working for us.
I again want to extend a heartfelt thank you from the entire team of marketing.
Thank You.
Calista Wise
Employees treat an appreciation letter as something which helps them to bolster their confidence and some even connect to it at an emotional letter. It’s good to send around such letters to keep them motivated.
Sample Appreciation Letter to Employee
Calista Wise
7292 Dictum Av.
San Antonio MI 47096
(492) 709-6392
Date: 01-01-2017
Theodore Lowe
Ap #867-859 Sit Rd.
Azusa New York 39531
Subject: Thanking you for the excellent year and wishing you happy holidays.
Dear Theodore Lowe,
We have come to the end of this year and I want to thank you for showing such level of zeal and passion towards our organization and helping us to achieve our targets well before time. Joining just 8 months ago, you have adapted well and we are looking for more fruitful work from you.
I wish you Happy New Year in advance and I hope that you come back the next year with the same amount of energy and passion.
Thank You.
Calista Wise
Appreciation Letter to Employees for a Job Well Done
Subject: Congratulating you on completion of a successful project
Dear X
Thank you for your brilliant work in the company lately. Your hard work has helped our company steer from tough times and has made it the company it is today. We just want to make sure how much you are valued and appreciated. Your extraordinary skills have helped scale up the project by multiple times.
Thank you, Satyam for all your hard work and dedication for this company. We look forward to continuing our association in achieving further success for our company.
Thanking You
Appreciation Letter to Employee for Good Work
Celeste Slater
606-3727 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(786) 713-8616
Date: 01-01-2017
Iris Watson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
Subject: Congratulating on your great quality of work and service to the company
Dear Iris Watson,
On behalf of the entire Demo Enterprise, I would like to appreciate you for ensuring that all the projects related to the company are completed on time. We congratulate you for your efforts and the company has highly benefited from it.
During the difficult times for the company, you have not only performed your job functions as a project manager but also coordinated with other departments to ensure the smooth functioning of the company. You have ensured that the projects are completed within time.
I strongly believe that you would continue to give your best efforts for the development of the organization. Looking forward to continuing working with you and again, congratulations on the good work.
Thanking you,
Celeste Slater
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.