8+ Free Counter Offer Letter Template – Sample & Example
A counter offer letter is written by a job candidate in response to an offer letter from a company he or she has applied for. A counter offer letter is generally written when the candidate is fine with the job offer but needs to negotiate the compensation package. So, in this letter, the candidate although expresses the interest in the given job offer, he or she mentions that he or she needs to negotiate the remuneration package offered.
Counter Offer Letter Format
Here are some useful tips to write a counter offer letter –
- Consider the entire package – When it comes to writing a counter offer letter, it’s not only about the salary, but also the non-salary benefits you can ask for from your would-be employer. The non-salary benefits include – paid leaves, both causal and sick, relocation cost, health insurance, overtime bonus, signing bonus and others.
- Make sure to have a clear reason(s) behind the counteroffer – The clearer and to-the-point the reason(s), the more chances of getting a positive response. In order to make a clear statement, you need to research.
- Highlight your USPs – Convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the position. So, emphasizing on what makes you the best candidate is crucial here.
- Review thoroughly – Make sure to proofread the letter properly before sending it, as there is no room for mistakes.
In order to help you organize your counter offer letter well, here is how you should write a counter offer letter. Read on!
- Format – Write the letter in an official tone as if writing a business letter. Make sure that the letter starts with a header with the information of the employer. You should address the counteroffer to the employer.
- Introduction – You should start the letter by underlining your interest in the proposal and the company. Include a few reasons for why you are the most suitable candidate for the job. It will help you remind your would-be employer why you deserve extra benefits.
- Letter body – Write a short paragraph for every aspect of your compensation package that you intend to counter. Also, mention the compensation package offered to you, the counteroffer and the reason advocating why the counter offer is suitable.
- Conclusion – Do not forget to remind your would-be employer that the request you are making is absolutely reasonable. And, you would like to meet him or her personally to discuss the same further.
How to writer Counter Offer Letter
Go through the example given below for your reference –
(Sender's Name)
(Sender's Address)
(Contact Details)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
(Receiver's Name)
(Receivers Address)
Subject: (*******************)
Dear {Name of your employer},
I am glad to be given the opportunity to work with {name of the company} as {mention the designation}. This privilege to work with such a big brand is very enticing for me.
However, before I make the final decision and sign the contract, I would like to meet you in person to discuss the compensation package awarded to me. Relocating to a new place means a big deal to me. In this context, the compensation needs to be appropriate.
Also, my work experience and reputation in the industry is well known. Therefore, I would request you to kindly reconsider the compensation package.
I would appreciate your consideration regarding the same.
Thanking you,
Respectfully yours,
{Your name and signature}
Sample Counter Offer Letter Examples
Employer counter offer letter
Rahim Henderson
5037 Diam Rd.
Daly City Ohio 90255
(453) 391-4650
Date: 01-04-2013
Bryar Pitts
5543 Aliquet St.
Fort Dodge GA 20783
Subject: (____________)
Dear Bryar Pitts,
I am writing this letter with all my gratitude to thank you for offering me the position of a {mention the designation} in {name of the company/organization}. It is more than an honor for me to be provided with a chance to work for such a great and reputed company/organization. And, I appreciate you for considering me the most suitable candidate for the same.
However, I would like to talk to you regarding the compensation package you will offer me once I accept the job offer. I would like to ask you if or not we can have a meeting to negotiate the salary. I am looking for a salary of {mention the amount/year}. And, I believe that whatever I asked is in line with my skills and experience including my reputation in the industry.
If you have any queries or concerns, we can sort those out over a meeting.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
(Your Signature)
Rahim Henderson
Counter offer from current employer
Colby Bernard
Ap #285-7193 Ullamcorper Avenue
Amesbury HI 93373
(302) 259-2375
Date: 01-04-2013
Bryar Pitts
5543 Aliquet St.
Fort Dodge GA 20783
Subject: (____________)
Dear Bryar Pitts,
I am writing this letter in response to your counteroffer letter. You have been a very dedicated and talented employee of {name of the company}. I completely understand how you distinguish your qualifications and experience. However, in light of the industry standards and what we offer to our other employees with your level of qualification, the compensation we have offered you is quite decent and generous. According to our management, it’s a fair deal for you. Also, we think that you’ll get an outstanding opportunity to learn new things and develop your skills and grow with us.
However, in spite of all that, we consider you to be an integral part of our company and therefore, we can provide you with an additional bonus of {mention the amount}. Hope, it works for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Colby Bernard
(Your Signature)
Counter offer letter for the insurance settlement
Davis Patrick
P.O. Box 147 2546 Sociosqu Rd.
Bethlehem Utah 02913
(939) 353-1107
Date: 01-04-2013
Joan Romero
666-4366 Lacinia Avenue
Idaho Falls Ohio 19253
Subject – Counter offer for insurance claim number 00000000
Dear Joan Romero,
I am writing this letter in response to your offer settlement letter for my personal injury claim. I went through the letter and I am sorry to say that the facts are inaccurate. And, due to this, the amount of settlement you offered is unacceptable.
I would request you to kindly review the facts associated with my claim. I am enclosing a copy of the police report with the letter. It reads the facts related to the car accident. Moreover, I am also enclosing the copies of my hospital and ambulance bills for your reference. It would be so nice of you if you review the facts and increase the amount of settlement accordingly.
You can reach me at 000-000-0000 or mail me at 1234@jgirjg.com if you have any queries.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Davis Patrick
Name and signature of the claimant
Counter Offer Letter Real Estate
Davis Patrick
P.O. Box 147 2546 Sociosqu Rd.
Bethlehem Utah 02913
(939) 353-1107
Date: 01-04-2013
Joan Romero
666-4366 Lacinia Avenue
Idaho Falls Ohio 19253
Subject: (___________________)
Dear Joan Romero,
I am writing this letter with deep regret that I won’t be able to accept your offer to buy the land/flat/property located at {address} that you sent me on {date}. I highly appreciate you for making all the arrangements and putting your efforts according to my requirements and meeting me in person to discuss the property. However, after discussing with my family, I have come to the decision that it’s not the right choice for me.
I would like to thank you for providing me with such a great offer. If there is anything, I can help you with, please feel free to get in touch with me.
Wish you all the best.
Joan Romero
Your name and signature
Salary Negotiation Counter Offer Letter Sample
Keefe Sellers
347-7666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Date: 01-04-2013
Melvin Porter
P.O. Box 132 1599 Curabitur Rd.
Bandera South Dakota 45149
Subject: (___________________)
Dear Melvin Porter,
I am writing this letter in response to your job offer. I really appreciate you for providing me with such a great opportunity. I am pretty much excited to get started.
However, what I feel is my contributions to the company is much more valuable than what is being offered to me in regard to the compensation package. Moreover, according to the current scenario of the market and industry standards, a competitive salary for the post of a {mention the position} is {amount as counter offer}.
I would appreciate if you see to this and work on my compensation package once again. I would also like to meet you in person to discuss the same.
Kind regards,
(Your Signature)
Keefe Sellers
Decline Counter Offer Letter Sample
Keefe Sellers
347-7666 Iaculis St.
Woodruff SC 49854
(468) 353-2641
Date: 01-04-2013
Melvin Porter
P.O. Box 132 1599 Curabitur Rd.
Bandera South Dakota 45149
Subject: (___________________)
Dear Melvin Porter,
I would like to thank you for offering me the post of {mention the post} with {name of the company}. Although it was difficult for me to come to the decision, I have accepted a post with another organization.
I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have offered me and the time and effort you have put to select me.
Thank you for your consideration.
Keefe Sellers
Sample severance package counter offer letter
Hedy Greene
Ap #696-3279 Viverra. Avenue
Latrobe DE 38100
(608) 265-2215
Date: 01-04-2013
Aaron Hawkins
5587 Nunc. Avenue
Erie Rhode Island 24975
Subject: (___________________)
Dear Aaron Hawkins,
I am writing this letter in response to your letter that asked me to resign in two weeks. The moment I read the letter; I was completely shocked. Probably, you know how much I loved this company. I have put a lot of effort in making projects successful. As I am financially unprepared in regards to making this transition now, I would request you to kindly see to the following –
I would like to continue my job until I get another job. I believe that it will make the transition process smooth for both the parties. Also, I have some demands. Take a look at the following –
- I would require a severance package.
- I would require all the benefits until I have found another job.
- I would need additional compensation in order to hire a career coach to guide me through this rough water.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hedy Greene
(Your Signature)
Sample Counter Offer Letter for Commercial Lease
Hedy Greene
Ap #696-3279 Viverra. Avenue
Latrobe DE 38100
(608) 265-2215
Date: 01-04-2013
Aaron Hawkins
5587 Nunc. Avenue
Erie Rhode Island 24975
Subject – Counter Offer Letter for Commercial Lease
Dear Aaron Hawkins,
I am writing this letter in response to the proposal you have given me in regard to the commercial lease of {Name and address of the building}. I have gone through all the terms and conditions of the same and would like to make a counteroffer on the pricing terms for the lease.
I will appreciate if you meet me in person to discuss it further.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanking you,
(Your Signature)
Hedy Greene
Counter Offer Letter for Salary
Ina Moran
P.O. Box 929 4189 Nunc Road
Lebanon KY 69409
(389) 737-2852
Date: 01-04-2013
Lawrence Moreno
935-9940 Tortor. Street
Santa Rosa MN 98804
Subject – (************************)
Dear Aaron Hawkins,
I am writing this letter with respect to the job offer that I was made. I am truly glad to receive such an opportunity and would love to work for your company.
However, I feel a bit undervalued given the current compensation I have been offered. The compensation package also seems less given the current industry standards for the position of {mention the position}. Hence, I would quote the amount {the amount} as my counter offer.
I would appreciate your consideration for the same.
Kind regards,
(Your Signature)
Ina Moran
Counter Offer Email Sample
To: aabbccdd21@gmail.com
Subject: __________
Hello Forrest Ray,
Hope you are doing well!
I am writing this email in order to inform you that I am glad for the offer you gave me in {name of the company} as {mention the post}. I am very excited to get started with my new job.
However, according to the industry standards and my qualifications, the compensation package is not competitive. So, I would like to ask you to reconsider the same. We can also fix this over a meeting.
Waiting for your response.
Thanks and Regards,
Your Sincerely,
Nyssa Vazquez
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.