11+ Free Sorry Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
Sorry is not just a word, sometimes it’s an emotion, apology, sentiment or a dialogue that may be a result of someone being affected by someone’s action. Be it a personal or professional apology it comes with a lot of reasoning and explanation. But, not everyone is good with saying sorry. It takes a lot of time courage and efforts to say sorry to someone and accept your mistake. However, giving a verbal apology is not easy sometimes, so in those cases, you might need to write a sorry and explain your feelings and emotions. Yes, you got that right. A sorry letter explains in detail the feelings and emotions you are going through and owning it by sending this letter across.
Writing an apology letter is a hard task because, many people do not accept their mistake easily and think that accepting an apology would reflect badly on your character. Not apologizing or just saying sorry for the sake of it will not solve the problem sometimes. So, writing a letter is the only solution that you think is appropriate. However, writing this letter come with its own terms and conditions. Instead of struggling with how to apologize it is better to know how to write this letter. Looking at few of the samples will help you in understanding the do’s and don’ts of writing this letter.
How to Write a Sorry Letter
Admitting your mistake is one of the difficult tasks because it reflects badly on our character and for some people it is a sign of weakness because we think that making mistakes reflects badly on our character. But, the truth is that not apologizing is or making a fee non-feeble apology, is often considered as a bigger problem.
- Assuming that making mistakes makes you a bad person is one of the reasons that people are usually afraid of writing an apology letter. Feeling ashamed for your actions will not help you in recognizing that one mistake does not define your character as a whole.
- Getting defensive in any way is not the best form of getting an apology. No one wants to feel ashamed and thus avoiding writing an apology letter is what people think that the best way to do is.
- Owning all the responsibility of your actions is the best way to avoid all the accusations coming your way.
Elements of a good Apology Letter
- Accepting your mistake and saying that you are sorry.
- Explain and describe in detail what happened what the other person needs to know that why and what happened that was so hurtful to them.
- Have a plan and ask for forgiveness by admitting your mistake and writing a formal apology letter.
Sample Sorry Letter Example
Bestlettertemplate have covered few Samples:
Sample 1: Sorry Letter to Girlfriend
Keefe Sellers
347-7666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Melvin Porter
P.O. Box 132 1599 Curabitur Rd.
Bandera South Dakota 45149
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Melvin Porter,
I hope you are doing fine. I am writing this letter to apologize to you for _______(Reason for Apology). I can understand how you feel at this time because I hurt you. I hope you will understand my feelings and will forgive me for this. I can’t explain how bad I am feeling. I am missing you all the time. I am not feeling good about whatever happened and you are upset with me because of that ugly situation. I assure and promise you that it won’t happen ever again. I am going to see to it that I don’t repeat my mistakes and not make any new mistakes either.
You are very special to me, and I want you to know that I will make you feel special today and always. Please forgive me for what I did. I hope that you will understand that there are many situations in life that get out of control and you cannot do much about it and I feel that this situation will not spoil our relationship in any way. Let’s hope and move towards creating a better bond that will bring a memorable time for us.
See you soon.
With lots of love,
Your Signature
Keefe Sellers
Sample 2: Sorry Letter to Boyfriend
Hedy Greene
Ap #696-3279 Viverra. Avenue
Latrobe DE 38100
(608) 265-2215
Aaron Hawkins
5587 Nunc. Avenue
Erie Rhode Island 24975
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Aaron Hawkins,
I am extremely sorry for _______ (What was the Reason for Apology). Believe me, it was not intentional. I know I have hurt you a lot and disappointed you. I agree that I was wrong on my side and have caused you a lot of pain.
I regret what I have done and I hope that you will forgive me. I promise you that I will not repeat this behavior again in life. I know you don’t deserve whatever I did with you. I dream of you every moment and I wish to spend my life with you and we both are just perfect together. Let’s take our decision to the next well.
With lots of love,
Yours truly,
(Your Signature)
Hedy Greene
Sample 3: Sorry Letter to Mom
Lawrence Moreno
935-9940 Tortor. Street
Santa Rosa MN 98804
(608) 265-2215
Ina Moran
P.O. Box 929 4189 Nunc Road
Lebanon KY 69409
(389) 737-2852
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Mom,
Mom, my world revolves around you and my motive of sending you this letter is to say sorry to you for the wrong behavior that I showed you last week. Over the days, I have realized that I did hurt you badly and you are upset with me at this point in time. I know that you care for me and so, you have always told me to control my anger and try to avoid being a shirt tempered individual. When you started shouting at me for not informing you when I went out, I lost my temper and shouted back at you. It is indeed very bad on my part. I should not have done so. Now I repent for what I have done.
Being my mom, I hope you will understand my emotions and what I feel and you will forget about what I have done and forgiven my behavior. I promise you that I will not repeat this behavior again and will try to overcome my anger and short temper habit. I will become a better human being with time and you will certainly see a change in me.
Please write back to me so that I feel better.
Yours lovingly,
(Your Signature)
Lawrence Moreno
Sample 4: Sorry Letter to Wife
Nyssa Vazquez
511-5762 At Rd.
Chelsea MI 67708
(947) 278-5929
Hiroko Potter
P.O. Box 887 2508 Dolor. Av.
Muskegon KY 12482
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Hiroko Potter,
I am writing this letter with remorse and request you to forgive me for_______________. I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart and I will try not to repeat this mistake and be a good husband for you.
As years will pass by, I feel that our bond will become stronger and we both will learn and understand each other in a much better way. I will be a better partner and will not hurt you again and make you feel bad about anything.
Yours lovingly,
(Your Signature)
Nyssa Vazquez
Sample 5: Sorry Letter to Husband
Forrest Ray
191-103 Integer Rd.
Corona New Mexico 08219
(404) 960-3807
Kyla Olsen
Ap #651-8679 Sodales Av.
Tamuning PA 10855
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Kyla Olsen,
I know that you are upset with me and that is the reason that I am writing this letter to you to apologize for my behavior. I lost control over my emotions and it took time for me to realize my mistake. I know I must have hurt your feelings. But nothing was intentional. I hope that you will understand the reason behind this behavior and will forgive me for my this irresponsible action, so you will forgive me.
I hope to hear from you at the earliest.
Yours lovingly,
(Your Signature)
Forrest Ray
Sample 6: Sorry Letter for Her/ Him
Calista Wise
7292 Dictum Av.
San Antonio MI 47096
(492) 709-6392
Theodore Lowe
Ap #867-859 Sit Rd.
Azusa New York 39531
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Theodore Lowe,
I am sorry to have hurt your feelings. You have known me for years and I have never shown this kind of behavior in front of anyone and I am ashamed for my behavior also. I regret what I have done and the reason is despite knowing what I am going through and what my problem is, I felt that no one understands me. I was already upset and the disturbing remarks from everyone made me more uncomfortable and upset.
However, sweetie, I hope you can understand what I am going through know it was not your fault, and I didn’t mean to take it out on you, but I was frustrated.
You have been a great life partner and wife to me and now I feel that I was not a good husband and I never fulfilled my responsibility towards you. You come from a very well to do family, and you loved me so dearly without any complaints. I will try those things between us will get better and it’s just that I need you to be with me no matter what others speak about me.
I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s behavior.
Love you,
Your Sincerely,
(Your Signature Here)
Calista Wise
Sample 7: Sorry Letter to Teacher
Celeste Slater
606-3727 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(786) 713-8616
Iris Watson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Iris Watson,
I am sorry for what I (said, did) the other day. I have realized that I was wrong and I should have not shown you that behavior in any way.
You are my idol and I have felt that your intention is to make me a better person in every way. I also feel that you have been supportive in making learning and academics an easy process for me and the class.
I regret this behavior and I promise that it will not happen again. Please forgive me.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Celeste Slater
Sample 8: Sorry Letter to Customer
Celeste Slater
606-3727 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(786) 713-8616
Iris Watson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Iris Watson,
I'm so sorry that I gave you an invalid solution to your software malfunction. I deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you and would like to apologize for the loss.
I misunderstood the issue you were having when we were speaking on the phone, and that's why I ended up giving you a solution that was incorrect. That's no excuse, and I apologize for my unguided actions. Next time, I will be sure to ask the various type of questions of my customers to fully figure out the situation in the past offering a solution.
I hope you can forgive me and that we can continue to work together if you have any more support needs.
Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Best Regards,
(Your Signature)
Celeste Slater
Sample 9: Sorry Letter to Boss
Celeste Slater
606-3727 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(786) 713-8616
Keegan Blair
Ap #761-2515 Egestas. Rd.
Manitowoc TN 07528
(577) 333-6244
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Keegan Blair,
Here I am writing this letter because I want to apologize for the error that was made by me in sending wrong reports to the customer. Though this was not intentional, but I apologize for the loss the company will have to bear because of this action. I would like to apologize for it and will try to be more attentive in the future.
I know I cannot turn back the time and set everything right but I would certainly like you to know that I am sincerely and heartily sorry for the issues affect and for the loss the company is bearing because of me.
Thanking You
Yours truly,
(Your Signature)
Celeste Slater
Sample 10: Sorry Letter to Friend
Keaton Underwood
Ap #636-8082 Arcu Avenue
Thiensville Maryland 19587
(564) 908-6970
Nasim Strong
Ap #630-3889 Nulla. Street
Watervliet Oklahoma 70863
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Nasim Strong,
It is quite unfortunate that …………………………. Although it was not completely my fault, the damage has been done. You have been a great friend and support to me throughout all these years and in every situation, so I hope that you will forget what has happened and this action will not spoil our friendship in any way.
I hope I am not causing any further inconvenience to you, and I am sure you will understand the situation and support me in this regard.
Once again, I really feel sorry for the trouble I have given you. Hope things will get better soon.
Affectionately yours,
(Your Signature)
Keaton Underwood
Sample 11: Sorry Letter to Mom from Daughter
Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174
Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Mom,
I am really very sorry Momma I can not imagine how many times I hurt you when I said I do not want you as a mom. You know that being your daughter is my greatest strength and support in life. I am regretting the moment that happened between us and that has made you upset from me. I know that you have always thought well of me and never wanted me to be this person that I have become. But, I would like to tell you that this has peened because -------------- (explain the reason).
I will try to erase those memories and start a new chapter in life, which will be more responsible and be a better person. I hope that you will support me this one last time and help me in the journey of being a positive and responsible person.
Your Daughter,
Pascale Delgado
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.