Sample Thank You Letter Template to Teacher/Professor
This is an amazing opportunity that you got a chance to thank your teachers or professor. A thank you letter to teacher or professor is the expression of showing utmost respect and gratefulness towards your teachers or professor. If you want to write one such letter, you are in the right place because we will provide you with wonderful tips and guidance to write a nice and expressive letter to thank your teacher or professor.
There could be much reason to write thank you letter to the teacher or professor depending upon occasion and purpose. Sometimes people just write such a letter to show their gratitude for being a guide in education and career during school or college, while some other times, the reason could be something else. So, before writing such a letter, make sure why you are writing and what exactly you want to say through this thank you letter. An extended thank you note to your teacher or professor might not be very appropriate because it would consume a lot of their important time. It would be better to put the right words with correct adjectives and send. A thank you letter to teacher or professor could go informal too, but it is always appreciated to maintain decorum while showing your love and respect to them.
This article will guide you to write a nice thank you letter to your teacher or professor thorough some examples and a few tips. Hope you would like them.
Thank You letter format to a Teacher
For example, A thank you letter from one weak student to a teacher for their support and guidance until the end of college.
Dear Sir,
Before I passed out of school, I wanted to share a few things with you that I am grateful for. School journey was amazing and full of ups and downs for me. Many challenges came my way which now when I look back seems like a dream. Sir, this journey wouldn’t be easy if you were not here. I can’t thank you enough for being my support consistently. Your guidance, understanding, and faith in me have been the spark that I could complete my school with such a good grade even though I have been dumb in many sections.
I found myself very blessed and privileged because of you. Thank you so much, sir, for all your support and encouragement. I would surely come back over and over to you for guidance in the future as well.
Hope I would make you proud one day. Thank you so much, sir.
You’re obedient,
Dated ******.
How to write a thank you letter to the teacher:
An opportunity to thank anybody is a grateful moment. But getting an opportunity to thank a teacher is more like a blessing. We are happy that you have decided to write a thank you letter to your teacher and for that, you are looking for some guidance.
Here are a few tips for you:
- Just follow the general format of writing a letter.
- Since it depends upon person to person that why you are writing one such letter, therefore clear your mind with the reason and start writing.
It would be better to mention date after your name because a letter is sometimes saved as memory which people keep with them for life.
Sample Thank you Notes to Teacher / Professor Examples
We are glad that you reached us for your help. Here in this article, we have given various samples of how to write a thank you note to your teacher or professor by giving some hypothetical situations in the form of sample letters. You can refer to them for your guidance. We really hope that these samples will be of some help. Please go ahead and have an idea to send some happy letter to your favorite teacher or professors.
Nobody can make a child’s life if there’s no good mentor. A mentor could be anyone, but most teachers are there. Be it school or college, they remain like guiding light in any darkness or during times of misery or failure or confusion.
All parents look for one such teacher for their child to show them a path and career options to settle in life and succeed.
When their child does so, then Of course teacher or professor deserves at least a thank you. Therefore, writing a thank you letter from parent to teacher is one important Job to be done. We are glad that you have decided to write a thank you note for your teacher or teacher of your child. Here are a few tips along with some examples. Explore and learn.
Thank you letter to the teacher or professor from parents sample
Dale Griffin
P.O. Box 854 8580 In Ave
Revere South Dakota 43841
(639) 360-7590
Blythe Carroll
7709 Justo. Ave
Princeton TX 77987
Subject: (**************)
Dear Blythe Carroll,
This is a letter I’m writing to thank you for your efforts on my son (or daughter) for all these years. I can’t express my gratitude towards you in just a few words. It’s just that you have helped us out in getting our son to excel and in learning necessary qualities.
You are not just a teacher to him, but he considers you as his mentor too. We hope to hear from you later also. Thank you for your love, kindness, and generosity. We are grateful and I’m thanking you on behalf of us all.
Wish you a healthy life ahead. Take care. May many more kids would get benefited by your knowledge and experiences.
Take care.
(Your Signature)
Dale Griffin
One who plays the most important role in one student’s life is a teacher. They help us in finding a right path and in the process of learning share so many experiences that might be a lesson for many students. Therefore a thank you letter to teacher from student is one common practice that many students do. Here we have given a sample example on how to write a thank you letter. Please read:
Thank you letter to teacher from student
Cara Whitehead
4005 Praesent St.
Torrance Wyoming 22767
(725) 757-4047
Sonya Ray
Ap #315-8441 Eleifend Street
Fairbanks RI 96892
Subject: (**************)
Dear Sonya Ray,
I’m writing this letter just to thank you for being so kind and nice to me. I have been very fortunate that I got the opportunity to learn from you. You are not the only kind but was so encouraging and supportive too.
I can’t thank enough for all the learning that I learnt because of your lessons.
Now, since I’m moving and will be going for my higher education I need your blessings and wishes. I will definitely be in contact with you.
Thanks a lot, Sir/ Ma’am.
Take care.
Cara Whitehead
Tips for you:
- Writing a letter to chief head of institution or an organization will require professionalism.
- Maintain the format.
- Be short and sweet.
- Be courteous.
- Don’t exaggerate, write a simple note.
For example:
Thank You Letter to the Principal After the Interview
Hyatt Kramer
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
(659) 551-3389
Howard Hayden
P.O. Box 847 8019 Facilisis Street
Joliet SC 73490
Subject: (**************)
Dear Howard Hayden,
[I would prefer dear or respected, the choice is yours]
I had a pleasant time while interviewed by you. Initially, I was nervous and bit distracted, but after getting interviewed by you I’m feeling very relaxed and confident.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and also to get me selected for the applied post. I’m grateful to you and would put my best efforts to do justice to this position.
Thanks a lot.
Yours faithfully,
(Your Signature)
Hyatt Kramer
Important points to remember:
- This letter could go easy and slightly friendly too. But there’s always a boundary which not to be crossed.
- Be utmost generous
- Maintain the format of letter writing.
- Be short and crisp.
- Do not write something which is not true. Write what you truly believe in.
- Praise but to an extent. Don’t overwrite or show overwhelmed too much.
Sample thank you letter to professor for teaching
Dahlia Lee
1293 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 76865
(882) 399-5084
Jeanette Sharpe
Ap #364-2006 Ipsum Avenue
Wilmington Ohio 91750
Subject: (**************)
Dear Jeanette Sharpe,
I can’t believe that it’s already been 4 years of college and we are passing out. It has been an amazing journey here in this institute.
I’m writing this letter because I wanted to thank you for your beliefs in me and for encouraging in all these semesters. You have been so generous and thoughtful. I had never been fortunate enough to get taught by someone like you, I’m grateful to almighty for having you as my mentor. I would rather call you later on for more guidance and your views.
Thanks a lot, sir or Ma’am for being in our lives. You are the best of all.
I wish you a very happy and healthy life ahead. Take care, sir /Ma’am.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Dahlia Lee
Dated ******
Important tips to write thank you letter to kindergarten teacher:
- Do not overwrite
- Maintain the format
- Be nice and sweet
- Wish them happiness and health
- Mention about your emotions
- Be polite
Thank you letter to kindergarten teacher from parents
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
(725) 342-0650
Kim Fletcher
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
Subject: (**************)
Dear Kim Fletcher,
This letter is just to thank you for your presence during these initial years of my child’s life. I wonder how you handle such small kids with utmost care and love. Our child loves and so do us too.
As he’s growing now and would not be going to the senior class, but you will be remembered as one of the fondest memory in his and our lives.
Thanks a lot for your happy presence and guidance to us. We have been better parents because of you too.
Take care.
(Your Signature)
Rigel Koch
It’s a very important gesture that you should not forget to make. This can be send via mail or post, depending upon your convenience.
Important tips for writing this letter
- Maintain the format of letter writing. It’s simple.
- Be very professional
- Use excellent writing and remember not to make any grammatical mistakes, because that would reduce your credential.
- Mention your goal in short sentence.
For example:
Thank you letter to professor for recommendation letters
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
(725) 342-0650
Kim Fletcher
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
Subject: (**************)
Dear Kim Fletcher,
I hope you’re doing fine, Ma’am.
With due respect, I want to inform you that I got selected at XYZ University for the Ph.D. program in Biological science. I’m sure you have a nice letter of recommendation to them on my behalf.
Thank you so much, ma’am, for your words and appreciation. I can’t express the limit of my joy at this moment.
Thanks a lot, Ma’am.
I will do my best to make you feel proud on me.
Hope to hear from you, Ma’am.
With regards,
(Your Signature)
Rigel Koch
There is already a sample available in the sub heading ‘thank you letter to kindergarten teacher from parent’. A similar letter can be write with few modifications for this purpose too.
Just a little changes depending upon a situation can be written.
For example:
Thank You Letter to PreSchool Teacher From Parents
Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
(716) 977-5775
Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872
Subject: (**************)
Dear Qamar Rivera,
In one child’s education, the first role is played by teachers in initial years. They are the foundation key in any child’s life.
You are one such teacher in our daughter’s life. She is growing day by day and we observe that so many she mention about you in many of her understanding. They are all very sweet and meaningful words she says.
I’m writing this letter to thank you for your presence in our daughter’s life. Thanks a lot.
We hope to meet you sooner. Take care.
(Your Signature)
Hiram Mullins
Similar case is mentioned above in sub heading “thank you letter to teacher from student”. A college going student can express his/ her gratitude on the basis of their journey in college. It can be about some memory from a trip together or about lessons with them.
Depending upon your relationship with your teacher or professor, a similar letter can be written.
For example:
Thank You Letter to Teacher From College Student
Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
(948) 600-8503
Merritt Watson
P.O. Box 686 7014 Amet Street
Corona Oklahoma 55246
Subject: (**************)
Dear Merritt Watson,
4 years of college has just passed by and we are moving out now and entering in a professional world. It has been a remarkable journey in our institute, sir.
Actually, the purpose of writing this letter is I wanted to thank you, for having faith in me and for inspiring in all the semesters. You have been so substantial and selfless. I can’t be more fortunate as I got the chance to teach by a professor like you. I’m obliged to God for giving me a mentor like you, for life, sir.
Thanks a lot, sir for being available always. You are the best, sir.
Wishing you a very cheerful and hale and hearty life ahead. Take care, sir /Ma’am.
Yours sincerely,
(Your Signature)
Nehru Holmes
Dated ******
Thank You Letter to Principal
Driscoll Leach
P.O. Box 120 2410 Odio Avenue
Pass Christian Delaware 03869
(726) 710-9826
Lacy Eaton
1379 Nulla. Av.
Asbury Park Montana 69679
Subject: (**************)
Dear Lacy Eaton,
I have heard a lot about the head of the institution because of their strict nature, but I will remember the head of my institution (principal) as one of the fondest people I met.
You are absolutely strict, but with a sense of compassion. You have given us an environment in our school that is not only fun loving but also full of learning and exciting too. I am blessed to be a part of this school and also grateful to you for giving me opportunities that I never imagined to deserve.
Thank you so much for believing in me, Sir.
Thanks a lot.
With regards,
(Your Signature)
Driscoll Leach
How to Write a Thank You Email to Teacher
Some important tips are given below:
- Be in format of letter writing.
- Put an attractive subject before sending the mail.
- Recheck grammatical mistakes before sending.
- Do not write way too much. It’s should be short and crisp.
- Be polite and expressive.
Here is a sample for your guidance:
Subjects could be:
A thankful note to you, Sir/ Ma’am.
Or just write “Thank you, Sir”
Or a letter of gratitude..
For example:
Thank You Email to Professor/ Teacher Sample
Katelyn Cooper
6059 Sollicitudin Road
Burlingame Colorado 26278
(414) 876-0865
Lee Preston
981 Eget Rd.
Clemson GA 04645
Subject: (**************)
Dear Lee Preston,
Without taking much of your time, I am just writing this mail to you because I wanted to say thank you, Sir. I wouldn’t be able to complete my dissertation without your support and encouragement. There can’t be a better supervisor to me than you. Thanks a lot sir.
I hope I didn’t disappoint you much. I’m sorry for being. Irresponsible sometimes, but this has been a journey of lots of learning. Thank you for allowing me to work under you!
You are the best.
I wish you best wishes, health and happy life ahead Sir.
I hope to hear from you too. Thank you, Sir.
Take care.
Katelyn Cooper
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About The Author
Letter Team
The team behind understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.