30+ Free Resignation Letter Sample & Example
Employees in different organizations are required to write employment resignation letters when they no longer want to continue or cannot continue in their present job. This formal mode of communication has to be precise and to-the-point. There are certain protocols to be followed while writing these letters. Different examples of such letters are given here.
Sample Letter of Resignation
Given below is a sample of letter for resignation an employee wishes to address to his senior.
Name of the employee
Name of organization
Date – date month year
Name of the senior
Name of the organization
Subject – Precise line that conveys the purpose of the letter
Dear XZA,
The first paragraph of the body will convey to the senior official that the employee is not willing to continue in this job from a particular date.
The second paragraph of the body will cite the reason for the same.
Other implications and requests may be made in the third paragraph.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Name and Signature of the Employee
Examples of Resignation Letters
Sample of Teacher Resignation Letter To Principal
Dale Griffin
P.O. Box 854 8580 In Ave
Revere South Dakota 43841
(639) 360-7590
Blythe Carroll
7709 Justo. Ave
Princeton TX 77987
Dear Blythe Carroll,
It is with great regret that I would like to inform you that I will not be able to continue working as the Head of the Department of Chemistry in National Public School from the month of July.
My family has decided to move to a new city at the end of June. Hence, I will not be able to work in July.
I would like to thank you for all the support and guidance that you have provided me throughout my journey in this school.
Before I quit, I will be more than happy in helping you find a replacement for my position.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Dale Griffin
In many cases, according to the employee’s contract, he/she is required to provide a notice period of a fixed number of days or months or weeks. Accordingly, the communication to the employer regarding resignation has to be made. This period of time that the employee works for the company after informing about his/her resignation is called the notice period. The purpose of the notice period is basically to provide the company with time to find a replacement for the post of the resigning employee. In many cases, the companies also ask their employees to leave after a certain period of time and here, the employee gets time to find a new job.
An example of a this letter with two weeks’ notice is given below:
Sample of a Resignation Letter with Two Weeks’ Notice
Cara Whitehead
4005 Praesent St.
Torrance Wyoming 22767
(725) 757-4047
Sonya Ray
Ap #315-8441 Eleifend Street
Fairbanks RI 96892
Subject: (-------------------)
Dear Cara Whitehead,
It is with great regret that this is to inform you that I will not be able to attend my office today as a senior member of the faculty of Chemistry at National Public School. According to my employment contract, I understand the my notice period is 2 weeks. Hence, I hope that I will be relieved by the end of this month.
I would like to thank you for all the support and guidance that you have provided me throughout my journey in this school.
Before I quit, I will be more than happy in helping you find a replacement for my position.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Sonya Ray
Sample Professional Letter of Resignation Example
Bertha Riggs
Pellentesque Ave
Villa Park Hawaii, 43526
(000) 123-1234
August 20, 2019
Caster Richardson
GRIP Corp.
7803 Green Park Rd.
Hawaii, 43526
Subject: (---------------------)
Dear Caster Richardson,
I am (NAME), (Job designation) writing this letter to inform you that I will not be able to continue my work as the Assistant Manager of the HR department of this company. I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 3 months. I hope that by the end of this period, all the formalities will be completed.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly
(Your Signature)
Bertha Riggs
Sample Resignation Letter with Reason
Liza Wilson
901 Windsor Avenue,
New York, CA 955548
(000) 123-1234
May 20, 2019
Mr. Clark Kathlene
DCIM Corp.
9567 Main Street
New York, CA 94454
Dear Sir,
With due respect and honor, I am writing this letter to inform you that I will not be able to continue working as the Assistant Manager of the HR department of this company. The reason for the same is that I am unable to cope with the work-load and the stress of traveling 30kms every day to and from work.
I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 2 months. I hope that by the end of this period, all the formalities will be completed.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
(Your SIgnature)
Liza Wilson
Immediate Resignation Letter Sample
Rony Freza
921 Rockton Place
Houston, CA 20516565
(000) 123-1234
April 01, 2019
Mr. Tony Grith
PYT Corp.
954 Main Street
Houston, CA 65677
Respected Sir,
I am Rony Freza, Assistant Manager post writing to inform you that I will not be able to continue working as the Assistant Manager of the HR department of this company. I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 3 months. But due to certain personal reasons, I will not be able to stick to the agreement.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities by the end of this week.
Thank you,
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Rony Freza
Sample Job Resignation Letter Example
Avery Dorland
Assistant Manager
Dept. of Human Resources
XYZ Technologies
Date - 12 June 2019
Steve Jackson
The Director
XYX Technologies
Respected Sir,
With due respect, it is submitted that I will not be able to carry on my work as the Assistant Manager of the HR department of this company. The reason for the same is my deteriorating health condition because of which I am unable to travel for three hours to get to work.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities according to my employment contract.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Priya Sharma
Formal Letter of Resignation Example
Eric Romoff
Assistant Manager
Dept. of Human Resources
EFG Technologies
Date - 09 December 2019
Alex Goot
The Director
EFG Technologies
Subject - Request for acceptance of resignation
Dear Alex Goot,
In our discussion a few days back, I had informed you that my family was contemplating about relocating to another city. I would like to inform you that we have decided to move to Mumbai in a few days and consequently, I will have to quit my job here at ABC Technologies.
I thank you for all the support and guidance that you have provided me with throughout my journey in this organization.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities according to my employment contract.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Eric Romoff
Nurse Resignation Letter Sample
Ronan Ferry
Head Nurse
ABC Hospital
Date - 06 November 2019
The Director
ABC Hospital
Subject - Request for acceptance of resignation
Respected Brayden,
Please accept this letter as notice of my immediate resignation I will not be able to continue working as the head nurse in this hospital any longer.
The reason for the same is my deteriorating health condition owing to which I find it very difficult to commute to and from the hospital.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities according to my employment contract.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Ronan Ferry
Retirement Resignation Letter Sample
Steffan Wills
Assistant Manager
Dept. of Human Resources
LML Technologies
Date - 03 July 2019
Ethan Clark
The Director
LML Technologies
Subject - Request for acceptance of resignation
Dear Ethan Clark,
It is great regret that I must give notice of my resignation from LML Technologies, I apologize for not being able to give you more notice, and I humbly ask that you accept my resignation this day 04 August 2019.
I thank you for all the opportunities and support that you have provided me with, during my stay at LML Technologies. \
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities according to my employment contract. I will be more than happy to help you find an alternative for my position.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Steffan Wills
Employee Resignation Letter Example
Aron Grathy
987 Rock Garden
Boston, CA 93306
(000) 987-321
August 09, 2019
Mrs. Chrissy Costanza
MYAA Corp.
7803 Main Street
Boston, BH 654651
Regrettably, I must announce that I will be departing from my position as the Assistant Manager of the HR department of this company.
I want to extend my sincere gratitude to members of the management and my colleagues for being extremely supportive and helpful throughout.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities according to my employee contract.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Standard Resignation Letter Sample
Taylor Davis
802 Smallsys Avenue
Tucson, CA 65451
(000) 123-1234
December 01, 2019
Mr. Tory Lopez
Megasystems Corp.
7803 Main Street
Tucson, CA 8954
Respected Sir,
I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position here immediately so that I will not be able to carry on my work as the Assistant Manager of the R&D department of this company. The reason for the same is that I am unable to cope with the work-load and the stress of traveling 30kms every day to and from work.
I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 2 months. I hope that by the end of this period, all the formalities will be completed.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Taylor Davis.
Voluntary Resignation Letter Example
Marry Roy
101 Fusce Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 3554
(000) 987-1354
January 17, 2019
Mr. Iris Watson
Rapidz Corp.
7803 Main Street
Bakersfield, CA 35456
Dear Mr. Iris Watson,
Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from Rapidz Corp. as the Assistant Manager, I will not carry on my work in this company the reason for the same is the irresponsible behavior of the management towards my complaints against a colleague. Therefore, I have decided to step down from this post.
I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 2 months. I hope that by the end of this period, all the formalities will be completed.
I request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Marry Roy
Sample Church Resignation Letter
Kyla Olsen
802 Ullamcorper Street
Roseville, CA 93306
February 19, 2019
Mr. Theodore Lowe
Starzen Corp.
7803 Main Street
Roseville, US 98454
Subject - Request for acceptance of resignation
Dear Mr. Theodore Lowe,
It is with great regret that I would want to inform you that I will no longer be able to work as the treasurer in St. Mary's Church. Since my mother is now bedridden, I am required to be around her to cater to her basic needs.
Therefore, I have decided to step down.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Kyla Olsen
Sample Relocation Resignation Letter Example
Hiroko Potter
654 Integer Road
Corona New Mexico, BA 987565
(000) 156-4656
March 20, 2019
Mr. Lawrence Moreno
Steller Corp.
7803 Main Street
New Mexico, BA 93306
Please accept this letter as a notice of my resignation from the position of Assistant Manager at Steller Corporation the reason for the same is that I have decided to move to Amsterdam shortly to pursue a Master's degree.
I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 2 months. I hope that by the end of this period, all the formalities will be completed.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Pastor Letter of Resignation Sample
Hedy Greeny
102 Viverra Avenue
Latrobe, DE 38100
(000) 946-3284
April 21, 2019
Mr. Melvin Porter
EVEG Corp.
7803 Main Street
Latrobe, DE 38120
Dear Church family,
It is with utmost sadness that I would like to inform you all about my resignation as the pastor of this church, effective 30 May 2010. It has been my pleasure for all these years to have been an agent of God in the service of people. But, my deteriorating health condition has forced me to make this decision.
I hope that you will all be blessed by the Almighty forever!
Thank you,
With deep gratitude,
David Henry
Resignation Letter Due to Health and Stress
Keefe Seller
601 Laculis St.
Woodruff, SC 64545
(000) 123-1234
May 20, 2019
John Romero
7803 Main Street
Woodruff, SC 964544
Subject - [.......................]
Dear John Romero
It is with regret that I am writing this letter to let you know that I am terminating my employment from this company the reason is same I am unable to cope with the work-load and the stress of traveling 30kms every day to and from work. My health condition also seems to be deteriorating. Therefore, I have decided to hang my boots.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Keefe Seller
Polite Resignation Letter Sample
Davis Patrick
802 Sociosqu Rd.
Bethelem Utah 65561
(000) 5254-212
June 09, 2019
Leilani Boyer
PHAC inc.
7803 Greater Avenue
Bethelem, Utah 65561
Dear Leilani Boyer,
I am Writing this letter to let you know that unfortunately, I am resigning from my position as the HR management at PHAC inc. because of some personal reasons, I understand that according to the employee contract, my notice period is two months.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and I request you to process the formalities at the earliest.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Davis Patrick
Sample Letter of Resignation to Manager
Colby Bernard
800 Laciana Road
San Bernardino, ND 93306
(000) 123-1234
September 14, 2019
Bryer Pits
LBN Corp.
7803 Main Street
Bernardino, ND 987455
Subject - Please Accept this resignation.
Dear Bryer Pits,
Please accept my official notice of resignation as an Analyst of the Finance department of LBN Corp. company. So my final day of work will be September 20, 2019. I understand that according to my employee contract, my notice period is 3 months.
I thank you for all the support and guidance.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and direct the HR department to process the formalities at the earliest.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Colby Bernard
Letter of Resignation for Work Example
Lillith Daniel
322 Neque Palace
Centennial Delaware, 48432
+(000) xxx-xxxx
October 22, 2019
Adria Russel
KJH Corp.
6516 Neque Palace
Centennial Delaware, CA 32454
Dear Adria Russel,
Please accept this letter as a notice of my resignation as the position of Finance Manager at KJH Corp, my last date of work will be 25th of September, 2019. I thank the organization for all the opportunities and support they have provided me.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and process the formalities at the earliest.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Lillith Daniel
Sample Letter of Resignation for Company
Hilda Hynes
Suspendisse AV
Weirton, IN 65146
November 23, 2019
Sheila McIntosh
Finance Manager
ACCB Corp.
7803 Liberal Rd.
Weirton, IN 93306
Dear Sheila McIntosh,
Subject - Request for acceptance of resignation
Dear Sir,
Please consider this letter as my formal resignation from the position of Assistant Manager at ACCB Corp., effective immediately. I have had some of my best learning experiences in this organization and I am always grateful for the same.
My deteriorating eye-sight has forced me to take the decision of stepping down.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation and direct the HR department to process the formalities at the earliest.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Hilda Hynes
Retirement Resignation Letter to Employees
Rebecca Chambers
Sit Ave place
Liberal Vermont, CA 93306
(000) 123-1234
December 02, 2019
Cherresa Emerson
Sales Manager
NNP Inc.
Liberal Vermont, CA 93306
I would like to remind you of my retirement date that is a month away. It is with great regret that I will be stepping down as the Finance Director of this company after 10 long years of service. I would like to thank you for all the support, guidance and opportunities that this company has given me.
I would like you to accept my resign and instruct the HR department to process the formalities. I will be more than happy to assist you in finding a replacement for my position in this organization.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
David Henry
Funny Retirement Resignation Letters
Nevada Ware
802 Tincidunt Ave
Green Bay Indiana, 19759
(000) 219-1234
January 25, 2019
Margaret Joseph
Main Street
Green Bay Indiana, 19759
Subject -
Dear Margaret Joseph,
I would like to remind you that this company will soon have to stop utilizing my skills because my retirement date is nearing. For all these years, it has been a wonderful experience in this organization.
I will more than happy to assist you in finding an alternative for my position and the coffee vending machine that takes more time to make the coffee than I take to drink it.
I humbly request you to accept my resignation.
Thank you,
Yours Truly,
Nevada Ware
Letter of Resignation is of supreme importance to both the employees and the employers. It is important to keep them crisp and direct. Fluff content may not be entertained in resignation.
Letter of Resignation Template in PDF and Word (doc.) Format:
Letter of Resignation Template in PDF Format
Letter of Resignation Template in Word [Doc.] Format
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.