10+ Free Business Letter Template in PDF, Word [Doc]
Business Letter Template: Every type of business communication done is through business letter and thus a business letter should be written with extreme caution. For drafting business letters, a certain set of skills and mindset is required for efficient results. Here, we have provided you some guides to writing business letters through a list of business letter template.
Sample 1: Business Offer Letter Template
Lee Arker
98/32 Taylor Street
Canada 57654
(345) 985-3545
Date: 05-04-2000
Willie Aames
87/72 Parker Park,
Lynchburg 64564
Subject: (________________)
Dear Willie Aames,
Thank you for preferring [name of your organization] for your house lighting systems. Be rest assured because you won’t be repenting this decision.
I have attached herein the copy of our agreement for the arrangement of house lighting systems. Have a thorough study of this and the products offered through this. If you find the agreement adhering to your requirements you can sign it and send us so that we can carry forward with the process.
You can also reach out to me for any queries or clarifications required or any other relevant information needed.
(Your Signature)
Lee Arker
Sample 2: Business Complaint Letter Template
Quinton Aaron
98/987 Aliquot Street
Minot AZ 95302
(837) 196-3274
Date: 01-01-2001
Wallace Ross
313 Pellentesque Ave
Villa Park Hawaii 43526
Subject: (________________)
Dear Wallace Ross,
I wanted to express my displeasure through this letter regarding a product that I have received from you today. I have purchased a range of AI-inspired computer systems from [reader’s company] and I am not really convinced with the quality of the product received.
Since this is the very first time I am facing an issue from your company, I believe this doesn’t define the quality of your organization. So, I expect that this issue will be mitigated quickly and efficiently. I found issues with the buttons and the CPU of these PCs. There were some issues found while operating the systems initially.
Because of this, I really expect you to value our relationship and come up with a solution to this problem at the earliest. Please feel free to contact me at …… or email me at …… so that we can proceed with resolving this problem. Awaiting your response soon.
Chester Bennett
Sample 3: Business Letter Template of Intent
Bruce Lee
98/654 In Part 2
Canada CA 8768
(324) 234-2342
Date: 01-01-2001
Bud Abbott
89/98 Sit Avenue
Massachusetts 54654
Subject: (________________)
Dear Bud Abbott,
I am writing this letter of intent to specify my organization’s enthusiasm towards renting an area in [the reader’s company] for commercial purpose.
We are engaged in selling various makeup and cosmetics items from various brands. For setting up space, we require [include the space details, location, equipment]. Moreover, I believe we have common business interests shared between [your organization] and the [reader’s organization] specific to this field.
It would be happily acknowledged by us if you connect with me via [phone number] or through my [email address] from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. We can then discuss the terms and come to a formal business agreement. Hoping to hear from you soon.
(Your Signature)
Bruce Lee
Sample 4: Business Reference Letter Template
Christopher Abbot
98/98 Vel Av.
Rhode 8798
(344) 345-3453
Date: 09-12-2011
Philips Abbott
965/8 Gravida Street
Washington 35444
Subject: (________________)
Dear Philips Abbott,
I am penning down this reference letter for the [products or services] of [reference business name]. I have been consistently using their [products or services] and I must agree that I have always been a happy and contented customer.
Not only do they offer quality services but also their rates and deals are always satisfactory. I have also been using several other [products or services] like [mention some other products or services of the business] which upon using didn’t disappoint me. Their staff is always ready to help and offer quality services.
In case of any other explanation or feedback required for [reference business name], you can connect with me through [your contact details] or via [your email address].
(Your Signature)
Christopher Abbot
Sample 5: Business Thank You Letter Template
Jack Abel
98/98 Tincidunt Street
Indiana 13546
(866) 564-566
Date: 15-08-1999
Walter Abel
65/989 Arch Park
Georgia 75478
Subject: (________________)
Dear Walter Abel,
Our company, [name of your organization] is willing to take this opportunity to thank you for closely working with us in our technical department. The insights and the innovative methods incorporated by your team were really appreciated as these will surely be resourceful for our organization in the future.
Mention about certain details of your organization and the company you recently worked with. The [mention about some activities] performed during this collaboration were specifically informative and helpful.
We are looking ahead for a fruitful relationship between both of our companies. We can also discuss various business opportunities that can be helpful for both of our organizations. It has really been a pleasure conducting business with your company.
(Your Signature)
Jack Abel
Sample 6: Business Contract Termination Letter
Jon Abraham
98/654 Sit Ave
Liberal Vermont 23135
(234) 430-1323
Date: 09-08-2014
Narendra Modi
BZ-879 Chandni Chowk.
Old Delhi FL 7987
Subject: (________________)
Dear Narendra Modi,
I am writing this letter to inform you about the termination of your business contract with our organization. This agreement of our partnership shall be officially terminated effective from [date of closing of the business contract]. In case of any re-negotiations, you can contact me according to your convenience.
If you accept the terms stated in this business contract and are complying to the negation of our business collaboration, please have a careful look at the earlier agreements and the non-disclosure clauses that are effective and actionable in the court of law. You can find the copies of these documents attached herein. According to the business contract agreement terms, you are expected to be covert about the termination benefits such as [list scope or various limitations mentioned in the contract].
In case of any queries or explanations, feel free to connect with me through [phone number] or [email address]. We have loved working with you and our organization, [Name of the Company] wishes you good luck for your future plans.
(Your Signature)
Jon Abraham
Sample 7: Business Letter of Invitation Template
Omid Abtahi
354/87 Sit Street
New York 6576
(544) 565-3453
Date: 16-10-1998
John Cena
987/79 Canada Apartment
Monica FL 89798
Subject: (________________)
Dear John Cena,
I am writing this letter representing [name of your organization] so as to invite you to a business meeting between your organization and ours with an aim to discuss the terms and conditions applicable to the upcoming business deal.
This meeting is going to be held on 23rd April 2019 at our premises at 10 a.m. It is recommended that you carry all the important documents crucial to this meeting. All the necessary clauses and conditions relevant to our business partnerships for the project will be discussed in this meeting which will continue for about 3 hours.
In case of any modifications or clarifications, please feel free to reach me out on [your phone number] or [your email address].
(Your Signature)
Omid Abtahi
Sample 8: Business Letter of Apology Template
Rodolfo Decosta
687 D-Park
Vermont 56422
(121) 122-3333
Date: 14-11-1998
Dr. CJ Adams
78/07 Etawah City
Monica FL 4654
Subject: (________________)
Dear Dr. CJ Adams,
I, Rodolfo Decosta from [name of your organization] am writing this letter to apologize you for the delay caused in delivering the products you ordered with us. We constantly work towards ensuring uninterrupted services within the deadlines or earlier. However, we have defaulted in this case and we expect that you acknowledge our sincere apologies and offer us another opportunity to provide you our services.
[Name of your organization] has time and again proved its fame in offering quality clothing and electronics products and services to its customers. We believe due to mismanagement between our organization and the service providers, such an issue has come up. I am sure this inconvenience must have caused a lot of problems for you.
We are extremely apologetic for this mistake on our part and assure you to not repeat this again. As an acceptable gesture, we are interested to offer you one month of free delivery and some coupons for your purchase for one month. Please find attached coupons herein.
(Your Signature)
Rodolfo Decosta
Sample 9: Business Letter of Request Template
Don Adams
32/98 Suspendisse Road
Weirton IN 32455
(8788) 88-8888
Date: 03-12-2021
Nick Adams
414-7533 Non-Rd.
Miami Beach North Dakota 58563
Subject: (________________)
Dear Nick Adams,
I am writing this letter to request a [business loan/commercial space/particular product]. Our company, [name of your organization] has been in the [sector] for more than two decades and is well-renowned in this field.
[Fashion industry or other sectors] has been constantly flourishing over the years and has an expansion rate of [your sector’s growth rate]. With the emerging creative ideas and technologies, [fashion industry or other sectors] has the capability of transforming by leaps and bounds. This [business loan/commercial space/particular product] will assist us in conforming to our necessities and effectuating the necessary changes to achieve our goals. You can find attached herein the [plans and reports] essential to our project in the near future.
Kindly go through these [plans and reports] and provide us the [business loan/commercial space/particular product] as requested. Awaiting your response soon.
(Your Signature)
Don Adams
Sample 10: Business Letter of Introduction Template
Lillith Daniel
935-1670 Neque. St.
Centennial Delaware 48432
(387) 142-9434
Date: 01-01-2001
Noelle Adams
6351 Fringilla Avenue
Gardena Colorado 37547
Subject: (________________)
Dear Noelle Adams,
I am writing this letter to introduce [your company] that has been engaged in offering [your products or services] for the last 8 years.
We have been conducted various events over the years varying from official meetings to private gatherings and have received accolades from our customers for good work. We not only offer quality services but also ensure that the rates are appropriate.
We are really interested in providing [your products or services] to your company, [name of the reader’s organization]. Our marketing executive will soon connect with your over phone or mail for further proceedings. In case of any clarifications, you can ask our marketing executive or connect with me via [your phone number] or [your email address].
(Your Signature)
Lillith Daniel
Business Letter Template in PDF & Word [Doc.] Format
Business Letter Template in PDF Format
Business Letter Template in Word [Doc.] Format
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.