Entry Level Cover Letter

An entry level cover letter is sent along with your resume when applying for your first job or for an entry level position. It’s your...

Resignation Letter for New Job Opportunity

Congratulations on landing a new job opportunity! If you’re planning to leave your current position to take on a new role, it’s important to inform...

How to Start a Letter of Recommendation

The introduction can make or break a letter of recommendation. It’s like the first impression when meeting someone, it sets the tone for the rest...

Resume Cover Letter Template

A Resume Cover Letter is a doc you send with your resume when applying for a job. It’s a way to introduce yourself to the...

Free Printable 2023 UK Calendar

The United Kingdom is a country that shines and sizzles every month and makes for a beautiful, picturesque setting. Whether you are a school kid,...

Short Cover Letter Sample

A short cover letter is a concise and to-the-point document that is typically sent along with a resume or job application. It should introduce you...

Standard Letter of Resignation Template

So, you’ve made the decision to move on from your current gig and it’s time to write that resignation letter. Don’t worry, it’s not as...