8+ Free Compliment Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example

Compliment Letter: Appreciation given or received for the work done is a great motivation towards achieving greater results. In the professional world, appreciation is often given as a compliment letter. A Compliment Letter is about praising the receiver for the particular work done.

It is about praising, appreciating a product or a service, but don’t hesitate to express your satisfaction in words. It is also significant that the tone of the compliment letter should be personal and sincere. It is usually brief, but you should not forget to mention what you like about the person, the service or the product. Receiving a positive compliment involves hard work and effortless performance. The tone in the Compliment Letter must be just right, or else your words can be taken in a wrong manner.

Keep the letter brief, but don’t forget to mention what you like about the person, service, or product. This will help in writing a letter that will not only impress the receiver but will also reflect the understanding and gratitude towards the hard work of others.

Compliment Letter Format 

A Compliment Letter should be initiated by addressing the receiver, date, sender’s name, and then the subject.

Beginning the letter is about the introduction and subject of writing the Compliment Letter. Next is going forward in the letter with the mention of the receiver and his/her achievements for the work done. The ending of the letter mentions the gratitude and best wishes for the future of the employee.

Tamara Howe
3415 Lobortis. Avenue
Rocky Mount WA 48580
(655) 840-613

Date: 30/07/2019

Keegan Blair
Ap #761-2515 Egestas. Rd.
Manitowoc TN 07528

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Keegan Blair,

I am feeling proud to inform that you have been promoted for the position of Senior Sales Manager in the company. I would like to give my best wishes to you on your success. Your hard work and dedication have proved that you truly deserve this promotion. Please convey my regards to your family members as well on your promotion. I wish you all the best and I am sure that you will touch the greater heights of success.

Yours Truly,
Tamara Howe

Tips: How To Write Compliment Letter

  • The first and foremost aspect is to sincerely and genuinely compliment someone on his/her achievements.
  • The reason for complimenting the person should be duly mentioned.
  • While writing the letter it is also important to have a personal touch and be polite in tone.
  • The words in the letter should be such that the other person should feel special and appreciated.
  • In the end, it is always important to recheck the letter for spelling or punctual errors.

How to Write a Compliment Email

The following is an email format for Compliment Letter:

Subject: Complimentary LetterDear XYZ,

I am writing you this mail to acknowledge that you have got a promotion as the position of Senior Sales Manager. For your success and promotion, I would like to congratulate you. Your diligent performance and consistency in the timely delivery of your work have finally got you the desired promotion. I am proud of you and feeling happy for you too.
Also, give my regards to your family for your success and promotion this year. I also wish you great luck for your future endeavors and may you reach a much higher position.

Yours truly,
Albert Wilson

Sample Compliment Letter Example

Below are a few examples of Letter of Compliment have been provided.

Compliment Letter to the Chef

Keaton Underwood
Ap #636-8082 Arcu Avenue
Thiensville Maryland 19587
(564) 908-6970

Date: 30/07/2019

Nasim Strong
Ap #630-3889 Nulla. Street
Watervliet Oklahoma 70863

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Nasim Strong,

I am writing this letter to extend my heartiest compliments to you on serving us with a scrumptious and a great meal. A big thank you for making our meal a memorable one. The meal, as well as the ambiance, was wonderful for us. The night became a memorable event because of you guys. It was really fun to be around you. The food was delicious and the dessert was simply amazing. It was hard for me to believe that you made this along with your team of assistants. We were quite impressed with all the presentation. We can’t wait to visit you again.

Yours truly,
(Your Original Signature Here)
Keaton Underwood

Compliment Letter to the Teacher

Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174

Date: 30/07/2019

Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Ivor Delgado,

I am writing this letter to compliment you on the wonderful improvement and especially my child ABC of your class this year. As a class teacher, you have encouraged students to be more confident and encouraged. The students have acquired a deep interest in your subject and I am sure your teaching has played a great role in this. As ABC’s mother, I am certain that your guidance has helped her to become the topper of the class this year. Not only she has shown great improvement in her academic performance but has also shown growth the way she has been responding emotionally to everything around her. She has transformed into a mature and sensitive individual who knows how to support and put efforts while doing a task. I am so happy that my child has learned and grown so much in just one year and this all should not have been possible without your efforts. I would like to thank you and express my deepest gratitude for tapping and unleashing the inner potential in my child.

Yours Truly,
(Signature Here)
Pascale Patton

How to Write a Compliment Letter About an Employee

Jordan Calderon
430-985 Eleifend St.
Duluth Washington 92611
(427) 930-5255

Date: 30/07/2019

Zorita Anderson
1964 Facilisis Avenue
Bell Gardens Texas 87065

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Zorita Anderson,

This letter is a congratulatory note for you on the -------------- (state the reason). It is our pleasure to have an employee like you in our organization and you have been an asset for our company. Your skills and efficiency have been shown in the projects you have undertaken and the client’s feedback. Furthermore, the recent presentation that you have delivered recently has impressed everyone attending it. We are hopeful that it will help us in getting more clients and projects in the future. Also, the firmness and confidence that you had while answering the queries is really appreciated.

So, here is a token of congratulations from the team on delivering a great presentation and wish the same spirit will continue in future also.

Yours Truly,
Jordan Calderon

Sample Compliment Letter for Good Customer Service

Sade Higgins
Ap #287-3260 Ut St.
Wilmington OR 05182
(422) 517-6053

Date: 30/07/2019

Dante Bennett
481-8762 Nulla Street
Dearborn OR 62401

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Dante Bennett,

This letter is sent to compliment you and your team for offering great customer service. We are quite impressed with one of you team member ----- (Name of the member), ----- (Position) for the excellent service he/she offered us when we visited us last week. Mr./Ms. ------ (name) not only understood my problem quite well but also helped men in sorting out the account with the unauthorized debits made from the account recently.
I have been a regular customer at your branch and have been satisfied every time I visited your office. But, the professionalism and enthusiasm I have experienced with Mr./Ms. ----- this time is quite impressive. Moreover, I did not have to make too many visits, but just within 1 day, he/she resolved the issue in my benefit.
The professionalism and great service I have received this time is quite commendable and needs to be acknowledged. This pleasant experience with your colleague has left a positive experience and has exceeded the quality of expectations to have in future business transactions.

(Your Signature)
Sade Higgins

Compliment Letter to Boss

Daniel Malone
2136 Adipiscing Av.
Lima RI 93490
(360) 669-3923

Date: 30/07/2019

Emerson Espinoza
Ap #247-5577 Tincidunt St.
Corpus Christi WI 97020

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Emerson Espinoza,

A great boss makes a great working experience, stands true when we have a boss like you. The support, motivation and teaching I have been acquiring from you on the ongoing projects and plan is quite appreciative. I would also like to thank you for supporting me with the ideas and changes that I had suggested for the ongoing project.
I also hope that these changes will not only complete this project successfully but will also create a great way for those in organizations.
So, I would like to thank you for having support and confidence in me and I hope that you will be pleased with the results.

Best regards,
Daniel Malone

Compliment Letter to Staff

Elmo Lopez
Ap #481-7473 Cum Rd.
Yorba Linda South Carolina 28423
(295) 983-3476

Date: 30/07/2019

Aaron Trujillo
Ap #146-3132 Cras Rd.
Kingsport NH 56618

Subject: Compliment Letter

Dear Aaron Trujillo,

I would like to congratulate you on having a great staff at your service and how they make the experience worth every time they visit you. As a team, you all have been on time, patient and efficient in dealing with everyday obstacles that they have been facing.
In situations of chaos and all types of emergency situations at work, you all have worked efficiently and collectively as a team. Also, the feedback we have been getting from clients and customers is also appreciative. So, with team members like you, we are hopeful of going from strength to strength in the future as well.

Elmo Lopez

Compliment Letter Template in PDF & Word Format

Compliment Letter Template


Compliment Letter Template




Compliment Letter Template in PDF Format

  1. PDF Template 1
  2. PDF Template 2
  3. PDF Template 3
  4. PDF Template 4

Compliment Letter Template in WORD [Doc.] Format

  1. Word [Doc.] Template 1
  2. Word [Doc.] Template 2
  3. Word [Doc.] Template 3
  4. Word [Doc.] Template 4


A Compliment Letter allows the senders to express gratitude and thanks for the service or work done by someone. Also, it provides an opportunity to motivate the receiver in doing some great work in the future as well. The points mentioned above should help in writing a great Compliment Letter. Gratitude and professionalism are the key factors driving these letters.

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