Thank You Letter After Interview – Format, Sample & Example
Thank You Letter After Interview to the interviewer is a part of courtesy shown after the interview is conducted. Following are the points that would be useful to draft a perfect thank you letter.
- You can thank the interviewer for providing opportunity to appear in the session.
- You can mention what you liked about the session.
- If you have not answered any of the interview questions then you may provide any valid reason for it.
- Explain how curious are you for working in the organization or accordingly.
- You can add a point that what difference can you make to organization if you are been selected.
- Mention your skills and strength which you have forgotten to say about during the interview session.
Format of Thank You Letter After Interview
A standard format can be designed in a way where it is not very lengthy and it should cover all necessary content in it. The following is a format of a thank you letter for the interview.
Name of Interviewer
Name of the organization
Sub: Mention the subject clearly
Dear interviewer,
Start the first line right below the comma and mention greetings here. Now comes the part of core content and it's where you have to add the main content of the letter. After writing the main content provide details of some of your skills and abilities which you were not able to represent during the interview.
Thank you!
Your Name
How to write a thank you letter after an interview
The following is an example of thank you letter after interview.
Mark Steve
HR Manager
Advent Media services Limited
North London
Sub: Thank you letter for interview
Dear sir,
I was interviewed at your company advent media in last week for the post of media associate. I would like to inform that i would first of all thank you very much for providing me an opportunity to appear in interview session of your reputed organisation. I would like to say that I wasn't able to inform you during the interview that i have experience of media associate with a similar company like advent media and i have already mentioned it in resume. All the skills required for media associate are been developed by me. If you provide me an opportunity to work at company then i would give my best for the organization.
Thanking you,
Kim John
How to Write thank you Email for Interview
Following is an example of thank you email for interview.
Sub:Thank you mail
Dear sir,
I was interviewed yesterday at your organisation for post of sales executive and i thank you a lot for this opportunity. I would like to say that if provided a chance i would serve my best for the company. thanks once again.
Sample Thank You Letter After Interview Examples
Various types of thank you letter after interview are explained below.
Thank You Letter for Phone Interview
HR manger
Hanrick Automobiles
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear HR manager,
I received a call from your side and i attended a telephonic interview for post of senior engineer. It was good to speak to you and i would like to thank you for considering my profile for the post. I would give my best in next round of personal interview and serve my best if provided an opportunity to work in your company.
Thank you,
Steve zucker
Teacher Interview Thank You Letter
World star high school
East London
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear Sir,
I was interviewed for post of teacher at your school during interviews in last week. I sincerely thank you for providing such opportunity. I would like to say that I believe in moral values of life and hence i find myself suitable for post of teacher as school life is meant to understand moral value apart from mainstream education. If you provide me an opportunity to work at your school then it would be great chance for me to prove my knowledge and i assure you best of my services.
Thanking you.
Michael Brak
College Interview Thank You Letter
Respected James
High world engineering college
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for providing me an opportunity to appear in interviews of college admissions. I am interested in engineering research since my childhood and I have developed several projects and prototypes and submitted it's details to the interviewer at college. I request you to go through my research projects and provide me an opportunity to study at your college. I assure you to give my best efforts in research if I get a chance to study at High world engineering college.
Robin Williams
Thank You Letter After Second Interview
Vice President
Garrison Technologies
West London
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear Sir,
I would sincerely like to thank you for taking out time for taking second round of interview of mine. I appreciate your motive of expanding the company in international level. I would like to inform that i was nervous a bit during interview as i was speaking to you as vice president of company. As I am a gold medalist in software technics i would be very useful for your company.
Thanking you
Matt Karter
Sole software developer
Informational Interview Thank You Letter
Steven Joe
Credit Real Estate Pvt ltd
Sub : Thank you letter
Dear sir,
I was interviewed at your company for post of relationship manager by the human resources team. I would like you to thank you for providing me an opportunity to appear in interview session at your company. I would like to inform you that I am a gold medalist in customer relationship sector and i have successfully handled more than 20+ sales and promotion drives. I request you to provide me an opportunity to work at your company and i assure you the best of my services.
Thanking you,
Brooke Key
Follow Up Interview Thank You Letter
Nick George
HR manger
Grow way infrastructure company
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for taking out time for my interview process. It was pleasing experience for me to visit your office and i am impressed by the location and infrastructure of the office. I am in need of a Job urgently and so i would just like to have a update on status of interview so that i can plan further accordingly. I would like to assure you best of my services of provided an opportunity to work at your company. Let me take this opportunity and thank you once again.
Good bye.
Johnson Mark
Civil engineer
Thank You Note after Interview
Rick Edson
Manager (Human Resources)
Bro Online products Limited
Sub: Thank you note
Respected Rick,
I was interviewed at your company last week for post of back office executive and i would like to thank you for providing me an opportunity to attend the interviews. I liked the location and working environment of the company and the way work culture works is really amazing. I assure you to give my best efforts to company of selected in the interviews.
Mark Haithen
Back office typist
Residency Interview Thank You Letter
Health plus Hospital
Sub: Thanks for interview
Dear Sir,
Greetings of the day. I was interviewed at your hospital for post of research pharmacist and I would like to thank you for it. Formerly i have stayed at a hospital for 6 months and completed research internship and similarly if provided an opportunity I would be pleased to do it at your hospital.
Steve Bwoth
Research pharmacist
Group Interview Thank You Letter
Mitchel Arther
HR manager
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for providing me an opportunity to appear in interview. I liked the group interview session and interior of the office. I would like to inform you that i am interested in automobile repairing since childhood and if provided a chance to work with your company i would give my best service.
Thank you,
Thank You Letter to HR after Interview
Miss Lina George
HR manager
KKB Technolabs LLP
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear Mam,
I got an opportunity to appear in interview at your company and i thank you for considering my profile for interview process. I liked the work culture and ideology of company. Honestly i was a bit nervous during the interview but i assure that I would provide quality service if provided an opportunity.
Thank you,
Kim Brown
Thank You Letter After 2nd Interview
Gary Burgen
Vice President
Happy Builders LLP
Sub: Thank you letter
Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for allocating your time for my interview session. I was very pleased on my selection of first round of interview. When i appeared in 2nd round nd I Am glad that you as a vice president of the company took my interview. It was great to meet you and i would like to assure you best of my services if I get a chance to work in your company.
Thank you,
Post Interview Thank You Letter
John Carry
Sub :Thanks note
Dear sir,
I was interviewed at your company last week for post of sales executive. I would thank you for considering my profile for the post. I liked the location of office and i am also aware of great reputation of your company in the market. As you know i have been awarded as sales specialist by my former company and so i would like to assure you to dedicate my talent for your company if i get a chance.
Peter Charles
Sales executive
Short and Sweet Thank You Letter after Interview
HR mangager
Sub: Thank you note
Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for considering my profile for interview at your company. I liked the sales and process of your company. I would be pleased to work with your organisation if provided an opportunity.
Fleming Joe
Thank You Email after 2nd Interview
Sub:Thank you email
Dear sir,
I thank you for shortlisting my profile for 2nd round of interview. I appreciate your company's services and would be pleased to serve it with my talent. As you know i have skills in sales and promotion and so i can be useful asset for company. You took out time from your busy schedule and i thank you for it.
Bravo joe
Sales man
Sample Thank You Letter after Interview to Multiple Interviewers
Interviewing committe
Francis Water solutions Linited
Sub : Thank you letter
Dear interviewers,
It was a pride for me to appear in interview at your company . I liked the concept of your water solution services and i would be glad if I get a chance to serve your company with my experience, skills and talent. I would like to inform that i am a specialist in water solutions technology and practising it since years. I would once thank you all for providing your valuable time for interview session.
Thank you ,
Andrew Joseph
Water solution technician
Similarly, you can mention your skills, experience and key points in the letter and make it short, attractive and simple for the interviewer. Thank you letter is a gesture of respect and courtesy which helps you connect with interviewer.
Thank You Letter Template after Interview in PDF & Word Format
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.