8+ Free Grievance Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example
Grievance Letter: Getting a dream job and working happily may be the ultimate dream of every professional. However, reality tends to be different for most. Having issues at the workplace is a common occurrence, and the majority of these can be sorted with discussions.
However, certain issues need special attention where despite your best efforts, the issue persists. This is especially true in the case of serious complaints like discrimination and harassment that may have a serious impact if not handled. When things are not working out despite your best efforts, it is advisable to write an official letter of grievance stating your concern.
You may be asked to attend a grievance redressal meeting after your grievance. In case you feel intimidated and want to be accompanied by someone to this meeting, mention that in your letter.
Grievance Letter Format
Writing a letter for grievance is a serious activity as the implications may be huge for either party. Hence, it should be written carefully, taking into consideration the smallest details that may have an impact on the outcome.
In any situation, certain components must be part of this letter.
- The Recipient: The recipient of the letter must be carefully considered, to ensure that the grievance is not just addressed but also redressed. The recipient may depend on the nature of the complaint, the company policy and the person against whom the complaint is being made.
- The Actual Issue: This is the core of your letter and must be thoroughly detailed out. The complete information helps the recipient to take the correct decisions. Concealing information or misrepresenting facts weakens the purpose of writing the letter.
- Supporting Evidence: This section is very important, and this evidence must be in the form of events (in chronological order) with dates or a proper reference (E.g. before the office party to celebrate the award…). In case you have documents to support your claim, ensure to attach a copy with this letter.
- Proposed Solution: The recipients find it better to address letters containing not just complaints, but also options that are seen as a solution by the complainant themselves. This helps the employer with a starting point for the discussion to address the concern.
How to write a Grievance Letter
Ascertain the intended recipient before writing a letter. If the complaint is about colleagues, it should be your line manager. If the complaint is against the line manager, it should be sent to their manager.
Most large organizations have a grievance redressal policy and processes. You should find any such platforms in your organization when you want to bring a particular grievance to your employer’s notice.
Once the recipient is identified, you should write the letter addressing them in a formal manner like “Dear Mr Wright”. However, if the name of the recipient is not known as the formal “Dear Sir / Madam” can suffice, followed by mentioning your issue and the events that support your claim. Make sure the language is not rude or accusatory and yet conveys your concerns.
Next, outline the steps you have taken to address these concerns. Finally, close your letter with an option that you think may solve the problem. If you find it intimidating to meet people with regards to your complaint, mention the person with whom you will be comfortable attending the meeting.
Sample of Grievance Letter Examples
Few Examples are given here:
Sample 1: Grievance Letter to HR
Blythe Carroll
7709 Justo. Ave
Princeton TX 77987
(314) 882-1496
Cara Whitehead
4005 Praesent St.
Torrance Wyoming 22767
Dear Cara Whitehead,
I am writing this letter to you after a big emotional struggle, to put up a formal complaint against my colleagues in the XYZ team, who has been emotionally abusing me ever since I got promoted last September.
Earlier, team behavior was quite different, and I enjoyed being a part of the team. However, after my recent promotion, I could sense a change in the team's behavior. My initial response was to ignore the same and continue with my work. However, over the months the trouble has only increased. What started as a cold behavior from colleagues has now reached the extent of calling me names and implicating that my promotion is due to anything but hard work. My capability and competency are questioned again and again.
I have tried to speak to my manager about the same, but he has only laughed it off. I am writing this letter to you as this behavior is becoming too much and impacting my work and health. I would request to be transferred to another team where I can start afresh.
Kindly consider my request and let me know the future course of action.
Best Regards
Blythe Carroll
Sample 2: Grievance Letter to Employer
Sonya Ray
Ap #315-8441 Eleifend Street
Fairbanks RI 96892
(275) 730-6868
Hyatt Kramer
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
Dear Hyatt Kramer,
I have been working with your organization for the past three years in the ABC department. At the time of recruitment, I was promised a fixed salary of Rs. X/- and a variable payout of Rs. Y/- for the next five years. The same is also mentioned in my offer letter, attached herewith for your perusal.
I received the amount for the past two years. However, this year I was shocked to find out that I did not receive the said amount on the promised date. When I checked the same with my manager, he referred me to the HR team. When I contacted them, my HR coordinator Ms. Z informed me that she has recently joined and is not aware of any such clause in my employment contract.
On presenting her the contract, she mentioned that the same does not reflect in company records and hence, she will not be processing any such request. I humbly request you to take cognisance of the issue and help me get a solution for the same. This is a big amount, and I have depended on the organisation's employment contract to be honoured.
Kindly look into the same and let me know if I need to meet you for discussing this further.
Best Regards
Sonya Ray
Sample 3: Grievance Letter Against Supervisor
Howard Hayden
P.O. Box 847 8019 Facilisis Street
Joliet SC 73490
(287) 755-9948
Dahlia Lee
1293 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 76865
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Dahlia Lee,
It has taken me a lot of time to gather the courage to write this letter to you. But now I have come to a stage, where I cannot take this anymore and hence am writing to you. I am writing this letter to lodge a formal complaint against my supervisor Mr. D, for the unfair treatment being meted out by him to me.
I have been working in this organization for the past six years and got transferred to this new team nine months back. My remaining team members have been a part of this team for at least four years. I noticed that I am being asked to deliver much more than my team members and in much lesser timelines, right from the start. Initially, I attributed this to teething issues while I adjust to the team. However, this behavior has only increased with time.
Along with the same, Mr. D started making casual remarks about how I am not capable of handling the workload because I belong to a particular community. Following his lead, the team also started with similar behavior. When I spoke to him about it, he just laughed it off as a joke. This behavior is now impacting my work and causing me a lot of emotional stress.
I request your interference in the matter and would want to be transferred to some other department, as I cannot continue working in such an environment. Also, I would like to be accompanied by a member of the HR team for any grievance redressal meeting as I feel intimidated by the team and my manager.
Best Regards,
(Your SIgnature)
Howard Hayden
Sample 4: Grievance Letter for Unfair Treatment
Jeanette Sharpe
Ap #364-2006 Ipsum Avenue
Wilmington Ohio 91750
(711) 993-5187
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Rigel Koch,
I am writing this letter to you to lodge a formal complaint against my manager Mr. L, who has been consistently meeting out unfair treatment towards me. I have noticed several time that the credit for my work is attributed to other team members. Whenever I have tried to bring this to his notice, Mr. L has avoided the question.
Last week, he went ahead and awarded a colleague whose project has not even started, whereas even after receiving client appreciation, I have been ignored. I cannot continue to deliver in such an environment and request your help to find a solution for the matter.
Thanks and Regards
Jeanette Sharpe
(Your signature)
Sample 5: Grievance Letter against a Colleague
Kim Fletcher
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
(368) 239-8275
Hiram Mullins
754-6427 Nunc Ave
Kennewick AL 41329
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Sir,
It is after a lot of deliberation that I am writing this letter to you to complain about my colleague Mr. F formally.
We have worked in the same team for the past two years. However, it is only in the last six months that we have been assigned to work on the same project. His contribution to the work has been negligible from the beginning, but I did not complain against the same. However, in the last meeting with the client, he stole my presentation and presented as his own.
This is completely against professional etiquette and company ethics. I do not wish to continue working with him on the project and request your interference in the matter. Kindly take the necessary actions as I do not want the credit of my work to go to someone who has no contribution in the same.
Best Regards
Kim Fletcher
(Your signature)
Sample 6: Union Grievance Letter
Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
(948) 600-8503
Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872
(605) 900-7508
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Qamar Rivera,
I am writing this letter as the Secretary of the Contractor's Union of ABC to lodge a formal complaint on behalf of the Union. It has come to the Union's notice that the company has been violating several points in the agreement between the company and the Union including
- Non-payment of wages on time
- Extra shifts for workmen including 24-hour shifts
- Non-availability of a doctor on premises
Given these breaches, it has become impossible for the staff to work. We request the management to take urgent steps to cover these gaps, and else we will be forced to call off work from Monday, 20th.
Nehru Holmes
Sample 7: Formal Grievance Letter
[Sender’s Name]
[Sender’s Designation]
[Sender’s Department]
Date of Letter: Month DD, YYYY
[Recipient’s Name]
Department of Human Resources,
Dear Sir / Madam,
[Paragraph 1] – This should be short and mentioning the issue.
[Paragraph 2] – Detail out the incidents leading to the complaint in a concise manner
[Paragraph 3] – Suggest an acceptable solution as well as if you would like anyone to accompany you to the grievance redressal meeting.
Best Regards
Sample 8: Harassment Grievance Letter
Nehru Holmes
P.O. Box 547 4764 Sed Road
Grand Rapids CT 87323
(948) 600-8503
Qamar Rivera
427-5827 Ac St.
Schaumburg Arkansas 84872
(605) 900-7508
Subject: (_______________)
Dear Qamar Rivera,
I am writing this letter to lodge a formal complaint against my supervisor Mr D, for the emotional harassment I am facing at his hands for the last six months.
I joined this team nearly six months back and could sense his hostile attitude from day 1. However, I put it down to my being new. But, the incessant shouting, finding faults in all my work, sending emails and scolding me in front of the team and clients has persisted.
I am in a lot of stress because of his behavior and unable to concentrate on my work. I request your interference in the matter and would request to be transferred to some other department.
Best Regards
Nehru Holmes
Grievance Letter Template
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Grievance Letter Template in Word [Doc.] Format
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Letter Team
The team behind BestLetterTemplate.com understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.