20+ Free Reference Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
Here, we are going to provide some insights and examples on writing a reference letter. You can look upon the varied formats and samples of letter of reference provided by us for your reference. This letter is usually used when you search for a job. Professional Letter of Reference is an important part of this letter writing. This letter will be a plus point in addition to your resume. It will improve your chances of getting a new job and it is really necessary. The person is responsible for the this letter is called the sponsor.
Reference Letter Format
The suitable format to write a this letter is as follows –
- Appropriate Contact Details -- Irrespective of the letter to be mailed or accompanied by an attachment, it is important to provide your contact details and that of the recipient at the topmost section of the letter.
- Mentioning the Subject--- In the Subject line clearly mention the name of your friend or student for whom you are writing this this letter.
- Proper Salutation---- This letter should have a proper salutation to the recipient. In case of a letter of reference written on a personal note, you can mention the name of the recipient, like Dear Mr. Evans, or Dear Mrs. Clark. In other normal cases, you can simply include “To whom it may concern” in the salutation.
- First paragraph --- In the first paragraph, you are going to talk about the relationship you share with the person you are writing this letter for. It should include the specifics about the way you know the referred individual, the duration for which you have known the person, and your eligibility to write this letter.
- Second paragraph -- In the second paragraph, you are going to talk in details about the competence of the referred person for the school or the company. Talk about their efficiency in contributing to the organization and the society and your primary reason towards referring the person. You should also mention specific instances where the referred person showcased such skills and qualifications. You can always add another paragraph to properly describe the eligibility of the individual referred.
- A Brief summary of this Letter-- This is a paragraph that is followed by the final concluding paragraph. This basically contains a short summary of your goal behind referring the person for the stated purpose. You can use phrases like “highly recommend” or “refer without reservation” in this paragraph while talking about the referred person.
- Concluding Paragraph -- As a conclusion to the letter, in this paragraph, you are going to provide some additional information. You can mention your phone number and email address for future reference by the recipient.
- Closing Signature -- After the conclusion, include the signature as – Sincerely,
How to Write a Reference Letter
Firstly, we would like to describe this letter. A this letter is also sometimes referred to a letter of recommendation. It provides information about the qualifications, personal attributes, and other characteristics about the person you are writing the letter for. This letter can be written by your friend or employee or your colleague.
What to consider while writing this letter –
- It should be the foremost objective to ensure that you are comfortable to write a letter before agreeing to one. If any case, you are not confident about writing the letter or think that the person is not that close or is top in your position to write one, you can always choose to deny subtly.
- It is always wise to ask for the resume of the person you are writing the letter for. The resume is a clear indication of their accomplishments and qualifications. You can easily base their resume to write the letter for them.
- You can also ask for the applied job description or the school program details that will provide you more information about the position or the program the referred individual is applying to. It will make the task of writing the letter easier.
- You should also acquire all the information related to the letter deadline, format, and the exact information of the recipient you are writing this letter to. It is also advisable to ask for anything specific that should be included in this letter as asked by the school or the company.
- The overall length of this letter should be more than 2 to 3 paragraphs. Less than these suggest that you do not know the referred person that closely. Indeed, the letter should be short but it should also specify the key attributes and qualifications of the individual you are writing this letter for.
- You should follow the proper format for spacing and alignment and use the traditional font in general to compose the letter.
- You should give a second look at the letter before sending it to the recipient to ensure that there is no mistake found.
A sample of this letter:
Dear Usha,
I am glad to write this letter to refer [Name of the referred person] for the [job position] at the [name of the company of the referred person]. I am [your job designation] at [your company’s name] and I am thrilled to say that I had a good time working with [Name of the referred person] as [his/her] [supervisor, or deputy manager, or other work relationship you share with the referred person]. [Name of the referred person] has always been highly responsible, intellectual, and loved to explore [his/her] boundaries. [He/She] has a unique kind of skill set and is a valuable asset for any organization.
[He/She] always brought to the table innovative ways of getting the work done which increased the organization’s productivity by manifold. [He/She] is very analytical and is always focussed on elevating [his/her] team and thus, the company’s efficiency. [He/She] could be easily relied upon for working in correspondence to the deadlines set. During the 3 years that [he/she] worked with us, [he/she] has [mention the accomplishments of the referred person such as increasing the company’s website performance or ROI or others].
Additionally, [he/she] has been a supportive and encouraging team player and is quite easy to get along with. She is really optimistic and addresses the issues head-on with the help of her expertise and team.
So, I am really confident about recommending [Name of the referred person] to your organization, [Name of the recipient’s organization] and strongly believe that [Name of the referred person] will be an ultimate addition to [Name of the recipient’s organization]. You can feel free to contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any further query or clarification.
How to write a Reference Email
In this section, we are going to offer you information about how to write a reference email. A reference email can be submitted in case of any job application or school enrolment. The employers or the school admissions authorities expect that the reference email that they receive for the applicant should be properly written and should be devoid of any mistakes or lacunas. It is very important to consider that while writing a reference email, you have to keep it quite concise and to-the-point.
Things to consider while writing a professional reference email
Coming to the part of writing a reference email, it should equally be professional enough. This reference email should be a clear representation of the relationship you share with the referred person and the way you know him/her. Some of the tips to write a reference email include –
- The subject of the reference email – The subject of the email should include information about the applicant and the purpose of reference.
- Salutation – Include proper salutation to the recipient while starting to write this letter.
- Body of the reference email – The whole body of the reference email should be of 2-3 paragraphs and not exceeding this. The first paragraph should contain information about how you have had the pleasure of knowing the referred person and your capability to refer them to the position or school they are applying to. In the next paragraph, you can provide instances and more description of the attributes and qualifications of the individual. In the concluding paragraph, say that you "highly recommend" the person or state your confidence in him. You can also mention your contact details for any future clarifications.
- Suitable closing – Providing a closing to the reference email in a professional way, such as “Sincerely” is highly important to ensure your professionalism.
- End with a signature – Ensure to provide your signature that should include your name, company, and other relevant details.
A sample to email
Dear Divkar,
[Name of the referred person] has closely worked with me at [Name of your organization] for [number] years. Although [he/she] got associated with as an intern, [his/her] remarkable attributes convinced us to promote [him/her] as [Job designation of the referred person].
[He/She] received many accolades while working at our company, thanks to [his/her] friendly and innovative nature. [He/She] took the initiative to complete complex projects and worked continuously in the development of [his/her] team. [Name of the referred person] is imbibed with organizational skills, proper technical knowledge, and hardworking capabilities that make [him/her] stand out from the rest.
I confidently refer [Name of the referred person] for the [job position in the company that he/she has applied]. [He/She] not only exhibits true customer and organizational abilities but also has the drive to take a company forward. Please feel free to contact me at [your contact number] and [your email address] for any further clarifications.
Reference Letter Sample with Examples
Below, we have listed down some of the examples of recommendation letter for your information –
Reference Letter Sample
Forresto Rays
191-103 Infinity Rd.
Corona New York, 08219
(404) 960-3807
Date: 05-02-2011
Xyla Wilson
Ap #651-8679 Nicholas Av.
Taming PA 10855
(654) 393-5734
Subject: (_________________________)
Dear Xyla Wilson,
I am glad to refer [Name of the referred person] for the role of [job designation] at your organization, [Name of the recipient’s company]. [Name of the referred person] and I have worked for more than [number] years where [he/she] worked as [job position of the referred person] at our company, [name of your company].
Over the period of her working as [job position of the referred person], [Name of the referred person] has always shown exceptional skills and a strong drive towards attaining innovative marketing strategies. As your company is looking for a candidate who is imbibed with interest and passion towards taking up new projects and seeing to their proper implementation. I am really confident that [Name of the referred person] will be able to excel in this field as [he/she] has actively organized [an event name that the referred person conducted] and implemented them in [any innovative purpose] that helped our organization achieve [specific growth rate in a field].
I strongly recommend [Name of the referred person] for the [job designation] at your company and [he/she] will be a promising addition to your organization. Please reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any future clarifications required.
Forresto Rays
Email Asking for Reference Professor
Kalista Sise
7292 Dictum Av.
San Antonio MI 47096
(492) 709-6392
Date: 05-02-2011
Zeodore Kowh
Ap #867-859 Sit Rd.
Azusa New York 39531
Subject: (____________)
Dear Zeodore Kowh,
I have been a part of your classes for the last for years in my undergraduate studies and have always actively participated in all the class discussions and projects enthusiastically, thanks to your stellar job at teaching. I really hope you feel that I have been a competent student in your classrooms and trust my capabilities so as to write a recommendation letter for my references.
I have attached a file herein that clearly states my objective to go for the specific industries that can hone my content writing and development skills and help to increase my corporate exposure.
As a part of asking you for this reference letter, I have also attached some of the project plans and thesis that we have together worked upon and my resume as well for a brief summary of my skills and qualifications.
Please intimate me your decision about going forward with writing the reference letter for me so that I can proceed with my candidature for these industries. I would be really glad to answer your queries and provide you any additional information required for completing my reference letter.
Thank you again for sparing your time to read this request from me.
(Your Signature Here)
Kalista Sise
How to Ask Someone to be a Reference for You
Gleste Fater
604-7 Ullamcorper. Street
Roseville NH 11523
(+987) 54-6565
Date: 04-02-2011
Sris Gatson
P.O. Box 283 8562 Fusce Rd.
Frederick Nebraska 20620
Subject: (____________)
Dear Sris Gatson,
I hope that you are doing well. I am writing this letter to ask you to write a reference letter for me to assist me with my job endeavor. I might have to move to New Delhi where I looking for a position in [your aspired job designation].
With this reference letter, you can provide some details about the qualifications and attributes that you found impressive over the years that you have known me. I would inform you of the moment I give your contact details so that you can be aware of when to receive a call. Please intimate me about your decision to write a reference for me.
It will also be really helpful if you provide me some insights and suggestions about my job search. You can also let me know about any job vacancy that you feel fit to my profile.
I have herein attached my resume for your reference. Please feel free to contact me for any further clarifications.
Thank you for your time.
(Your Signature)
Gleste Fater
How to ask Someone to be a Reference via Email
To: Zeegan Llair
Subject: (____________)
Dear Zeegan Llair,
I am currently searching for a new position at [your job profile] and I wish that you will be happy to write a reference letter for me.
Since I have worked with you for over [number] years and I am sure that you can provide useful information about my skills and attributes to the employees that I am going to work within the near future. This will surely increase my luck in securing a prospective job.
I have herein attached my resume for your reference. Please inform me if there is any other assistance or extra information required so that you can be a reference for me.
Thank you for considering my request.
(Your Signature)
Zmara Showe
How to Ask a Candidate for References
Fraton Undergood
Ap #636-8082 Arcu Avenue
Thiensville Maryland 19587
(989) 908-5478
Date: 04-02-2014
Lasim Shtrong
Ap #630-3889 Nulla. Street
Watervliet Oklahoma 70863
Subject: [Job position] at [Organization Name]
Dear Nasim Strong,
We thank you for devoting your time towards perfecting the [assignment] and discussing [Job position]. It is a great pleasure knowing you and your goals and we would like to proceed towards the [following or the last] stage of our selection process. It will be really helpful if you provide us [one or two] reference(s) of yours. As a part of this, you can provide me the names, the relationship that you share, and the contact number and emails of [one or two] of your [current/former] [colleagues or professors or directors].
Please feel free to reach me on my [contact number] and [email address] for any future clarifications.
Kind Regards,
(Your Signature)
Lasim Shtrong
Reference Request Email to the Employer
Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174
Date: 05-02-2011
Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Ivor Delgado,
I am presently looking for employment as [applying job position]. So, I hope that you can act as a reference for me.
We have closely worked together for over [number] years at [your company name] and thus I believe that you can be a suitable reference to provide the correct information about my qualifications and attributes. This will not only be a good reference for any of my future job searches but also boost up my chances to secure a position at a company.
I have enclosed my resume in this letter. Please inform me if you need any further aid or information to provide me the much-needed reference.
Thank you for devoting your useful time for considering my request.
(Your Signature)
Pascale Patton
Reference Letter for a Friend
Jhordan Clalderon
430-985 Eleifend St.
Fuluth Mexico 92611
(427) 930-5255
Date: 05-02-2014
Drita Andhershon
1964 Facilisis Avenue
Greenbell Gardens Texas 87065
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Zorita Anderson,
I am Jordan Calderon, a close friend of [name of the referred person] from [name of the organization of the referred person]. We have known each other since childhood and have had the pleasure to work together for the company, [name of the organization] for over [number] years.
[He/She] has always been supportive and reliable in varied situations. [Name of the referred person] is hard working and is always eager to take up complex initiatives for the betterment of the organization and society. Additionally, [he/she] has always had excellent expertise and attributes that made [him/her] quite competent over the years. [He/She] also has outstanding organizational skills and always adheres to the deadlines provided.
[Name of the referred person] always encourages people around [him/her] and provides them assistance whenever needed. [He/She] has always been a reliable person and ensures that [his/her] friends and family stay happy and develop a good relationship. I am very lucky to get the chance to be closely associated with [him/her].
I highly refer [Name of the referred person] for your organization for [he/she] will act as a big asset for you. Please contact me for further information.
(Your Signature)
Jordan Calderon
Professional Reference Letter
Sade Higgins
Ap #287-3260 Ut St.
Wilmington OR 05182
(422) 517-6053
Date: 05-02-2011
Dante Bennett
481-8762 Nulla Street
Dearborn OR 62401
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Dante Bennett,
[Name of the referred person] has worked as an employee at [name of your organization] for more than [number] years. [He/She] has a charming personality and is extremely hard-working. [His/Her] people and networking skills are remarkable and is always open to innovative projects and ideas.
It has been a great pleasure to work with [Name of the referred person]. I, highly recommend [him/her] for the [job position] that [he/she] is applying to. This [job position] is quite challenging and I am sure that [he/she] will excel and grow all together.
Please feel free to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address] for any queries.
Sade Higgins
(Your Signature)
Landlord Reference Letter Sample
Dahniel Malogne
2136 Adipiscing Avenue
Lima RI 93490
(360) 669-9455
Date: 05-02-2018
Merson Hpinoza
Ap 987-5577 Tincidunt St.
Corpus Christi WI 6565
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Merson Hpinoza,
I have written this letter to refer [name of the tenant] who has lived in my [apartment/farmhouse/building] in [Name of the city] since [start date of the rent].
During their duration of stay, [he/she] has been very cooperative and kept the house clean and hygienic. [He/She] has been very friendly with [his/her] neighbors. He also paid the rents right on time and was a warm host as well.
You can reach me out on [your contact number] or [your email address] at your convenient time for any further questions.
(Your Signature)
Dahniel Malogne
Job Reference Letter sample
Elmo Lopez
Ap #481-7473 Cum Rd.
Yorba Linda South Carolina 28423
(295) 983-3476
Date: 05-02-2011
Aaron Trujillo
Ap #146-3132 Cras Rd.
Kingsport NH 56618
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Aaron Trujillo,
I take great pleasure in referring [Name of the referred person] for the [job position] in your organization, [recipient’s company name]. When [he/she] worked in our organization, [your organization’s name] as [job title of the referred person] for over [number] years, [Name of the referred person] exhibited remarkable organizational and people skills.
[He/She] is really dedicated and works keeping in mind the deadlines set. [Name of the referred person] has effective team-work expertise and is extremely organized. [Name of the referred person] has been responsible for organizing [an event name] where [he/she] [managed 100 national officials, or any other event that describe his/her competence]. [He/She] also held [a training program, or any such project] that increased the company’s productivity by [number].
I am highly confident that [Name of the referred person] will be a valuable addition to your organization, thanks to [his/her] outstanding technical and communicational skills. Please feel free to reach out to me on [your phone number] or [your email address] for any assistance.
Elmo Lopez
Employment Reference Letter
Libherty Whaltony
343-6527 Purus. Av.
Logan NV 12657
(954) 987-1595
Date: 04-01-2011
Phu Parker
1429 Natus Rd.
Reedsport NY 6546
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Phu Parker,
It is my great pleasure to refer [Name of the recommended person] for the [job position] at your organization, [name of the recipient’s company]. [He/She] has worked as [job role or designation] in our company, [name of your organization] for [number] years.
[Name of the recommended person] was assigned with the tasks to carry out [mention the roles and responsibilities of the referred person]. [He/She] is consistent and devoted to organizational growth. [Name of the recommended person] is very punctual and specific to the deadlines. [His/Her] passion to explore new possibilities and projects help her passion towards achieving success.
I strongly refer [Name of the recommended person] for this job position and I am sure that [he/she] will be an important factor for your organization’s development. For any further queries, you can contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address] at your convenient time.
(Your Signature)
Libherty Whaltony
Personal Reference Letter Sample
Chleone Bestie
282-8351 Tincidunt Ave
Sedalia Utah 53700
(252) 204-1434
Date: 05-02-2013
Iliana Burton
Ap #130-1685 Ut Street
Tyler KS 73510
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Iliana Burton,
I am glad to write this letter to refer [Name of the referred person] for the position of [counselor or advisor] at our [Town Hall or Army School or other institution]. We have known each other since our high school studies and truly feel that [he/she] will do justice to this position in the [Town Hall or Army School or other institution].
[He/She] has lived here for all of [his/her] life and has been constantly associated with community works, school services, and other productive services.
[Name of the referred person] has actively participated in the events organized by [Town Hall or Army School or other institution] and has donated [his/her] community lots of funds. [Talk about other accomplishments of the referred person that make him/her suitable for the position].
I am very much confident in referring [Name of the referred person] for this opportunity. Please reach me out on [your contact number] or [your email address] for any further queries.
Chleone Bestie
(Your original signature here)
Reference Letter for Teacher
Rlyle Sutthon
Ap 654*987 Elementum St
South Gate Missouri 65465
(9879) 989-6516
Date: 06-02-2014
Phalmewar Gayloson
557-2026 Purus St.
Watertown TN 07367
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Phalmewar Gayloson,
I am glad to make use of this opportunity to refer [Name of the referred person] for the role of [5th grade or 10th-grade teacher] at [Name of the recipient's school]. [He/She] has worked at [Name of your school] for over [number] years and has consistently been an elemental part of the school community and activities.
[Name of the referred person] initiated [his/her] teaching career at our school [number] years back and was equipped with vast knowledge about History and Physics subjects. [He/She] has shown patience and diligence over the years and has a remarkable personality. [He/She] has helped the senior students [organize an event or a camp] that attracted [lots of participants or donors] that increased our school’s reputation and reach.
[Talk about other such accomplishments of the referred person that you feel to be worth-mentioning]. [He/She] always maintained a cordial and helpful relationship with [his/her] colleagues and extended a helping hand whenever asked for. [Name of the referred person] has outstanding communication skills and understands people and students around [him/her] very well thus offering what is truly expected of [him/her].|
I take great pleasure in strongly referring [Name of the referred person] as [5th grade or 10th-grade teacher] and a [physics or geography teacher] as well. [He/She] will be a great asset to your school and will see to it that the school morals are not comprised. Please feel free to reach me out at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any questions.
(Your Signature)
Rlyle Sutthon
Reference Letter for Student
Whilmav Pacero
Ap #6849-546 Odio Road
Darlington CO 98789
(926) 709-21656
Date: 05-02-2000
Vhielkan Nielseney
Ap #9879-564 Elementum Road
Fort Smith North Dakota 79637
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Vhielkan Nielseney,
I express my great pleasure in writing this reference letter for [Name of the recommended person]. I have worked closely with [him/her] for the last [number] years in the [Physics or Chemistry] laboratory of our school, [Name of your school] for which [he/she] volunteered.
I have remained the [manager or director] of the [Physics or Chemistry] laboratory and I must say I have always been impressed by [his/her] dedication towards completion of the task and [his/her] desire to help others out. Additionally, [he/she] has been constantly engaged in doing school community works and deals with everyone with respect and maturity.
[Name of the recommended person] works with utmost patience and doesn’t break down under any pressure. [Talk about the instances where the person exhibited skills of patience, persistence, and love and care]. [Name of the recommended person] is extremely talented in [sports or dancing or other literary or artistic activities] and has brought lots of accolades in [his/her] name.
So, I strongly recommend [Name of the recommended person] for [any form of employment or internship or other]. In future, please contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any clarifications.
(Your Signature)
Whilmav Pacero
Eagle Scout Reference Letter
Casper Harney
654 Lobortis Road
New Orleans New Hampshire 71983
(879) 987-4894
Date: 04-02-2019
Dmedios Lester
487-5787 Mollis Street
City of Industry Louisiana 6546
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Dmedios Lester,
I take great pleasure in writing this reference letter for [Name of the recommended person], a constant associate member of [Name of the Church, or school, or club] for more than [number] years.
From the very moment [Name of the recommended person] registered for the [Name of the Club] to the present moment, [he/she] has exhibited extreme dedication and valor. [He/She] is always consistent to [his/her] [community or club] services and is imbibed with respect and kindness towards others.
When [he/she] initially enrolled for my English classes, that’s when I got to know [him/her] closely and [he/she] has shown remarkable attributes for the time I have known [him/her]. [Talk about any other achievements in the boys or girls scout team, productive works, and others].
[Name of the recommended person] has proved to be a loyal friend and strong at heart. I can strongly refer [his/her] name for the Eagle Scout for I know that [he/she] will stick to the rules and implement them in [his/her] life and others.
Please communicate with me via [your contact number] or [your email address] for any future queries.
Casper Harney
(Your Signature)
Tenant Reference Letter
Hleanory Jenningsor
9631 Semper Avenue
Astoria NJ 65654
(654) 6546-32145
Date: 07-02-2017
Zaralen Puffy
Ap #9879-7348 Dis Road
Austin KY 50710
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Zaralen Puffy,
This reference letter is intended to validate [Tenant's name and their children or family] as a tenant in my property since [date of joining as tenants]. They have rented a [2 or 3-bedroom] property.
During the period they were tenants with us, they paid the rent on time, which is on [Date of payment]. There were no complaints or issue found with them from their neighbors and were really friendly and warm to their hosts. They always intend to keep their rooms and the surrounding clean by actively cleaning and participating in community cleaning services.
I am confident enough to say that these tenants were really respectful and courteous. They created no nuisances and were easy-to-go in nature. Please feel free to contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any queries.
(Your Signature)
Hleanory Jenningsor
Business Reference Letter
Shaviva Phlamba
642 5465 In Road
Isle New York 03828
(896) 303-6546
Date: 05-02-2011
Kenzie Harnandez
Ap #367-674 Mi Street
Greensboron VT 6546
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Kenzie Harnandez,
I am glad to refer the services of [Name of the referred person or the organization that you have currently availed].
[Name of the referred person or the organization that you have currently availed] have been associated with the cleaning and repairing of our office décor and furniture for over [number] years and they have never disappointed us. They are highly punctual and get the work done on time. There hasn’t been a single complaint registered against their services offered in our office premises.
They have also been really helpful in case of additional jobs like that of cleaning and event management. They provide their services at a budget-friendly cost and are highly reliable.
I strongly refer their services for your future endeavors. For any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Shaviva Phlamba
Rental Reference Letter
Daniel Starward
I am writing this reference letter to confirm that [Name of the tenants] are our tenants staying at [number] room on the [number] floor of the rental building since [date of renting].
They are husband and wife and are always on their job duty from 9 to 5. They have never defaulted in paying the rent on time and also abide by the rules and regulations of the rented property. I have not received any complaints from their neighbors and find them to be respectful and responsible citizens. They also have no complaints or issue so far with this property and are extremely friendly to everyone.
There have been no instances where they were given legal notice. They have also informed me of their moving out [number] days back. If they, however, would like to continue with renting this property I will be glad to offer it to them again.
Starker Fernando
(Your Signature)
Work Reference Letter
Hayaty Karameron
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Hayaty Karameron,
I am writing this letter to refer to Poojansh. [He/She] has been our employee at [Name of your organization] as [job position of the referred person] for [number] years. [Name of the referred person] [reported directly to me/was my colleague] as [his/her] [Deputy Director/Project Manager].
As a member of our organization, [Name of the referred person] always exhibited [diligence, hard work, consistency, meeting the deadlines, and other attributes]. [Talk about the instances where he/she showcased organizational skills and problem-tackling capabilities].
[Name of the referred person] has been quite interesting to work with and I would not have second thoughts about hiring [him/her] again. For any further queries, you can reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address] at your convenient time.
Soloya Layer
(Your Signature)
87-6546, Rattit Ap,
Reference Letter for Employees
Zowerd Heydon
5568 7867 Facilisis road
Soliet BC 7868
(287) 7857-8788
Date: 01-02-2014
Hahlia Reeal
575 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 5787
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Hahlia Reeal,
I strongly refer [Employee Name] for the [job position]. [Employee Name] was working under [Name of your organization] as [job designation] from [date of joining] to [date of leaving].
[Employee Name] had the role of [mention the job responsibilities of the employee]. [He/She] has outstanding communication and people skills and is strikingly organized. [Employee Name] is also equipped with knowledge about [computers, software handling, and data processing skills]. [He/She] is understanding to the organization needs and is thus willing to put in extra efforts in completing the tasks within the deadline.
[Employee Name] will be a great addition to your organization and thus, I highly recommend [him/her] for this position. If you require any further clarifications, you can contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address] as per your convenience.
Zowerd Heydon
Reference Letter for Teaching
Skim Bretchere
875-3847 Metus Street
Independence CO 9878
(897) 546-2156
Date: 6-7-2011
Jharen Mufllins
987-3456 Nunc Avenue
Kennewick AK 5487
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Jharen Mufllins,
I strongly refer [Name of the recommended person] for the position of [fifth or sixth] grade teacher at your school, [Name of the school of the recipient]. I am the Principal of [Name of your school] and glad to have known [Name of the referred person] for the last [number] years. [He/She] is highly driven and instills the fundamentals and good attributes in [his/her] students.
[Name of the referred person] always has the drive to explore and learn more and this is what has made [him/her] such a favorite among the students. [He/She] is always ready to manage some extra responsibilities in between [his/her] classes and is indeed an integral part of the school committee. Being a competent Physics and Maths teacher, [he/she] has devoted [his/her] extra time in organizing extra-curricular activities in school.
[Name of the referred person] is not only loved by [his/her] students but also is respected among the parents. [He/She] makes teaching a medium of fun-learning and encourages students to aspire for more in their lives. Additionally, [he/she] has remarkable interpersonal and verbal skills and has been called up for meetings and school events as a [judge or orator or others].
I refer [Name of the referred person] to you with the absence of any reservation. In case of any further clarifications, please feel free to reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
(Your Signature)
Skim Bretchere
Reference Letter from Employer
Zamaat Tiveray
878-587 Ac Street
Schaumburg Arkansas 87985
(605) 900-9879
Date: 04-02-2014
Holuey meshar
986 3546 Zed Road
Grand Rapids CT 68765
Subject: (********************)
Dear Holuey meshar
I was glad to be informed that [Name of the referred person] has shown interest in applying to [job position] at [name of the recipient’s organization]. [Name of the referred person] has worked for me at [name of your organization] as [job designation of the person] from [date of joining] to [date of leaving].
[He/She] is a diligent employee and ensures that [he/she] completes [number of sales assigned or client acquisitions] on time. [He/She] has remarkable leadership qualities and always works towards the overall development of a team. [Talk about other positive attributes of the referred person and give instances that prove him/her fit for the position].|
I strongly refer [Name of the referred person] for this position and am sure that [he/she] will do justice to [his/her] responsibilities. Please feel free to contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Zamaat Tiveray
(Your Signature)
Bank Reference Letter
Scalpe Plusey
Ap.6 676 Ipsum Street
Wilmington Ohio 987655
(212) 878-8979
Date: 7-8-2014
Paraceta Kochey
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Paraceta Kochey,
[Name of the referred individual] has consistently been a customer of our bank, [Name of your bank] since [date of opening of bank account].
Here, we have included some of the critical information about the relationship between our bank and the customer. [Name of the referred individual] has an overall deposit balance of [amount]. Presently, the deposit balance of the client is [amount]. [Talk about any loans and collateral received and any repayment and credit instances of the referred person].
In case of any other queries, you can reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Scalpe Plusey
(Your Signature)
Reference Letter for Scholarship
Merraut Gatsol
686 7014 Amet Road
Corona Oklahoma 9876
(245) 594-9876
Date: 05-02-1888
Driscoll Leach
120 2410 Odio Street
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Driscoll Leach,
I write this letter to refer [Name of the referred person] for the [Name of the scholarship program]. I have been the counselor at [Name of your school] and have had the pleasure to know [Name of the referred person] for more than [number] years. [He/She] has earned a lot of respect and gratitude from me over the years that I have known [him/her].
This scholarship program is intended to be awarded to someone who is strong-spirited at heart and is ready to do exceptionally good for society. [Name of the referred person] is imbibed with such qualities which are reflected from [mention the instances where the referred person showed leadership and community service qualities].
I am quite close to [Name of the referred person] and is aware of the fact that [he/she] is suffering from the financial crisis and it is difficult for [him/her] to achieve the goals without any financial aid. [Talk more about any school event or program that he/she has organized].
It has been my real pleasure to be closely associated with [Name of the referred person] and I strongly refer [him/her] for this scholarship program. In case of any other query, please feel free to connect with me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Your Signature
Merraut Gatsol
Good Reference Letter
Staacy Ealson
1379 Nulla. Av.
AsMontana bury Park 69679
(932) 726-8645
Date: 05-02-2011
Katel Cooperyn
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Katelyn Cooper,
[Name of the referred person] worked as [job position] at [name of your company] under my direct management for six-semester programs starting from [Aug 2013].
Over this period, I was astounded by [his/her] customer assistance and people skills that are accentuated by [his/her] strong dedication and effort towards achieving the best. [He/She] would always be available to address the issues of the customers and connect with them on a personal level that made [him/her] a favorite among our clients.
Additionally, [he/she] has an innovative mindset and thus, ensures that [the company set up or the café area or the event space] is revamped to surprise the customers and stay connected to them. [Him/Her] graduating soon will be saddening but [he/she] will surely be adorned with lots of accolades and certificates for impeccable services and skills on the job.
I strongly refer [Name of the referred person] for the position of [manager or administrator] at your company. If any further assistance is required, you can reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Your Signature
Staacy Ealson
Credit Reference Letter
Lady Gaga
987 Eget Road.
Clemson GA 04645
(987) 156\888
Date: 7-9-2014
Justin Timberlake
372 5634 Monto Rd.
Springdale MO 6866
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Justin Timberlake,
This letter is written to validate [Name of the referred person] with [identification number of the referred person] has been involved with our bank since [date of opening of the bank account]. We share an outstanding banking connection with [Name of the referred person].
We confirm that [he/she] is imbibed with outstanding attributes and is capable of abiding the financial responsibilities obtained from your organization.
As per our record,
Savings [Referred person’s Account Number]
[Name of the referred person (Account Name)] opened on [account opening date]
[Account balance of the referred person] as of [the present date].
For any further information, please contact us at the contact details mentioned below.
Lady Gaga
Your Signature
Reference Letter for Graduate School
Iggy Iglasia
Ap 5470 Posuere Avenue
Chickasha LA 98765
(693) 98-28649
Date: 04-02-2000
Enrique Eglasias
3714 Nascetur St.
Hawthorne Louisiana 6879
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Enrique Eglasias,
I am writing this letter to strongly refer to Ayush Rupam as an applicant for graduate school. I have closely worked with [Name of the referred person] as I was the [Education Head or Counselling Head] of [Name of the school or college of the referred person].
When [he/she] was a student of [Name of the school or college of the referred person], [Name of the referred person] retained a CGPA of [CGPA of referred person] in between the seminars and semester projects. [Talk about other positive attributes of the referred person along with instances where he/she did well at a project or assignment]. [You can also talk about any community or social works done by the referred person that make him/her quite unique].
[Also mention about his/her verbal and people skills. Talk about how well he/she is able to handle his/her colleagues or school guests in various projects and workshops].
[Name of the referred person] will surely be an impeccable addition to your school programs and I undoubtedly refer [him/her] without any reservation. For any future clarifications, you can contact me via [your contact number] and [your email address] at your convenience.
(Your Signature)
Iggy Iglasia
Reference Letter for Court
Taylor Swift
98798 Denman Road
Seattle Utah 6546
(888) 106-97654
Date: 19-02-2014
Camila Senorita
987-546 Feugiat St.
Williston Bevada 979
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Camila Camilo,
I take great pleasure to refer [Name of the referred person] with this letter for obtaining custody of [his/her] child. We both have been working in the organization, [Name of your organization] as co-workers for more than [number] years and have developed a strong bond of friendship and loyalty over these years.
[Name of the referred person] has always been a brilliant and considerate [man/woman] and has always loved [his/her] [son/daughter] all [his/her] life. I and my family have been close family friends with [Name of the referred person] and [his/her] family and I have had the opportunity to witness the loving bond that [he/she] and [his/her] child, [Name of the child of the referred person] share. [He/She] attends all of the meetings and school functions that [his/her] child has participated in. [Name of the referred person] ensures that the life of [his/her] child is quite organized and instills knowledge and good attributes in [Name of the child of the referred person].
I really hope that you consider my reference letter for [Name of the referred person] to grant [him/her] the custody of [Name of the child of the referred person]. [Name of the referred person] has always been a kind-hearted and loyal person to [his/her] friends and families and is an outstanding father to [his/her] child who loves [Name of the child of the referred person] with all [his/her] heart.
(Your Signature)
Taylor Swift
Nursing Reference Letter
Alan Walker
8975 Lobortis Street
Cudahy Ohio 5465
(956) 467-2346
Date: 01-02-2014
Sia Landdry
561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN 08609
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Sia Landdry ,
I am writing this letter to refer [Name of the referred person] for the [position] in your organization, [Name of the recipient’s institution]. I have been [his/her] supervisor at [Name of your Hospital] for [number] years and watched [him/her] do excellent work.
[He/She] is known in our hospital for [his/her] calm and patient nature and has thus been highly important in various wards. Despite any commotion or disturbances, [he/she] always exhibits composed and focussed work. [Talk about an incident where the referred person showed compliance and calm nature in case of an emergency ward or trauma center or others].
I thus, strongly refer [Name of the referred person] for the [mentioned position]. If you want to have further queries or clarifications, you can reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Alan Walker
Coop Reference Letter
Justin Timberland
987 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 234654
(234) 575-8675
Date: 1-2-2013
Adele Bristey
987-9879 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 3216
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Adele Bristey,
I am writing this letter to refer my friend, [Name of the referred person] for his candidature to buy [Name of the purchase] in your organization’s cooperative.
[Name of the referred person] and I have been close friends since our [freshman year or some project or workshop] in [specify the year]. We have been roommates at [your final year or the internship period] and during this period, I have developed respect and inculcated good attributes from [him/her]. [Talk about how he/she has maintained good room decorum and etiquette over the years that you have stayed with him/her].
I strongly refer [Name of the referred person] for your community and I assure you that [he/she] will be a valuable addition to your community stature and services. In case of any further queries, please contact me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
(Your Signature)
Justin Timberland
Generic Reference Letter
Chazen Netley
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
(187) 582-9707
Date: 05-02-2011
Anbea leyne
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Anbea leyne,
I have had the pleasure of working closely with [Name of the referred person] over [number] years where [he/she] worked as a [Senior Assistant or Deputy Director] in my office. [Name of the referred person] has always had excellent productivity and is highly organized. Not only did [he/she] did an impeccable job in varied tasks but also ensured an increased level of accuracy in them.
[Name of the referred person] always had a positive attitude and encouraged people around [him/her]. Our guests and staffs always find [his/her] personality quite charming and uncanny that make [him/her] a huge favorite. Additionally, [he/she] is always eager to take responsibilities of tasks outside of her zone of [Senior Assistant or Deputy Director] needs and has excelled in them as well. [Talk about an incident where the referred person exhibited qualities of leadership or competence].
I highly refer [Name of the referred person] due to [his/her] excellent caliber, organizational behavior, and outstanding people and verbal skills. Please feel free to reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any further questions.
Chazen Netley
Babysitter (Nanny) Reference Letter
Ayush Singh
22/89 - Floor 6,
Florida, USA-20009
Date: July 5th, 2024
Yukti Singhal,
11/23-G, Texas
Dear Yukti Singhal,
I am writing this letter to refer [Name of the babysitter] to be employed as the new babysitter for your kids. I and my [wife/husband] were previously the employers of [Name of the babysitter] for [number] years. We had to end our engagement because we had to relocate to another location. Although we had to put a stop at [his/her] services, we believe that others in the community can highly benefit from [his/her] helpful and compassionate services that [he/she] has shown on our children.
We were always relaxed knowing that our children were in secured hands of [Name of the babysitter] as [he/she] offered love and care to our kids. [Talk about how the referred person cooks good and healthy food, ensures that kids are sent to the schools, and helps family members in daily chores].
[He/She] has been a keen protector of our children and ensures that they are safely tucked in. We have always regarded [him/her] as a part of our family and ensure that [his/her] family is taken care of.
Thank you for sparing time to go through this letter and willing to know more about [Name of the babysitter]. Please reach out to me at your convenient time at [your contact number] or [your email address] for any queries.
Ayush Singh
Immigration Reference Letter Sample
Obama Singh,
New York City, USA-9008
Date June 9th, 2015
Sanjaya Uthsu,
34-A, New Ways,
Highway, Dallas
Dear Sanjaya,
I take immense pleasure in writing this letter to refer my best friend, [Name of the referred person] for [his/her] immigration application for [Country’s name] from [Name of the original country].
I, [Name of the referring individual] work as [job position of the referring person] in my country, [Name of the referring person’s country]. I have had the opportunity to know [Name of the referred person] for over [number] years when I was [his/her] co-worker at [Name of the position or company]. [He/She] is highly respectable and is considerate towards [his/her] peers and managers. [He/She] has always been loyal and trustworthy to me and is a part of my family.
[Name of the referred person] is a loving and caring person and wishes to join [his/her] family that resides at [Name of the country]. In the community that [he/she] presently lives, [he/she] has ensured that [he/she] did [his/her] part for the charity and community services and donated a lot to the society whenever provided with the opportunity to. [Men/Women] like [Name of the referred person] will be a huge asset to the community or the country that they live in and thus are invaluable.
I strongly refer [him/her] for immigration application for [Country’s name]. In case of any future clarifications, please feel free to reach out to me at [your contact number] or [your email address].
Obama Singh,
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.