21+ Free Authorization Letter Sample Template & Examples
Authorization Letter Sample: In the busy routine of your daily life, there may be a thousand things you are trying to do, which need your personal attention and presence. But, as we all know, it is not possible to be present everywhere, all the time. This is exactly where an authorization can be your savior!
These Types of Letters are, as the name suggests, letters written to give someone else, the authority to take certain actions on your behalf. These actions can be legal, medical or financial in nature. A letter of authorization gives the other person authorized to enter into a legally binding contract on your behalf. Thus, it needs to be extremely carefully evaluated whether you really need to give this authorization, and are you giving it to the right person.
If used discreetly and for the right reasons, these letters can make life a lot easier for busy professionals. Let us look at how to write them properly.
Authorization Letter Sample -- Writing Tips
Below is a sample of how a typical letter looks
[Writer’s Name]
[Writer’s Address]
[Date of the letter]
[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Designation]
[Recipient’s Address]
Subject: Authorization for [Title of the letter]
[Salutations] Dear Mr. / Miss. / Justice [Name of the Recipient]
I, [Writer’s Name] resident of [Writer’s Address], do hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation of the authorized person with the writer] to carry out [list of transactions to be carried out] on my behalf.
I am authorizing them as I am myself unable to [information about the transaction] due to [reason of authorization].
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Signature of the writer]
[Name of the writer]
Authorization Letter Sample with Examples
Below is a set of examples of letters. This is a letter written for a proxy to claim a certain item on your behalf and may be written to authorize someone to collect your passport, visa, government documents, money, a package from the post office or any delivery company, etc.
Sample 1: Sample Authorization Letter to Claim
Cleo Best
282-8351 Tincidunt Ave
Sedalia Utah 53700
(252) 204-1434
Date: 09-01-2019
Ina Burt
Ap #130-1685 Ut Street
Tyler KS 73510
Subject: Authorization for collecting the package
To Ina Burt,
I, Cleo Best resident of [Writer’s Address], do hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation of the authorized person with the writer] to collect my package from [Delivery provider’s name]’s office on my behalf as I am out of station and will not be able to collect the same myself.
I also authorize [Name of the person being authorized] to complete any formalities as may be required to complete the transaction. I understand that once the package has been delivered to [Name of the person being authorized], [Delivery Provider’s name] will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the package. Also [Name of the person being authorized] should furnish proof of ID for verification, if being asked, before receiving the package.
[Signature of the writer]
Cleo Best
Sample 2: Authorization Letter to Travel
Lyle Sutton
Ap #250-9843 Elementum St.
South Gate Missouri 68999
(736) 522-8584
Date: 09-01-2019
Palmer Gaymer
557-2026 Purus St.
Watertown TN 07367
Subject: Authorization to travel as guardian
Dear Palmer Gaymer,
I, [Writer’s Name] resident of [Writer’s Address] am the [father/mother/ guardian] of [Minor’s name], who is traveling by the [flight number] of your airlines having [PNR number]. I am writing this letter to authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [your relation to the person traveling with the child] to travel with him/her as a guardian.
[Signature of the writer]
Lyle Sutton
This letter can be written for a number of reasons ranging from submitting the passport application on someone’s behalf, collecting their passport from the authorities or even to submitting their documents and passport for Visa application. The letters slightly vary in content with the reason for which they are being written. Here is a sample of a letter being written for submission of passport application
Sample 3: Authorization Letter for Passport
Wilma Pace
Ap #676-6532 Odio Rd.
Darlington CO 06963
(926) 709-3295
Date: 09-01-2019
Vielka Nielsen
Ap #517-7326 Elementum Rd.
Fort Smith North Dakota 79637
Subject: Authorization Note to submit a passport application letter
Dear Vielka Nielsen,
I, Wilma Pace resident of [Writer’s Address] hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to submit my documents and application form to your office as I am personally unable to submit the same because [reason for not submitting yourself].
Also, [Name of the person being authorized]’s signature is provided and attested below for verification purposes.
[Proxy’s Signature] - Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Wilma Pace
Sample 4: Letter of Authorization to Collect Certificate
Lyle Sutton
Ap #250-9843 Elementum St.
South Gate Missouri 68999
(736) 522-8584
Date: 09-01-2019
Palmer Gaymer
557-2026 Purus St.
Watertown TN 07367
Subject: Letter of Authorization to collect college certificates
Dear Palmer Gaymer,
I, Lyle Sutton resident of [Writer’s Address] have been a student of your institute from [Course Duration]. I hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to collect my course completion certificate from the institute’s office as I am personally unable to collect the same because [reason for not collecting yourself].
Kindly allow [Name of the person being authorized] to collect the certificates on my behalf.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Lyle Sutton
Sample 5: Authorization Letter to Collect Marksheet from College
Jasper Carney
1195 Lobortis Rd.
New Orleans New Hampshire 71983
(763) 409-5446
Date: 09-01-2019
Remedios Hester
487-5787 Mollis St.
City of Industry Louisiana 67973
Subject: Letter For Authorization to collect the college mark sheet
Dear Remedios Hester,
I, Jasper Carney resident of [Writer’s Address] have been a student of your institute from [Course Duration]. I hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to collect my college mark sheet from the institute as I need to submit them at my work for verification purposes. I am personally unable to collect the same as I have joined the job recently and am unable to get leaves.
Kindly allow [Name of the person being authorized] to collect the mark sheets on my behalf.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Jasper Carney
This is an important set of authorization as these give someone the authority to represent you in critical situations. The examples may include authorization to a lawyer to represent you in court or authorization to your subordinate to represent you in a critical business meeting. As can be understood, each of these has the power to change the course of events completely. Hence, these letters must be written with great caution
Sample 6: Sample Letter of Authorization to Represent
Eleanor Jennings
9631 Semper Ave
Astoria NJ 66309
(906) 217-1470
Date: 09-01-2019
Ezra Duffy
Ap #782-7348 Dis Rd.
Austin KY 50710
Subject: Letter for Authorization to Represent
Dear Ezra Duffy,
I, Eleanor Jennings resident of [Writer’s Address] hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] to represent me in front of the bench as my lawyer. I also authorize him / her to present arguments and submissions to the court, as required, on my behalf. I understand that I will be liable to follow the court’s orders as a result of [Name of the person being authorized]’s representation.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Eleanor Jennings
Sample 7: Sample Authorization Letter to Bank
Haviva Holcomb
P.O. Box 642 3450 In Road
Isle of Palms New York 03828
(896) 303-1164
Date: 09-01-2019
McKenzie Hernandez
Ap #367-674 Mi Street
Greensboro VT 40684
Subject: Letter of Authorization to Collect ATM Card
Dear McKenzie Hernandez,
I, Haviva Holcomb resident of [Writer’s Address] hold an account number [Account Number] in your bank at the [Branch Address] branch. I hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to collect my ATM card from the bank. I am personally unable to collect the same as I am out of the station on work and will not be able to return before 2 weeks.
Kindly allow [Name of the person being authorized] to collect the card on my behalf.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Haviva Holcomb
This is another important and critical type of authorization where a person is being authorized to act on behalf of an individual or an organization. For example, the board of directors can authorize one of the directors to represent the company in a court case or an executive can be authorized to sign a business deal on behalf of the company.
Sample 8: Sample Letter of Authorization to Act on Behalf
Dale Griffin
Cara Whitehead
Sonya Ray
P.O. Box 854 8580 In Ave
Revere South Dakota 43841
(639) 360-7590
Date: 09-01-2019
Blythe Carroll
7709 Justo. Ave
Princeton TX 77987
Dear Blythe Carroll
Subject: Letter for Authorization to acting on behalf of the company
We, [Name of Director 1], [Name of Director 2] and [Name of Director 3], directors of [Name of the organization], hereby authorize [Name of Director 2] to act on behalf of the company in all financial matters. This decision was taken unanimously during the Board Meeting held on [Date of the Board Meeting] and is hereby authorized by all the undersigned.
[Signature of the Director 1] [Signature of the Director 2] [Signature of the Director 3]
[Name of the Director 1]. [Name of the Director 2]. [Name of the Director 3]
Sample 9: Power of Attorney Authorization Letter Sample
Cara Whitehead
4005 Praesent St.
Torrance Wyoming 22767
(725) 757-4047
Date: 09-01-2019
Sonya Ray
Ap #315-8441 Eleifend Street
Fairbanks RI 96892
Dear Sonya Ray,
I, Cara Whitehead, Son / Daughter of [Writer’s Father’s Name], aged [Age in Years] years and residing at [Address of the Writer]
do hereby appoint [Name of the person being given the authorization] (hereinafter referred to as Attorney), Son / Daughter of [Name of the proxy’s father], aged [Age in years] and residing at [Address of the person being given the authorization] as my Attorney
to look after my business, immovable properties and look after my affairs, which the Attorney has agreed to. I confirm in the presence of following witnesses that the Attorney is my true and lawful attorney and is authorized to execute the deeds as mentioned hereinafter
- Deed 1 description
- Deed 2 description
- Deed 3 description
AND I, do hereby undertake to ratify whatever the Attorney or any substitute or agent appointed by him under the power In that behalf hereinbefore contained may lawfully do or cause to be done in and by virtue of these presents.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of [Name and signature of the witnesses]
Cara Whitehead
Sample 10: Authorization Letter for Minor to Travel Without Parents
Dahlia Lee
1293 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 76865
(882) 399-5084
Date: 09-01-2019
Jeanette Sharpe
Ap #364-2006 Ipsum Avenue
Wilmington Ohio 91750
Subject: Letter of Authorization for minor to travel without parents
Dear Jeanette Sharpe,
I, Dahlia Lee resident of [Writer’s Address] am the [father/mother] of [Minor’s name], who is traveling by the [flight number] of your airlines having [PNR number]. I am writing this letter to authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [your relation to the person traveling with the child] to travel with him/her as a guardian and none of the minor’s parents will be traveling with him/her.
We hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] to make decisions on behalf of [minor’s name] keeping their well-being in mind, should any emergency situation (medical or otherwise) arise during the flight.
[Signature of the writer]
Dahlia Lee
Sample 11: Sample Notarized Letter of Authorization
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
(725) 342-0650
Date: 09-01-2019
Kim Fletcher
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
Dear Kim Fletcher,
On this [Date] the day of [month] [year], before me, a Notary of [State and Country], the above-mentioned representative, [Name of the writer], has personally appeared and is known by me.
I hereunto set my hand and affix by Official Seal, the date and year mentioned above.
[Name of Notary]
Rigel Koch
Sample 12: Medical Authorization Letter
Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
(716) 977-5775
Date: 09-01-2019
Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872
Subject: Letter of Authorization for medical decisions for a minor
Dear Qamar Rivera,
I, [Writer’s Name] am the [father/mother] of [Minor’s name], who is admitted in your hospital for the treatment of [name of issue]. I am writing this letter to authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [your relation to the person traveling with the child] to make decisions regarding medical procedures for [name of the minor] in our absence for his / her proper and prompt treatment.
The authorization is valid, unless we are ourselves present to make the decision or release another authorization nullifying this one.
[Signature of the writer]
Hiram Mullins
Sample 13: Authorization Letter for Child to Travel
Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
(948) 600-8503
Date: 09-01-2019
Merritt Watson
P.O. Box 686 7014 Amet Street
Corona Oklahoma 55246
(622) 594-1662
Dear Merritt Watson,
I, Nehru Holmes am the [father/mother] of [Child’s name], who is a student of Standard [Class Number] in your school and wishes to travel with the group on a tour to the northern part of the country. I am writing this letter to authorize him/her to travel with the group on this tour.
We understand that the school will be making necessary arrangements for travel and stay.
[Signature of the writer]
Nehru Holmes
Sample 14: Sample Letter of Authorization Giving Permission
Driscoll Leach
P.O. Box 120 2410 Odio Avenue
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
(726) 710-9826
Date: 09-01-2019
Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679
Subject: Authorization giving permission to attend the meeting on new projects
Dear Lacy Eaton,
This is with reference to our discussion last week, where you mentioned that Mr. Y, who has recently joined is keen on working in the field of [name of field] and would like to join our team for the discussions of new projects in the area.
I hereby authorize Mr. Y to attend the next meeting this Wednesday with my permission. Looking forward to his new ideas.
Best Regards,
[Signature of the writer]
Driscoll Leach
This is an extremely common type of letter that comes handy in many day to day scenarios. For example, if you want someone to collect your mark sheet or certificates from your college, forms or pass book from the bank or even to get your Visa on your behalf before sending it to you, this is the letter that gets written.
Sample 15: Authorization Letter to Get Documents
Driscoll Leach
P.O. Box 120 2410 Odio Avenue
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
(726) 710-9826
Date: 09-01-2019
Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679
Dear Lacy Eaton,
I, [Writer’s Name] resident of [Writer’s Address] have been associated with your organization as [relation – student/employee etc.]. I hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to collect my documents as submitted from the office as I am personally unable to collect the same because [reason for not collecting yourself].
Kindly allow [Name of the person being authorized] to collect the documents on my behalf.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Driscoll Leach
(Your Signature)
Sample 16: Credit Card Authorization Letter
Katelyn Cooper
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
(414) 876-0865
Date: 09-01-2019
Lee Preston
981 Eget Rd.
Clemson GA 04645
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, Katelyn Cooper hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] who is my [relation with the writer] to use my credit card for my grocery needs while I am on complete bed rest for the next month, following an accident and a leg surgery. He/she can conduct a transaction as he/she deems appropriate.
Details on the credit card are authorized
[Card Details]
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Katelyn Cooper
Sample 17: Child Care Authorization Letter
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
(545) 604-9386
Date: 09-01-2019
Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520
Dear Calista Merritt
I, Craig Williams the [father / mother] of [Child’s name], am writing this letter to authorize [Name of authorized person] who is my [your relation to the person travelling with the child] to take care of my child until the pending case for the child’s custody gets over.
I also authorize them to make decisions on behalf of [child’s name] keeping their well-being in mind, should any emergency situation (medical or otherwise) arise during the period.
[Signature of the writer]
Craig Williams
Sample 18: Agent Authorization Letter
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
(545) 604-9386
Date: 09-01-2019
Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520
Dear Calista Merritt
We hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized and their organization] to carry out the collection of the bills and provide after-sales service on behalf of [Organization Name] as our agent.
Craig Williams
[Designation of Writer]
[Organization Address]
Sample 19: Payment Authorization Letter
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
(545) 604-9386
Date: 09-01-2019
Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520
Subject: (*********************)
Dear Craig Williams
I, Calista Merritt, employed as the Treasurer in [Organization Name] do hereby authorize all the payments made by the organization on or after [Date of authorization] as valid. The company will be responsible and liable for any dispute arising out of these payments.
Craig Williams
[Designation of Writer]
[Organization Address]
Sample 20: Company Authorization Letter for Employee
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
(545) 604-9386
Date: 09-01-2019
Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520
Subject: (****************************)
Dear Calista Merritt,
We hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized and their organization] to carry out the activities as listed below on behalf of [Organization Name] as our legally employed employee.
Activity 1: Description
Activity 2: Description
Craig Williams
[Designation of Writer]
[Organization Address]
Sample 21: Authorization Letter for Payment on Behalf
Zephaniah Sanders
3714 Nascetur St.
Hawthorne Louisiana 10626
(539) 567-3573
Date: 09-01-2019
Seth Farley
6216 Denman Avenue
Seattle Utah 81202
Subject: (****************************)
Dear Seth Farley,
We hereby authorize [Name of the person being authorized] to make payments to the vendors and suppliers on behalf of [Organization Name] after proper consideration. It is also ascertained that any dispute with regards to such payment will be settled by the [Designation and Department] should it be brought to their notice.
Zephaniah Sanders
[Designation of Writer]
[Organization Address]
Sample 22: Authorization Letter to Collect Certificate
Judith Floyd
361-7936 Feugiat St.
Williston Nevada 58521
(774) 914-2510
Date: 09-01-2019
Willow Hunt
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, [Writer’s Name] have been an emloyee of your institute from [Tenure]. I hereby authorize my ex-colleague [Name of the person being authorized] to collect my employment certificate from the office as I am personally unable to collect the same because [reason for not collecting yourself].
Kindly allow [Name of the person being authorized] to collect the certificate on my behalf.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Judith Floyd
Sample 23: Signature Authorization Letter
Daniel Bernard
P.O. Box 567 1561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN 08609
(750) 558-3965
Date: 09-01-2019
Willow Hunt
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, Daniel Bernard, do hereby authorize [name of the person being authorized] to sign and carry out bank transactions on my behalf till 15th May 2019 as I am traveling abroad due to personal reasons.
Yours Sincerely,
[Signature of the writer]
Daniel Bernard
Sample 24: Third Party Authorization Letter
Chaney Bennett
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
(187) 582-9707
Date: 09-01-2019
Anne Beasley
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794
Subject: (*****************)
We hereby authorize [Name of the third party] to be our representative as arbitrators in the ongoing dispute between the firm [Name of the organization] and [Name of the other party]. This letter also authorizes [Name of the third party] to make an offer or accept a counteroffer on our behalf.
Chaney Bennett
[Designation of Writer]
[Organization Address]
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.