20+ Free Goodbye Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
Writing a goodbye letter is certainly not the first thing on your mind when you think about newer avenues for yourself. Moving on is an exciting phase of life, whatever be that you are pursuing. Each of the reasons gives you something to look forward to and be excited about.
But at the same time, it is a good idea to take a look at what you are leaving behind. The memories, the moments spent working towards this new goal, the learnings and the friendships on the way – all are worth remembering and treasuring as you prepare to move to the next phase of your life. And acknowledging the efforts and contributions of all the people who have contributed in your reaching your goal, is the best thing to do.
That’s all bye letters are about. Acknowledging everyone and thanking them for their presence and contribution in your growth. This is not the time to delve into negative emotions and utter bad things. Instead, it is time to move on from all the negativity and keep things as positive and cordial as possible. The most appropriate way to do this is to write a heartfelt goodbye letter, thanking everyone, informing them of your plan forward and share how they can keep in touch with you, once you have moved out.
Goodbye letter Format
A letter to say goodbye is not a strictly formal letter. It is essentially supposed to come from the heart and express your emotions the way you want. However, that does not mean writing a goodbye presents an occasion to be unprofessional or uncivil in your expression.
This letter does have a few components that should be included, but it is up to the writer how much and where they want to insert these contents. Some components of this letter are
- Recipients – The most critical decision in writing a letter is to identify who should be the intended recipient(s). As a thumb rule, Bye letters are personal and best written to individuals. However, you may choose to write to a big group of people depending on your Position and the context of your letter.
- Greetings – An essential part of the letter is how you greet the intended recipients. If you are writing a common letter to a group of people, like colleagues in the office or batch mates in college, choose the appropriate greeting that is applicable for everyone.
- Date – Not a must-have component, but it is good to mention the Date on which you are writing the letter
- Word of Thanks / Gratitude – The critical part of the entire exercise, the reason why you are writing the letter in the first place. This is the place you let the recipients know that you are moving ahead in life and the Date till which you will be available. Remember to thank them for the good times you have spent.
- Your Future Plan – This is an entirely personal choice, whether or not to include your plans. It is a good idea to share if you want to inform people where and why you are moving so that they can keep in touch.
- Contact Details – This is a generally accepted practice and a good idea to include in your bye letter, although it is entirely optional.
How to write a Goodbye letter
Writing a Bye letter is one of the most challenging things to do, even though there is no fixed format for it. The emotions are running high, and you might be having a thousand thoughts racing through your head. Excitement, anxiety, pain and fear, all the powerful emotions put together can make writing a letter difficult, and you may tend to skip it. But, it is best to write a letter before you leave.
- First, make a list of people you would like to write a letter to say goodbye to. This is important so that you do not inadvertently miss out on someone.
- Once you have the list, decide whether you want to write individual bye letters or as a group. You can make two sets out of the list – one for individual addresses and the second to be addressed as one or more groups.
- Now start writing the letter keeping them in mind and write whatever you want to tell them.
- Depending on who you are writing to, take a call whether you want to share your plans with them or not.
- Ensure to mention your contact details at the end of the letter, since keeping in touch is an extension of the relationship that you had and the network of people you know always holds you in good stead – be it personally or professionally.
Sample of Goodbye Letter with Example
Here is a list of examples covering the majority of the scenarios that present an opportunity to write a formal letter of goodbye.
Sample 1: Goodbye letter to Coworkers/Colleagues
Banchan Lynett
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
(187) 582-9707
Date: 09-01-2019
Anne Beasley
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794
Subject: (*********************)
Dear Anne Beasley,
I am sure some of you have already heard about this, but I wanted to let you all know myself. I will be leaving my Position as [Position Name] at [Current Organization Name] and moving on with my career. My last working day here will be [Date of leaving].
I wanted to thank every one of you for making this a fun, learning and enjoyable experience for me. I will cherish our time together and all the achievements we had together as a team. It was my pleasure to work with you, and I am taking all my learnings from our interactions as a prized possession.
I hope that our paths cross in the future once again. Do keep in touch.
I am always reachable at [Email Number] and [Phone Number].
Best Regards,
Banchan Lynett
Sample 2: Goodbye Letter to Students from Teacher
Griff Nielsith
2684 Eget St.
Tacoma AL 92508
(656) 879-1654
Date: 09-01-2019
Grand Elin Gregory
546-5468 Ut Avenue
Walla Michigan 16876
Subject: (*********************)
Dear Students,
I am writing this letter to let you all know that I am retiring next month and the 30th will be my last day teaching you here. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching you all, and our interactions will forever be treasured by me. I want to thank all of you to have made this such an enriching experience for me.
However, retiring from the job does not mean I will not be your teacher anymore. As a teacher, I am always available to my students. Feel free to reach out to me at [Email Number] and [Phone Number].
Wishing you all great happiness and success in your future.
Best Regards,
(Your Original Signature Here)
Griff Nielsith
Sample 3: Goodbye Letter to Boss
Cacy Lash
565-6546 Tincidunt Street
Boise CT 98465
(356) 867-98765
Date: 09-01-2020
Matched Ovidews
1011 Malesuada Road
Moscow Kentucky 77382
Subject: (*********************)
Dear Mathed Ovidews,
As you know, today is my last day here at [Company Name] as a [Position Name]. Before I leave, I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed working with you.
I want to thank you for all the mentoring and opportunities that you gave me. I leave knowing that whatever the future holds for us, I will always look back at this time fondly. I have learned a lot from working together and cherish the time spent with you.
Even though my tenure here is coming to an end today, I would love to stay in touch. Please reach out to [Email Id] at any time, and I would love to catch up with you.
I wish you and the entire team, all the very best for all future endeavors.
Best Regards,
Cacy Lash
Sample 4: Goodbye Letter to a Friend
Shed Byram
737-98765 At Road
Texas 6546
(3243) 453-7854
Date: 1-1-2020
Rav Raymond
Ap #643-7006 Risus St.
Beaumont New Mexico 73585
Subject: (****************)
Dear Rav Raymond,
As we leave this institute that has been our home for the past five years, I wanted to let you know that your company is one of the best things to have happened to me here. I have enjoyed every single moment of our hostel life – the late night studies, the shopping sprees and the struggle to keep up with the course work – it has been the most wonderful five years of my life, especially because I got to spend them with you.
Now, as we move towards our future challenges, I feel like a huge chapter of our lives is coming to an end. I earnestly wish that our paths cross in the future and we get to spend more time together.
Till then, do keep in touch. I am always available on my email and phone number that you know so well. Just for the record, they are [Email ID] and [Phone Number]
Looking forward to hearing from you and knowing all about your adventures!
Lots of Love,
(Your Signature)
Rav Raymond
Sample 5: Goodbye Letter Work
Malc Langholm
9291 Proin Road
Lake Charles Maine 11292
(176) 805-4108
Date: 08-01-2012
Harman Garrison
574-8633 Arcu Street
San Fernando ID 77373
Subject: (*********************)
Dear Harman Garrison,
As you are aware, today is my last day working for [Current Organization Name] as a [Role Name]. I want to take this opportunity to thank you personally for making this stint special for me. I have observed your work and learned a lot from you. I am taking these learnings with me to my new responsibility.
I hope our paths will certainly cross in the future. Till then, do keep in touch at [Email ID].
Once again, thanks for your help and guidance in helping me reach where I am today.
Warm Regards,
Malc Langholm
(Your Signature)
Sample 6: Goodbye Letter to Ex
Sojor Danny
Ap 336 Side Street
Visalia VC 66546
(6556) 676-79845
Date: 10-01-2020
Rich Castor
P.O. Box 902 3472 Ullamcorper Street
Lynchburg DC 29738
Dear Rich Castor,
They say it is hard to say goodbye, especially when it is forever. But this needs to be done. We have had a beautiful relationship for the past [time frame]. This time had its own happy, sweet memories which are going to be with us throughout our life, wherever we go.
However, it’s time for us to move on. We both understand that we want completely different things from life and achieving them while staying together is not an option. As much as this break up is tearing me apart, I want to let you know that I wish you all the best and hope that you achieve everything you aspire to. We may never meet again after this or may cross paths suddenly one day, but at this point, it is going to be difficult staying in touch.
Wishing you success in life.
(Your Signature)
Sojor Danny
Sample 7: Goodbye Letter to Boyfriend
Blanche Sternest
3476 Aliquet Road
Minot AZ 95302
(837) 196-3274
Date: 09-01-2011
Rawal Lacrosse
6556 Pellentesque Street
Villa Park Hawaii 43526
(832) 109-0213
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
One of the hardest things in this life is to say goodbye, especially to someone so special to you. We both knew for some time this day was coming, and I will be leaving to pursue my college degree. Still, when this day has finally come, I am unable to gather the strength to say goodbye to you.
Therefore I am writing this letter to you, wishing you goodbye because I want to say this when I have a chance to. I understand four years is a long time and our expectations from life may change over this duration. However, I have a strong hope in my heart that we will make it through these years and be together once again.
Wherever we are at the end of these four years, I want you to know that I love you and wish to spend my life with you. Also, I know you are very special and want all your wishes to come true, whatever be it that you want to achieve.
Wishing you all the best and looking forward to hearing from you.
(Your Signature)
Blanche Sternest
Sample 8: Romantic Goodbye Letter
Beaches Sternett
354 Aliquet. Avenue
Minot AZ 9845
(987) 196-9845
Date: 09-01-2019
Rwall Loss
313 Pellentesque Avenue
Villa Park Hawaii 98454
(832) 109-6546
Dear Rwall Loss,
It is that time which I wished had never come in the first place. We have both decided to go our separate ways since there is not much common we want to pursue. However difficult it is at this point to process and accept this, I want to take this time to look back at some of the loveliest moments we shared.
Whether it was listening to our favorite music or routing for our favorite sports teams, I have had some of my best moments with you. The memories of these moments will always be with me, and I will cherish them forever. I want you to know that you are a marvelous person and I wish you all the very best in life. May you get all the success you desire, and I will be happy to know that in some way, I have also been a part of your journey.
Here's to wishing us both happiness and fulfillment in our future lives.
Beaches Sternett
Sample 9: Goodbye Letter to Students
Riber Thangs
Ap. 6639 In Street
New York 35654
(324) 234-5645
Date: 01-01-2022
Tall ley
Ap. 4978 Sit Road
Massachusetts 65765
Dear Tall ley,
I have already mentioned this to some of you throughout our discussions in the past week, and now I am writing this letter with mixed emotions to let you all know that I have decided to pursue my Ph.D. and hence will be completing my teaching tenure with the end term examinations. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching you all, and I will always treasure our interactions.
While it is I who was supposed to teach you all, I have learned a lot of different things from every one of you. These are some of the memories I will take with me to my next destination. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart to have made this such an enriching experience for me.
However, not being around certainly does not mean I will not be accessible to my students. Over time you have become family to me, and I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to reach out to me at [Email Number] and [Phone Number].
Wishing you all great happiness and success in your future.
Best Regards,
Riber Thangs
Sample 10: Goodbye Letter to Parents from Teacher Leaving
Nieedw Ardes
AP. 928-Vel Avenue
Rhode Island 37232
(846) 6546-8240
Date: 10-8-2022
Jomar Gareth
9849 Gravida Street
Washington 65465
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Jomar Gareth,
It is with a heavy heart I wish to inform you that I am moving to a new city with my family in August. Therefore I will not be able to teach your son [Son's name] going ahead. I am writing this letter to let you know that I have loved teaching [Son's Name] and he has been an absolute pleasure to work with. His inquisitiveness, quick understanding of any subject and the dedication towards his studies makes him a delight for any teacher. I wish him all the very best for all his future endeavors.
Also, I want to personally thank you both for being so supportive and understanding whenever my schedule needed an adjustment. Thank you for trusting me with the future of your child, and I hope I have done justice to your trust.
I would like to know about [Son's name]'s progress, if you both permit, as I have become fond of him. Do keep in touch at [Email ID].
Thank you once again.
Warm Regards,
Nieedw Ardes
Sample 11: Goodbye Letter to a Cheating Husband
Rebecca Mecca
Apartment no. 5982 Sit Road
Vermont 96546
(455) 430-9846
Date: 01-01-1999
Mcintosh Eilatosh
360 4407 Law street.
Santa Monica FL 5465
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Mcintosh Eilatosh,
I am writing this letter simply because I needed a final closure to what I believed to be a life we both wanted. How wrong was I? It is still difficult for me to believe that you could do such a thing to me, especially after all we have been through together. I want to tell myself, you surely have had a reason for this behavior, although I fail to convince myself what could be a reason justifying cheating!
Anyway, your behavior and my inability to accept it has brought us to this stage, and I wish to say all the best as we go on in our separate ways henceforth. This is the final goodbye as I do not wish to stay in touch going ahead. I hope you will respect this wish of mine.
Rebecca Mecca
Sample 12: Goodbye Break up letter
Hilda Haynes
AN. 83 Suspendisse Road
IN 6546
(998) 654-3419
Date: 11-01-2011
Russ Frisell
414-7533 Non-Road
North Dakota 58563
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Adria Russell,
It is still hard for me to believe that we have come to this stage, and I am writing this letter to convince myself that all that is happening is true. From two people who wanted the same thing from life and a life of forever togetherness, we have reached a stage where we want completely different things with no middle ground.
Looking at the situations of the past few months, I can’t help but agree with you that we must part ways for our own and each other’s sake. So goodbye and I wish you all the best in all your efforts. I hope that you find the success and happiness you are looking for.
Best Wishes,
Hilda Haynes
Sample 13: Goodbye Letter to Drugs/Alcohol
Lilly Anielith
935-9845 Neque Street
Delaware 48432
(387) 163-5646
Date: 20-01-2014
Adno Games
2342 Fringilla Avenue
Colorado 37547
Subject: (***********************)
My Adno Games,
It has been a great association with you for the past [Duration]. You have been the friend with whom I celebrated my success and shared my pains. You have been there for me when there was no one else around.
However, the long hospitalization last month and the following rehab gave me a lot of time to think about us. I wondered whether you truly were the friend I thought you were or playing around with me when I treated you as a friend. I realized what I lost because of our relationship and how you have been eating away at me in the guise of a friend.
It is time, my friend, to say our goodbyes. I have decided to take a new path in life, away from you, and work towards all that I have lost thanks to you – my health, my friends and family and my job. I have a long road ahead of me that I need to travel alone.
So thank you for all the good times and goodbye forever.
Lilly Anielith
Sample 14: Saddest Goodbye letter
Herah Henderson
5037 Diam Road
Ohio 98795
(453) 865-2145
Date: 15-08-2025
Bry Parker
354 Aliquet St.
Dodge GA 98795
Subject: (**************)
Dear Bry Parker,
It has been a long time, and I am finally picking up the courage to write this letter. Not sure if I will even be able to finish it, but I will still give it a try for your sake as much as for mine. I know we both need closure. In the initial days, I could not believe anyone who told me you are never going to come back to me.
How could you not come back? I made your favorite food, we have to finish that painting we started together, and your favorite cartoon is playing on TV, do you want to miss it? We have the holiday to plan for your summer vacations. There are just so many things, and I am waiting for you to come back to finish them and plan for new ones.
But now, it has slowly started to sink in that you are not coming back. However much it breaks my heart. I want to tell you that I still love you. Stay happy wherever you are. I will join you soon, and we can finish our plans then!
Herah Henderson
Sample 15: Goodbye Letter to Teacher
Barcomb Yard
Ap 154 Amesbury Avenue
Amesbury HI 93373
(987) 987-35475
Date: 27-08-2023
Billey Royer
3456-3423 Lacinia Road
Bernardino ND 3423
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Billey Royer,
I am writing this letter to let you know that I will be moving to another city with my family as my father has been transferred. We will be shifting to [City Name] by [Date of Movement]. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a wonderful teacher. You have made me love Geography like anything, and I wish to make you proud of my achievements as a Geologist someday.
Thank you for making learning so interesting and helping out whenever I reached out to you for help. I hope you will keep guiding me even when I am away. My email ID is [Email ID], and I hope you give me yours as well so that we can stay in touch.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Barcomb Yard
Sample 16: Goodbye Letter to Addiction
Davis Parker
F-546 Sociosqu Road
Utah 02913
(985) 353-5466
Date: 04-11-2030
Romaj Manero
666-9875 Lacinia Street
Falls Ohio 95454
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Romaj Manero,
This letter comes to you with a lot of my strength and a promise to keep my addiction away. I know we have had many discussions and fights over this, but somehow I could never get over my alcohol addiction. However, the accident and the subsequent hospital stay has given me a lot of time to think things through, and I have realized, you were right all along.
I have decided to give it a try and say goodbye to the addiction for our sake, and I hope you will be my pillar of strength through this journey. Eagerly waiting to hear from you
Davis Parker
Sample 17: Goodbye Letter to Employees
Seke Fellers
87- Parker Street
Woodruff 68765
(342) 23435-34534
Date: 26-09-2020
Melo Zerder
AN. 599 Curabitur Avenue
South Dakota 98564
Subject: (************)
Dear Melo Zerder,
It is with a heavy heart, and I wish to inform you that I will be stepping down from my Position as [Position] in [Company Name] effective from [Date of Leaving]. I have taken this decision to spend more time with my family.|
Over the past three decades, you have become my family, and we have together reached where we are. I am sure you will continue taking the organization towards many more successes going ahead. I will always be willing to hear more from you. Please feel free to reach out at [Email ID]. I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart to have made this journey so memorable.
Signing Off
Seke Fellers
Sample 19: Goodbye Letter to Him
Greedy Gene
Ap 64-6549 Prague. Avenue
Latrobe 67654
(234) 5345-3423
Date: 10-01-2017
Haaron Wakins
68454 Munik Avenue
Rhode Island 76546
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Haaron Wakins,
This is a simple note to say goodbye to you. I have had a great time with you and treasure it with all my heart. However, I have realized that just staying at home is not an option for me and I want to explore my capabilities professionally. I have tried to speak to you about this many times, but I don’t think I could get my point across.
I am writing this to let you know that I have decided to follow my heart nonetheless and so am venturing out on my own. I wish you all the best in your life.
Greedy Gene
Sample 20: Goodbye Letter to Employer
Merona Fran
An.189 Nunc Road
Lebanon 68754
(4687) 954-68785
Date: 15-10-2020
Kalaw Rechar
935-9940 Tortor. Street
Santa Rosa MN 98804
Subject: (***********************)
Dear Kalaw Rechar,
We had this discussion sometime back, and I am thankful for you to take time out from your busy schedules to talk to me about my plans. In my tenure as [Position] with your organization, I have got umpteen opportunities to observe and learn from you, and it feels really special to know that you are interested in my future.
This is a note to say goodbye and heartfelt thanks for all the opportunities you have given me over the years. I wish we would stay in touch so that I can keep learning from you.
My email ID is [Email ID]. I look forward to hearing from you.
Merona Fran
5+ Free Sample of Goodbye Letter to Ex
Letting go is always hard, and when it is letting go a person you loved with all your heart, it almost feels like someone sucked the breath out of you. But there certainly is more to life than one goodbye. As most psychologists suggest, if you are finding it hard to get over your ex, the best way is to write them a letter to say goodbye. You may never post the letter, but it is always a good idea to still write it. Let out all the negative emotions and probably by the time you finished the first draft, you will be ready to rewrite a more positive one.... Read More
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Goodbye Letter Template in PDF Format
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.