Template for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

Template for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

Creating an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter involves a formal declaration of the necessity of an ESA for an individual’s mental health and wellbeing. This guide provides a template for an ESA letter, an example using the template, a variation, and essential components and tips for writing effectively.


Purpose of an Emotional Support Animal Letter

An Emotional Support Animal letter is used to:

Certify that an individual requires the companionship of an ESA for mental health reasons.
Assist individuals in securing housing and traveling arrangements where ESAs are not typically allowed.
Provide legal documentation that verifies the need for an ESA under relevant laws.


Key Components of an ESA Letter

Professional Header: Include the mental health professional’s letterhead with contact information.

Verification of Professional: State the qualifications of the mental health professional issuing the letter.

Client Information: Mention the name of the individual requiring the ESA.

ESA Necessity: Declare the need for an ESA as part of the individual’s treatment.

Legal Compliance: Reference relevant laws pertaining to ESAs.

Professional Signature: Conclude with the signature and credentials of the mental health professional.


Tips for Writing an ESA Letter

  • Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state the necessity of the ESA without unnecessary details.
  • Comply with Legal Standards: Ensure the letter meets all legal requirements for ESA documentation.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Keep the tone professional and the content focused on the mental health needs of the individual.
  • Include Necessary Details: Ensure all required components are present, such as the professional’s credentials and contact information.
  • Protect Privacy: Provide only the necessary information without disclosing sensitive medical details.


Template for Emotional Support Animal Letter

[Professional's Name]
[Title and Credentials]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [Patient's Name], to verify the necessity of an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) for their mental health treatment. As a licensed [Type of Mental Health Professional] with [Number of Years] years of experience, I am qualified to make this assessment.

[Patient's Name] has been under my care since [Date], and I have diagnosed them with [General Diagnosis]. It is my professional opinion that an ESA is a critical component of their treatment plan, providing necessary emotional support and stability.

Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), individuals with a certified ESA are entitled to certain accommodations. [Patient's Name]’s ESA is vital to their mental health and wellbeing and should be considered under these regulations.

Please feel free to contact me if you require further information or verification.


[Professional's Signature]
[Professional's Name]
[License Number]


Example Letter Using the Template

Dr. Lisa Chang
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
123 Wellness Street
City, State, Zip Code
(555) 123-4567
April 1, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing on behalf of my patient, Emily Harris, to verify the necessity of an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) for their mental health treatment. As a licensed Clinical Psychologist with 10 years of experience, I am qualified to make this assessment.

Emily Harris has been under my care since January 2022, and I have diagnosed them with anxiety disorder. It is my professional opinion that an ESA is a critical component of their treatment plan, providing necessary emotional support and stability.

Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), individuals with a certified ESA are entitled to certain accommodations. Emily Harris’s ESA is vital to their mental health and wellbeing and should be considered under these regulations.

Please feel free to contact me if you require further information or verification.


Dr. Lisa Chang
License #12345


Emotional Support Animal Letter Template Variation

[Professional's Name]
[Title and Credentials]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

Dear [Recipient's Name or 'To Whom It May Concern'],

As [Patient's Name]'s [Type of Mental Health Professional], I am providing this letter to confirm the necessity of an Emotional Support Animal for managing their mental health condition. My credentials include [List Credentials], and I have been treating [Patient's Name] since [Date].

The presence of an ESA is essential for [Patient's Name]'s emotional and mental wellbeing, offering comfort and support that alleviates their symptoms. This recommendation is in line with the treatment plan for their condition, diagnosed as [General Diagnosis].

In accordance with federal laws regarding Emotional Support Animals, it is important that [Patient's Name]'s ESA is allowed to accompany them in housing and travel situations where animals are not typically permitted.

For any further details or verification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

[Professional's Signature]
[Professional's Name]
[License Number]
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