Writing a Character Reference Letter for Divorce Court

Writing a Character Reference Letter for Divorce Court

Writing a character reference letter for someone going through a divorce court process is a significant responsibility. It involves providing a truthful and positive account of the individual’s character, particularly regarding their role and responsibilities in the family. Here are six templates for writing a character reference letter for divorce court, each tailored to different situations.


Character Reference Letter Template 1: General Character Reference

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to provide a character reference for [Friend’s Name], whom I have known for [Number of Years]. Throughout this time, I have known [Friend’s Name] to be a [describe character traits, e.g., dependable, caring, responsible] individual.

In my interactions with [Friend’s Name], I have observed [his/her/their] dedication to [his/her/their] family. [Provide specific examples, such as involvement in children's activities or commitment to family responsibilities].

I believe [Friend’s Name]’s character and dedication to [his/her/their] family make [him/her/them] well-suited for [mention the aspect of the divorce case, such as custody or mediation]. [He/She/They] has always shown great [mention qualities relevant to the case, such as patience, understanding, or support].

Thank you for considering my perspective in this matter. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]


Example for Template 1

John Doe
123 Maple Street
Anytown, NY 12345
July 5, 2021

Judge Jane Smith
Family Court of Anytown
456 Court Street
Anytown, NY 12345

Dear Judge Smith,

I am writing to provide a character reference for Sarah Johnson, whom I have known for ten years. Throughout this time, I have known Sarah to be a dependable, caring, and responsible individual.

In my interactions with Sarah, I have observed her dedication to her family. She has consistently been involved in her children's educational activities and has always prioritized their well-being and development.

I believe Sarah’s character and dedication to her family make her well-suited for custody of her children. She has always shown great patience and support in her role as a mother.

Thank you for considering my perspective in this matter. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


John Doe


Character Reference Letter Template 2: Professional Acquaintance

[Your Name]
[Your Professional Title]
[Company/Organization Name]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I write this letter in my capacity as [Your Title] at [Company/Organization Name] to vouch for the character of [Friend’s Name], who has been a [describe professional relationship, e.g., colleague, employee] for [Number of Years].

In our professional setting, [Friend’s Name] has demonstrated qualities such as [mention relevant qualities, e.g., integrity, professionalism, commitment]. These attributes not only make [him/her/them] an exemplary [employee/colleague] but also reflect [his/her/their] overall character.

[Friend’s Name] has shown a remarkable ability to balance [his/her/their] professional responsibilities with [his/her/their] personal life, especially during the challenging period of [mention any specific situations, such as divorce proceedings].

I firmly believe that [Friend’s Name]’s character and integrity stand [him/her/them] in good stead and are indicative of [his/her/their] capability to handle [mention the relevant aspect of the divorce case].

Please feel free to contact me for any further insights into [Friend’s Name]’s character.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]


Example for Template 2

Alice Brown
Human Resources Manager
XYZ Corporation
789 Business Rd.
Businesstown, ST 67890
July 5, 2021

Judge Michael Green
Family Court of Businesstown
123 Justice Avenue
Businesstown, ST 67890

Dear Judge Green,

I write this letter in my capacity as Human Resources Manager at XYZ Corporation to vouch for the character of Michael Thompson, who has been an employee for five years.

In our professional setting, Michael has demonstrated qualities such as integrity, professionalism, and commitment. These attributes not only make him an exemplary employee but also reflect his overall character.

Michael has shown a remarkable ability to balance his professional responsibilities with his personal life, especially during the challenging period of his divorce proceedings.

I firmly believe that Michael’s character and integrity stand him in good stead and are indicative of his capability to handle joint custody of his children.

Please feel free to contact me for any further insights into Michael’s character.


Alice Brown


Character Reference Letter Template 3: Personal Friend Perspective

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As a close personal friend of [Friend’s Name] for over [Number of Years], I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand [his/her/their] character, especially in the context of [his/her/their] family life.

[Describe your relationship with the friend and any significant experiences you’ve shared that demonstrate their character]. [Friend’s Name] has always displayed qualities such as [list relevant qualities, e.g., kindness, responsibility, empathy], which are crucial in a family setting.

During the time of [his/her/their] marriage, and now through the divorce process, [Friend’s Name] has consistently shown [mention specific behaviors or actions that reflect positively on their character].

It is my belief that [Friend’s Name] possesses the qualities necessary to [mention the specific aspect of the case, such as parenting or resolving marital issues]. [His/Her/Their] commitment to family and moral integrity are commendable.

I appreciate your consideration of this reference, and I am available for any further information you may require.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]


Example for Template 3

Jane Smith
123 Friendship Lane
Neighborville, NT 12345
July 5, 2021

Judge Alan Carter
Family Court of Neighborville
456 Legal Street
Neighborville, NT 12345

Dear Judge Carter,

As a close personal friend of David Lee for over fifteen years, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand his character, especially in the context of his family life.

Our families have spent considerable time together, and I have seen David interact with his children in a loving and nurturing manner. He has always displayed qualities such as patience, responsibility, and empathy, which are crucial in a family


During the time of his marriage, and now through the divorce process, David has consistently shown a great deal of concern for the well-being of his children, often putting their needs above his own.

It is my belief that David possesses the qualities necessary for shared custody of his children. His commitment to family and moral integrity are commendable.

I appreciate your consideration of this reference, and I am available for any further information you may require.


Jane Smith


Character Reference Letter Template 4: Neighbor’s Perspective

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As [Friend’s Name]’s neighbor for the past [Number of Years], I have been able to observe [him/her/them] in a variety of everyday situations that highlight [his/her/their] character and values, particularly in relation to [his/her/their] role as a [father/mother].

[Describe specific observations or interactions that demonstrate the friend’s character]. For instance, [mention any particular instances that show their commitment to family, such as involvement in community or school activities with their children].

Based on my observations, I can confidently say that [Friend’s Name] is a [mention positive traits, e.g., devoted, reliable, caring] [parent/person], who has always prioritized the well-being of [his/her/their] family.

I strongly believe that [Friend’s Name] is capable and deserving of [mention the specific aspect of the case, such as custody or fair settlement]. [His/Her/Their] actions and behaviors consistently show [his/her/their] dedication to being a good [father/mother].

Thank you for considering my viewpoint on this matter.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]


Example for Template 4

Susan Rodriguez
789 Community Drive
Suburbtown, SB 78901
July 5, 2021

Judge Elizabeth Warren
Family Court of Suburbtown
123 Justice Blvd.
Suburbtown, SB 78901

Dear Judge Warren,

As Anna Thompson’s neighbor for the past eight years, I have been able to observe her in a variety of everyday situations that highlight her character and values, particularly in relation to her role as a mother.

Anna is actively involved in our community, often volunteering at school events and leading local children’s activities. For instance, she organized a neighborhood clean-up event last spring, in which her children enthusiastically participated.

Based on my observations, I can confidently say that Anna is a devoted, reliable, and caring mother, who has always prioritized the well-being of her family.

I strongly believe that Anna is capable and deserving of full custody of her children. Her actions and behaviors consistently show her dedication to being a good mother.

Thank you for considering my viewpoint on this matter.


Susan Rodriguez


Character Reference Letter Template 5: From a Family Member

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As [Relationship, e.g., sister, brother, cousin] of [Friend’s Name], I have had the privilege of knowing [him/her/them] closely for many years. I have witnessed [his/her/their] character in both personal and familial contexts.

[Describe the relationship and share specific examples of the friend’s character]. For instance, [mention how they have handled family responsibilities or supported others].

[Friend’s Name] has consistently demonstrated qualities such as [mention positive traits relevant to the case, e.g., compassion, responsibility, integrity]. These traits have been especially evident during the recent challenges of [his/her/their] divorce proceedings.

I am confident in [Friend’s Name]’s abilities as a [parent/family member] and strongly support [his/her/their] pursuit of [mention the specific aspect of the case].

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further insights into [Friend’s Name]’s character.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]


Example for Template 5

Michael Johnson
456 Family Road
Hometown, HT 45678
July 5, 2021

Judge Laura Kim
Family Court of Hometown
789 Court Street
Hometown, HT 45678

Dear Judge Kim,

As the brother of James Johnson, I have had the privilege of knowing him closely for many years. I have witnessed his character in both personal and familial contexts.

Growing up, James always showed a sense of responsibility and care, not only towards family members but also in his interactions with others. For instance, he has been a supportive figure to our parents during their recent health challenges.

James has consistently demonstrated qualities such as compassion, responsibility, and integrity. These traits have been especially evident during the recent challenges of his divorce proceedings.

I am confident in James’s abilities as a parent and strongly support his pursuit of shared custody of his children.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further insights into James’s character.


Michael Johnson


Character Reference Letter Template 6: From a Community Leader

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Organization/Community Name]
[City, State, Zip]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As a [Your Position] at [Organization/Community Name], I have known [Friend’s Name] for [Number of Years] in my capacity as their [mention your relationship, e.g., pastor, mentor, community leader].

In my interactions with [Friend’s Name], I have observed [his/her/their] strong sense of [mention relevant traits, e.g., community involvement, ethical conduct, family values]. [Provide specific examples that demonstrate these traits].

Given my experience with [Friend’s Name], I believe [he/she/they] embodies the qualities that are essential for [mention the aspect of the case, e.g., a responsible parent, fair mediation in divorce proceedings].

I appreciate your consideration of this character reference. Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,

[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]
[Your Contact Information]


Example for Template 6

Reverend John Kelly
Community Church of Riverdale
123 Church St.
Riverdale, RV 12345
July 5, 2021

Judge Maria Gonzalez
Family Court of Riverdale
234 Legal Way
Riverdale, RV 12345

Dear Judge Gonzalez,

As the Pastor at Community Church of Riverdale, I have known Elizabeth Clark for seven years in my capacity as her spiritual advisor and mentor.

In my interactions with Elizabeth, I have observed her strong sense of community involvement and ethical conduct. She has been a dedicated volunteer in various church activities and has shown tremendous support and empathy towards

 other community members.

Given my experience with Elizabeth, I believe she embodies the qualities that are essential for a responsible parent. Her commitment to her family and community values is evident in all her actions.

I appreciate your consideration of this character reference. Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,

Reverend John Kelly


Purpose of a Character Reference Letter for Divorce Court

The purpose of a character reference letter for divorce court is to provide the judge with insight into the individual’s character, particularly in the context of family life and responsibilities. These letters can impact decisions related to child custody, division of assets, or other aspects of divorce proceedings.


Key Elements of a Character Reference Letter for Divorce Court

Writer’s Relationship with the Individual: Clearly state your relationship with the person and the duration of your acquaintance.
Positive Character Traits: Highlight specific positive traits and provide examples.
Relevance to Divorce Proceedings: Tailor the traits and examples to be relevant to the aspects of the divorce case.
Contact Information: Include your contact details for any follow-up or verification.


Tips for Writing a Character Reference Letter for Divorce Court

1. Be Honest and Sincere: Provide truthful insights into the individual’s character.
2. Be Specific and Relevant: Give specific examples that are relevant to the individual’s role in the family and the case.
3. Be Concise: Keep the letter focused and to the point.
4. Maintain Professionalism: Write in a professional and respectful tone.
5. Offer to Provide Further Information: Indicate your willingness to provide additional information if required.

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