Termination Letter Template for Misconduct – Sample & Example
In organizational setups, it often becomes necessary for employers to issue termination letters for misconduct. This has to be communicated to them via formal letters. The employers can cite the reason for termination, but it is not necessary to do so. It is important to maintain a proper format and follow strict procedures while writing these letters.
Termination Letter Format For Misconduct
(Sender Address)
(Sender's Contact Number or Email)
Receiver's Address
Receiver Contact number
Dear XYZ,
The first part of the body will inform the employee that the company no longer wants him/her to work for them.
The second part of the body will cite the reason for the action taken by the company.
The third paragraph will mention the implications and the other aspects associated with the termination of this employee.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Name of the employer
These letters are usually written in the letterheads of the organization.
Sample Termination Letter For Misconduct Example
Sample Termination Letter For Misconduct
Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679
(932) 726-8645
Date: 01-02-2005
Katelyn Cooper
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
Subject: (******************************)
Dear Katelyn Cooper,
We, at ABC Technologies, would like to inform you that you have been terminated from the post of Assistant Engineer, effective 30th April 2019. It is also required of you to submit the final presentation of the project you have been assigned, by the 29th of April.
You have repeatedly been accused of misbehaving with our staff members. In spite of being warned about the same, you have failed to show any amount of professionalism. You may note that any kind of misbehavior can attract disciplinary action according to Clause 20 of the employment agreement. Therefore, as a consequence of the action, we were forced to initiate, you are terminated from your post.
You may be informed that if you have contributed to the generation of any intellectual property, you aren't permitted to disclose the details of the same to any outside party. The intellectual property belongs to ABC Technologies.
You are required to be present at the office tomorrow to cancel the employment contract.
Any doubts or queries can be addressed directly to me.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Lacy Eaton
HR Manager
ABC Technologies
Termination Letter To Employee Due To Misconduct
Lee Preston
981 Eget Rd.
Clemson GA 04645
(221) 156-5026
Date: 01-02-2005
Craig Williams
P.O. Box 372 5634 Montes Rd.
Springdale MO 57692
Subject: (******************************)
Dear Craig Williams,
I am writing to you with regards to the termination of your employment at ABC Technologies.
Your behavior was willful and deliberate and as a result of it, you risk the reputation of the firm as well as the safety and mental health of your colleagues. We consider that your actions constituted serious misconduct and call for immediate termination of your employment contract.
You may be informed that if you have contributed to the generation of any intellectual property, you aren't permitted to disclose the details of the same to any outside party. The intellectual property belongs to ABC Technologies.
You will be paid your accrued entitlements and any outstanding pay up to and including your last day of employment. You are required to be present at the office tomorrow to cancel the employment contract.
Any doubts or queries can be addressed directly to me.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Lee Preston
HR Department
XYZ Technologies
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.